
Why I Watched “Unplanned”

Over the weekend Renee and I went to our first R rated movie since “the Passion of the Christ”.

I’ll say this first, it deserved an R (restricted) rating because of the real depicted violence induced upon a human fetus in the womb while an abortion is being performed. I have seen very few R rated movies in my life. So I don’t have a movie library history to make much of a comparison. I’ll say this, about that though, I’ve seen PG-13 movies with more violence than this movie had. But the fact that this depicted violence was inflicted upon a defenseless baby made this of the most violent thing I have ever seen. I’ll say that again. The (animated) depiction of when the “induced abortion” (the kind they do in Twin Falls on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month) as shown on the screen was the most violent thing I have ever seen.

I had been on the fence about seeing the show for a few reason. They are negotiable reasons but shows part of my growing apprehension about quote/unquote “Christian” films.

I’ll just leave a bullet point list of things I thought were good and things I thought were not helpful.

  • This kind of film is needed in a day like ours to address the severity of the violence that has been going on in our nation, and around the world, for decades.
  • Planned Parenthood, as an organization, is as ungodly an organization as you will find on the planet, in my opinion. It might be possible for someone to volunteer at Planned Parenthood and not know some things. Might be. But now, ignorance can no longer be a defense.
  • The Gospel was not clearly upon display in this film.
  • There were Christians displayed in the movie.
  • Womanhood and motherhood in America is clearly under attack.
  • Ministry to women is needed.
  • Doctors who murder babies in the womb are the weakest people in the land and deserve to be prosecuted.
  • The display of a Godly husband was weak at best. This was not the point of the movie, but the husband was shown to be a passive leader, not actively leading his household.

This much is clear: The time is past. We must convince our law makers and city councils to actively shut Planned Parenthood down, and any other organizations performing abortions to no longer have the protection of the law. This is a truth with or without this movie.

I’m am confident of this, no movie will do what only the sufficient word of God can do.

Church, arise with your gospel shoes on. Pastors, our communities need us more than ever to be the pillar and buttress of Truth.

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