
Boys Competing As Girls?

Corporate Idaho is trying to convince the world that facts don’t matter here. I say, if facts don’t matter on this issue how can I trust your science in other areas? Your attempt to appear “inclusive” on this issue should cause the general public to question what other areas of ethics are you willing to use smoke and mirrors on?

Paper, Phones, and Automobiles

Thursday, February 27, at 9:00 a.m. the Houses State Affairs Committee will pick up HB525. This is a bill that is being promoted as a bill to not allow Idaho public money (collected from taxes) to be used to fund abortions. This is only partially true. It does not allow the majority of abortions, but it is a bill that also introduces language into Idaho code that would make a path for Idaho public money (collected from county and city taxes) to fund abortions where incest and rape are proven to abortion providers, ie, Planned Parenthood. (see video below)


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