Isaac Watts, writer of many hymns of the faith, wrote Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed in 1707. The words he wrote are some of the most profound in hymnology.…
Fall Eschatology Conference Conference Schedule:November 8 (NorthRidge Fellowship, Jerome, ID) 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM (Sessions 1 & 2)November 9 (NorthRidge Fellowship, Jerome, ID) 9:00 AM – Noon (sessions 3 & 4)…
Obey God Rather than Man
On August 18, 2024, the Eastside Baptist Church introduced a draft resolution for consideration by the congregation to adopt. Within a few moments, an adjustment of a few words and…
Order of Service
The morning worship service at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls begins at 10:30 a.m. every Lord’s Day. Following is what one can expect when you arrive. The order of…
Q and A
Following are some short video clips from a recent Q and A time I hosted on a Sunday night. They are extemporaneous answers that carry both biblical consideration and an…
Psalm Singing
And they will sing of the ways of the Lord,For great is the glory of the Lord. Psalm 138:5 (NASB) For several years Eastside Baptist in Twin Falls, ID has included Psalm Singing in…
Kicking the Can
Kick the can was a fun childhood game. When you hear of someone who kicked the can it brings up the idea that few want to talk about. The idea…
Consideration by Eastside Baptist Church
On Sunday, April 21, 2024, at 5:30PM Eastside Baptist Church will consider a Constitution/By-Law change. It is no small thing for a church to consider changes like this. Constitution/By-Laws are…
Liturgy for April 14
Sunday, April 14, in the Year of our Lord – 202410:30AM Pastor: Read Psalm 133 (STAND) Congregation: SING: Like Dew of Hermon (STAND)(Based on Psalm 133) PRAYER: (SIT or KNEEL)Prayer…
A Motion to Adopt the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession
Background: History of three confessions: 1644 London Baptist Confession (Baptist – not anabaptist)1644-1646 Westminster Confession (Presbyterian)1658 Savoy Declaration (Congregational)1689 Second London Baptist Confession (drafted in 1677 – not anabaptist)1729 Philadelphia…