
Melt Mine Eyes To Tears

Isaac Watts, writer of many hymns of the faith, wrote Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed in 1707. The words he wrote are some of the most profound in hymnology. Read his words, then listen to David’s podcast titled “Warning and Hope for Broken Men” (below). “Thus might I hide my blushing Face  While his dear Cross appears, Dissolve my Heart in Thankfulness, And melt mine Eyes to Tears.”

Alas! And Did My Saviour Bleed
by Isaac Watts (1707)

Alas! and did my Saviour bleed,
  And did my sov’reign die?
Would he devote that sacred Head
  For such a Worm as I?

Thy Body slain, sweet Jesus, thine,
    And bath’d in its own Blood,
While all expos’d to Wrath divine
    The glorious Sufferer stood?

Was it for Crimes that I had done
  He groan’d upon the Tree?
Amazing Pity! Grace unknown!
  And Love beyond Degree?

Well might the Sun in Darkness hide,
  And shut his Glories in,
When God the mighty Maker died
  For Man the Creatures Sin.

Thus might I hide my blushing Face
  While his dear Cross appears,
Dissolve my Heart in Thankfulness,
  And melt mine Eyes to Tears.

But Drops of Grief can ne’er repay
  The Debt of Love I owe;
Here, Lord, I give my self away,
  ‘Tis all that I can do.

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