Last week I posted five separate posts with five videos on worship from the National Center for Family Integrated Churches. Today, I’ve just simply reposted all five of these videos…
Music in Worship (part 5)
In this video, the discussion is focused on music in worship. Scripture should govern us in how we worship God. Music in Worship from NCFIC on Vimeo.
Preparing for Corporate Worship (part 4)
Men, when your family wakes up on Sunday, do they ask you, “Are we going to church?” or do they arise saying to themselves, “this is what we do and…
Worship in the Family (part 3)
In this short video the elements of family worship are considered and explained in a helpful light.
Does God Have Anything to Say About Worship? (part 2)
In this four part short video series on The Family that Worships, Scott Brown asks important questions about worship and what God has to say about how he requires we…
The Family that Worships Together (part 1)
I recently had the opportunity to think through some elements of worship with pastors and theologians. Over the next few days I’ll share four videos that help explore and consider…
Missionary Review from Senegal
Many of you know of my dear friends in Senegal; Today, I thought I would give you a moment to get caught up on their lives from the vantage point…
Sufficiency of Scripture
If there is a simple way for me to describe the kind of journey I have been on, this would be it. NCFIC 2013 Join me in September as Scott…
What Is Your Name?
Genesis 32:27 “What is your name?” This is an interesting question to be asked by the angel who wrestled with Jacob. It wouldn’t be that unusual of a question perhaps…
Open Air Preaching
Every Saturday at 5:00PM in July in the middle of the Sawtooth National Forest, north of Fairfield, this little field becomes a preaching point of the Gospel. The gathering in…