First things first. Is it possible for someone living in a sinful lifestyle in conflict with the devine will of God to be a top level athlete? Sure. Why not?
Now the real issue. As the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queers, + and all advocates of sinful hostility toward God further alienates the nation from providential and common grace of the Almighty Creator, it becomes clearer every day that we now live in a day where evil is called good.
Church, the players are on the filed, and if you don’t have your gospel shoes laced up now you are completely unprepared to be on the field when the whistle blows. And I’m not talking about your ability to play at the level of a world class athlete. I’m talking about being fit and ready to give an answer for the hope you have in Christ.
This is not about the NFL.

National Football League. (
This is about a ready and prepared church.
This present evil age we live in is not satisfied to have you at the table anymore. It is clear, you need to pack your bags and move along out of the way. You are no longer looked to with hopes of holding back the advancement of wicked and evil. Our work has always been a gospel work requiring gospel gear.
Eastside gave up on the false hope of Super Bowl parties to win the lost years ago. Does your church still even host major sporting event watch parties? The advertisement base has demanded this advancement as much as anyone. This is not really a post to make argument for or against such events, I really want to see that no one should be surprised that the NFL just released this advocacy video of sexual perversions.
How much influence does the NFL have? I don’t really know because I gave up interest in its cultural place in my personal life several years ago. Today they show again their values have moved, again.
God doesn’t need the NFL. God Commissioned his church to advance the greatest news of all to the nations.
To use the illustration of game day… It appears the NFL showed up ready to play ball. Church? Where are you today? Planning your next chili bowl cook off only to sit down in front of the propaganda machine of the NFL to indoctrinate the sons and daughters of Adam to hate God with more boldness than before?
It’s “game day” we need you to show up with your gospel shoes on ready to enter the field!
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