Today was a day for harvesting my giant sunflowers. I had two plants grow to full maturity (others suffered early demise due to strong winds).
Throughout the process I’ve had Matthew 13 on my mind, the parable of the sower. In this parable, Jesus talked about the sower who sowed his seed. Most of the seed suffered early demise due to birds, weeds, and shallow roots. But the seed that fell into good soil produced an abundant yield. So, I’ve been meditating on this principle all day. It’s actually a very visual lesson.
Here’s the visual lesson with a little number guessing contest…
General contest objective: Guess the total number of sunflower seeds I harvested from the two sunflower seeds I planted back in June. (HINT: they are all pictured below)
Contest rules: You are allowed to enter a guess up to 10 times.
Winner: the winner, who is closest to the exact number (according to my math) will win a copy of Scott Brown’s book, A Weed in the Church.
Feel free to ask for hints, but all guessing to be considered will conclude at 7PM (mountain time) on October 13, 2013.

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