
Concerning HB507

Late last week a bill was introduced in the Idaho House State Affairs Committee (HB507). This bill would defund most abortions in Idaho. This is meaning the removal of state, county, and city funds for abortions, except in cases of rape and incest. I would say I am not opposed to the intention of the bill; I don’t want public money being used to pay anyone for murdering any children. I respect the effort and intentions of the sponsors of the bill. The problem was that the Attorney General wanted them to include the exception clauses. This doesn’t work. If life begins at conception then all life begins at conception, not just some. It either does or it doesn’t.

The bill was introduced late last week and has been on the agenda then removed from the agenda. As of today, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020 it has not appeared back on the agenda. But, it is still an active bill and now is the time to begin communicating with legislators on the State Affairs Committee.

Here is the language of HB507

Here is my communication with bill sponsors and State Affairs Committee.

Dear Rep. Zollinger and Rep. Zito,

My name is Paul Thompson a pastor in Twin Falls, Idaho. Thank you for the effort you are putting forth to keep public funds from being used for abortions. I am hopeful for a day in Idaho when abortion will be completely abolished. Thank you for your effort toward this too. What concerns me about HB507 is that public funds are still available to abort children conceived by rape or incest. I appreciate that you are looking to cut funding but this bill still gives permission of the state to terminate the life of these children.

To be clear, I’m in favor of the intent of your bill to not fund abortion with Idaho money, I just think the bill falls short of being a righteous bill interposing for all children. I do respect what appears to be your intentions. Please understand when I come to testify and when I come with many other pastors to testify against this bill we are not opposed to what you are doing in principle. Idaho Code agrees with the Bible that life, all life, begins at conception (Fertilization).

Let’s stop talking about funding of abortions altogether, we can abolish abortion completely. Join me in supporting and requesting the House Ways and Means Committee to give HB361 (the Abortion Human Rights Act) a hearing. In the power of God, abortion can be abolished in Idaho this year.

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