Gun Guys and the Snake
Day two of guest hosing Magic Valley this Morning will be Friday, December 27 from 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. I will have two guests hours on Friday. 6:00 a.m.…
Guest Hosting
For the next four business days, Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday) from 6 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. I will be filling in for my friend Bill Colley on Magic Valley…
The Law Demands an Answer
Following is the preaching text (not narrative text) of my Christmas Eve service, December 24, 2019. Most of my sermons are hand written. But my tradition at Christmas is a…
2020 Legislature
In August we invited Scott Herndon to come to Twin Falls, to help citizens understand the Abortion Human Rights Act and how we can be engaged. It is time to…
The Apostle Paul’s Office
In a recent trip to Italy with Renee, we had the opportunity to visit the Mamertino Prison. It is the reported location of the Roman imprisonment of the Apostles Paul…
Ugh and Neurotic
I first began writing a regular column for local newspapers when I pastored in Fairfield, ID. I wrote a weekly column in the Camas Courier for nearly three years. Camas…
The Fear of the Lord
Tonight at Eastside we will think through the phrase “the Fear of the Lord…” at 6:30 p.m. Join us at 204 Eastland Drive North or online here.
Salvation to the Nations
Isaiah, the evangelist, sets the standard for the church and the spread of the gospel. Join me at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, ID (204 Eastland Drive North) at…
Tasty Chicken is No Savior
On Monday, news outlets began to repeat an announcement that the philanthropy arm of Chick-fil-A (CFA) would be making some changes in how they will give to organizations in the…