It is always good to have Biblical clarity on all matters. We are living in a day where there is a need for Biblical clarity on manhood and womanhood. This…
A Monument of Mercy (guest blog by David Thompson)
Renee and I count it a joy in this temporal day as sojourners to have been blessed with two sons, double blessed with their wives, no words can explain this…
What Would the Early Church Say?
The past few years has been showing the divide in the nation is very wide. The past few weeks have shown the continental drift of morality is near a seismic…
When Your Children Belong to the State
Where I know nothing about the situation unfolding in the Boise area related to a baby that was removed from his parents I am compelled to enter a few thoughts…
Save The Date
I’m working with some friends to host a conference at Eastside Baptist Church this Spring, April 22-23, 2022. Where we are in unpredictable days, we have the confidence to stand…
To The Word!
If your pastor is under the influence of the propagandists and not the Word of God then that puts you at risk of being under the influence of a double-minded…
Pastor or Ted Talk Speaker
The craving of the flesh is no small thing. The man in the pulpit is under great temptation to fear man rather than God. I present to you exhibit A.…
God Save Canada is the Same as God Save America
On January 16, 2021, I joined pastors across North America to preach in solidarity with our brother pastors in Canada who are now facing a real and present danger of…
Abolish Abortion Idaho
A call to Christians throughout Idaho to rally together at the Idaho Statehouse on January 21, 2022, in Boise, Idaho at 11:00 a.m. in support of the Idaho Abortion Human…
Day 3
Do not let kindness and truth leave you… Proverbs Chapter 3