Sunday Morning, December 30, 2012 Series: the Book of Judges Title: Introduction to the Book of Judges Text: Joshua 24 Sunday Evening, December 30, 2012 Series: Project Proverbs Title: Conclusion…
Significant Scripture
As I’m preparing to begin preaching through the book of Judges I have been studying the concluding days of Joshua as the people prepare to take the inheritance promised to…
They Heard the Angel of the LORD
As the snow continues to accumulate I thought I would share a quick favorite moment from the past few days with my family. We gathered at Silas and Bianca’s after…
Significant Scripture
Share your Significant Scripture with me below… As you’ve been reading your bible this week, what portions of Scripture have influenced you and done its ordained work in your life.…
This Poor Man Cried…
“I sought the LORD, and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him and were radiant, And their faces will never be ashamed. This…
Anniversary Announcement
I would like to announce the wedding anniversary of me to Teresa Renee. The anniversary will take place on December 20, 2012. It will be the 26th year of remembrance…
Visited by Evil
This morning at Eastside Baptist Church, Twin Falls, Idaho. A look at Malachi 2:17. You have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet you say, “How have we wearied Him?”…
This Past Week
This past week at theBridge: Monday, December 10: Do You Love Me: I’ve been told in various settings that there are no dumb questions and no wrong answers. I’ve lived long enough to prove…
And They Were In Terrible Distress – (updated)
And they were in terrible distress. Judges 2:15 (ESV) Early this morning, like many of you, I heard the reporting of a shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut. There is…
It’s A Good Day To Be The Church
I’m looking forward to the arrival of the new pastor at NorthRidge Fellowship in Jerome, ID. Jeff Norton and his family are actually en-route to Idaho as I pen these thoughts. I’m…