
Blog Reading List

I thought I would introduce you to some blogs that I like to frequent. Not because they are followed by the masses (yet). Not because they are written by well know authors, artist, designers or publishers (yet).

But because I know them personally.


  • Brian W. Schlumbohm

    October 21, 2024 at 8:22 PM Reply

    Hello Paul,

    I’ve not seen you or your family for a few decades.
    I was a quiet, plain-faced kid throughout high school. Fished a lot and went through Rifle High School as you had – under the radar.

    I’d married Ronda Evans, the Methodist Preacher’s daughter, there in Rifle, Colorado; back in 1989.

    We live in Salcha, Alaska now, as I’m finishing my military work (finally) in 2027; I pray to retire from it completely.

    Ronda (Evans) Schlumbohm is enjoying her first year of retirement from 34 years of teaching in Primary Education as if drug her around the world with the Air Force.

    At this age, I find that, many of us are curious and in need of some reaching back in time to a beginning.
    And as I do, through the virtues and blemishes of social media; there appear some connections.

    I remember you, your brothers, and your father (perhaps my favorite God bless him) and your mother; all with happy memories. Later in life I became

    I hope that all finds you well and content in the spirit of God and that which we all hope for.

    • Paul

      November 1, 2024 at 9:32 AM Reply

      Hello, Brian

      Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Good to catch up with you. I recall many fond memories of growing up in Rifle.

      How long have you been in Alaska?

      I’ve been living out my days in Idaho since 1992. I married a gal from Clovis New Mexico in 1986. We met at a bible college in Texas. We have two sons and 5 (and counting) grandchildren. We are in Twin Falls, ID. I pastor a Baptist church (https://eastsidebaptist.faith/).

      My dad passed away 10 years ago. My mom now lives in Twin Falls with us. My brothers both still live in Colorado. Colorado Springs.

      What are your retirement plans? What kind of word did you do in the Air Force?

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