
Lord’s Day Primer for December 3, 2023

Greetings, Here are some things you can use to prepare yourself and your family for the gathering of the saints at Eastside Baptist Church.

Here is something you need to be aware of before you arrive on Sunday. Due to the snow and forecasted snow through the weekend, the concrete work will not be finished until next week. You should be able to enter the main auditorium without any issue. If you need to enter without steps you would need to enter through the double doors in the old building and then enter the auditorium through the entryway between the two buildings. If you need assistance please ask the greeters and they will be able to assist you. Thank you for your patience.


This Sunday I will begin a four Sunday series on the first coming (advent) of Christ. 

The Children’s catechism question will be
Q: What is the incarnation of Christ?
A: The eternal Son of God, without ceasing to be God, took on a fully human nature. (John 1:14)

Weekly Schedule:
Sunday: the Lord’s Day (The Christian Sabbath)
9:15 Bible Study
10:30 Morning gathering
5:30 Evening gathering

5:30 p.m. Prayer gathering

Some Upcoming Events
December 2 Cookie Exchange 9-11 a.m.
December 17 Children’s Christmas Program 5:30 p.m.
December 24 Christmas Eve Morning 10:30 a.m. and Candlelight service – 5:30 p.m. Evening 

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