The Democrat party just declared war against God today.
Who shuts down a bill to save babies who, by the grace of God, survives a botched attempt to stop a live birth? No God fearing American can, with a clear conscience, vote for any U.S. senator who voted against this bill today.
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act had to have been the easiest vote the American politician could ever have made. Today, February 25, 2019 the Democrat party showed their hatred of God and their fellow countrymen. This is unconscionable. Shame upon the U.S. Democrat senators.
These are breathing babies on a table in an abortion clinic who have no one looking out for them. Left to die. This is not what what a God fearing nation does, ever. The Democrates voting against this bill today hate God and hate America. God have mercy, “His indignation is against all the nations, and His wrath against all their armies, He has utterly destroyed them.” (Isaiah 34:2)
Pastor, if I had a U.S. senator in my state who voted agaist this bill I would only have one phone call tomorrow, call that senator to repentance.
Hope is not lost tonight. It is as it always has been, our only hope is God. His bow is bent.
Jeanne Kay Bunch
February 26, 2019 at 8:26 AMThank you, Paul, for what you are doing. May God continue to give you boldness and his strength to stand firm in the truth.
Myra Church
February 27, 2019 at 1:01 PMThank you Paul for all you are trying to do. I will pass this on to my pastor