By the grace of God – I greet you in His grace.

The access to the buildings is complete. You may walk on all of the new concrete. Thank you for your patience. Please note there are no handrails on the steps yet.
Here are some things going on in the coming weeks
- December 10 following the morning worship assembly
Shared Meal – Theme is “Sliders and Sides” - December 17 at 5:30 p.m.
Children’s Christmas Program
(no membership meeting) - December 20 at 6 p.m. (dress warm)
Christmas Sing downtown Twin Falls
City Hall Christmas tree - December 24
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Assembly
(no shared meal)
5:30 pm Christmas Eve Service
NOTE: Gene Lawley was discharged from Bridgeview Rehab on Tuesday of this week and is doing well at home. Continue praying for Gene and Shirley as they adjust.
Preparation for gathering together on the Lord’s Day – December 10, 2023
Sermon Text: Luke 2:11-12

Men, There are things you can do before Sunday morning to help prepare your family to gather with other families to worship God. Help the children decide what to wear to church before they go to bed on Saturday night.
- Help the boys find their shoes (do the shoes need shined up?), socks, pants, shirts, belts, ties, coats, etc…
- Help the girls find their shoes, socks, skirts, dresses, hair bows, hats, coats, ets…
- Does everyone know where their bible is?
- Pray for your children, pray for the other children at church.
- Practice responding to the preacher when he invites everyone to stand for the reading of the Bible. Tell them this is what the preacher will say and here is how we will respond.
- the Preacher: “Stand with me for the reading of the Bible.”
- the Congregation: “Give us the book!”
- after the Scripture reading – before the sermon
- the Preacher: “This is the word of God.”
- the Congregation: “And we believe it!”
Here is the catechism Q/A for Sunday:
2nd Week Advent Catechism for Children
Q: Who told the shepherds where the Savior was born?
A: An angel of the Lord told the shepherds where the Savior was born. (Luke 2:11-12)
I will be citing this poem each week
Who is He in Yonder Stall
B.R. Hanby 1866
Who is He in yonder stall
At Whose Feet the shepherds fall?
Who is He in deep distress,
Fasting in the Wilderness?Tis the Lord, O wondrous story!
Tis the Lord, the king of glory!
At His feet, we humbly fall,
Crown Him, crown Him, Lord of All!

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