Here is a link to the ongoing Family Worship Primer podcast. It will have regular updates with information on how to keep your family worship time active and preparing your children for real life by teaching them to ask good questions about God and to be hungry to answer those questions from the authority of Scripture.
Each week I will upload the new catechism question/answer so families can use it in your active family worship practice. These episodes will be scheduled for uploading each Sunday evening and intended to be used at home throughout the week and to be examined with a pastor at Eastside during the weekly corporate worship gathering.

The Family Worship Primer (FWP) is a reintroduction of a podcast that has sat silent for the past four years called BridgeCast. The title for this podcast was from the old title of this blog called theBridge. The voice over of the intro and closer is none other than Renee. I took the digital recorder into the kitchen one evening and asked her to read what I had just written down. It only took one or two recordings to get this finished product.
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