
A Note on the Lord’s Supper

At Eastside Baptist Church we commune with Christ at the Lord’s Table every Sunday. We practice what is called “Close” communion.

There are only a few, very few, reasons to not participate in the Lord’s Supper. The most obvious is if you are under any form of church discipline and are remaining unrepented. the other most obvious is that one is not a professing believer, the Lord’s Supper is for believers.

To participate in the Lord’s Supper is a normal and ordinary means of grace that the professing Christian communes with Christ together with the gathered congregation of professing followers of Christ. At the moment in our gatherings on Sunday mornings when you are invited to the table, come with joy as you commune with the Christ who rescued you from the domain of darkness that you are no longer a citizen of, because through Christ you have been transformed into His kingdom. 

A note on the Lord’s Supper at Eastside Baptist Church:

The invitation to participate in Communion is open to those who profess Christ as King, have repented of their sins, and who believe the Bible to be the authoritative source by which we can know Yahweh, the Only Almighty Triune God. Communion is a special moment in our service where we confess the Lord’s death for sinners like us and express our hope in our coming Messiah.  When you are invited to come to the Lord’s Table, you will receive bread* and wine*. A deacon is available to serve you if needed.

*Bread is free of gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast, egg, soy, nut, and corn.
*Wine is 7% alcohol. A dealcoholized wine is available for medical or conscience reasons. Contact an elder in advance for instructions.

A further note: There are three ways churches invite participation at the table.

  • Open: Open communion today means that anyone and everyone is welcome to participate. I reject this as a proper way to observe the Lord’s Supper.
  • Closed: Closed communion means that only those who are members of the local church serving the Lord’s Supper are allowed to take communion. I can respect this position but it is mostly an introduction to Baptist Churches from a group called “Landmark Baptist”.
  • Close: Close communion means that followers of Christ are welcome at the table. In other words, visiting Christians from other Christian churches are welcome. The participants should not be in the late stages of formal church discipline, deliberate unrepentance.

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