
A None Binding Proclamation with a Peaceful Protest

Monday, March 2, I had the opportunity to sit down and have a long conversation with Mike Hollomon, leader of United Methodist Magic Valley Ministries. This 1.5 hour long conversation was broad in topics but purposed to discuss why Mike felt it necessary to protest a proclamation given by the Mayor of Twin Falls on February 24, concerning the Sanctity of Life.

I’ve known Mike for several years and have monthly conversations with respect to theology and religious practice. Both of us have learned to have sharp disagreements with each other and learning to express that difference civilly and with respect to where we come from and why we believe what we believe.

Mike and I had an interesting conversation a few months ago at a coffee shop (where I drank hot chocolate). In that nearly 2 hour conversation we both thought it would have been fascinating to have had that conversation recorded. So after I was told that Mike was at the city council when the mayor read her proclamation and several people sent me pictures of Mike standing with his back to the mayor I thought it might be good to have another one of those conversation and this time record it for others to listen in to our conversation.

So, we did.

Listen along. Once this is posted, the public conversation is out of our control, but I urge those who are still reading and will listen to the entire conversation to exercise grace toward others.

Mike and I were able to have a peaceful disagreement. After re-listening I wish I had asked for greater clarification on a few things and pressed further for more of an answer.

This was a first experience of video recording a conversation for me. There are a few things I learned and would do different. You will notice a slight glitch every 30 minutes. That is a 30 minute limit of the recording. The entire conversation was saved in five files.

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