
Q and A

Following are some short video clips from a recent Q and A time I hosted on a Sunday night. They are extemporaneous answers that carry both biblical consideration and an attempt to apply biblical precepts. This exercise is perhaps more beneficial for me than the observer. I have listened to my answers and am pleased to present them here for the edification of God’s people at Eastside Baptist Church. There is room for liberty on many of these subjects. May God use the questions and the answers to help us apply Scripture to our thinking (a practice I hope to always improve upon).

Here are seven of those questions.

“Why do we observe the Lord’s Supper every week?”

How do I help my children receive value from our meetings?

“Why don’t we have Children’s Church and Children’s Sunday School?”

“Why don’t you speak about Israel more often?”

“How should a Christian approach social media and technology usage?”

What advice do you have for balancing work, family, and church responsibilities?

https://youtu.be/DRBEojdCddA?feature=sharedan approach social media and technology usage?”

“How do you approach difficult or controversial passages in the Bible?”


  • marc adams, md

    September 24, 2024 at 10:45 PM Reply

    pastor thompson, you mentioned this past sunday pm service that next sunday pm service is another q and a so email questions. i see your phone number but no email. i am new but raised in a conservative baptist church back in the 60’s which was bethany baptist church of west covina california and went to 7th day adventist churches in 2000’s and 2010’s in washington state and montana (did not pay attention to ellen white) these churches were politically correct so did not speak to the science and historical lies of this satanic world that inhibit the gospel of Jesus Christ. i am very focused on God’s creation through Jesus and have a science and medical background (you know i am a retired doctor). i have been a flat earther for probably the last 4 years. the big bang lie and outer space lie is satan diluting God. the earth and man are the center of Jesus’ creation. i used to own part of a piper cherokee airplane and flew it a lot approx 20 years ago in north dakota. i inadvertently measured a flat non-rotating earth since my flying speed was 120mph over a supposedly rotating earth at 800mph at this latitude –which is irrational. globe earth is nonscientific and unbiblical. the dome above us is at 73 miles high –firmanent. this understanding is all over the internet –documentaries, podcasts, books. flat earth realization brings people to God. many start with the fact that we never went to the moon which i became awake to in 2008. buzz aldrin has now said 3 times that we never went to the moon in his old age. see rob skiba laymen sermans on the flat earth. rob skiba was murdered in the hospital with cdc covid protocals. his wife in her grief wrote a book: the protocols that kill, you may know all this. have you ever taught the biblical flat earth? since that is God’s creation. its ok if you have not chosen this hill to fight on or haven’t studied this truth –i have.

    • Paul

      October 12, 2024 at 10:15 PM Reply

      Marc, I’m sorry I didn’t see this until just now. I have saved this and will think through it for our next Q/A. Thanks for asking it.

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