On October 18, the God fearing messengers at the annual meeting of Southern Baptists in Idaho Falls passed a resolution to urge city, county, state and national magistrates to act…
Be A Well Informed and Responsible Voter
November 5, is fast approaching. Everyone tells us that local elections are the most important ones to participate in, yet this is where the lowest voter turnout is usually found.…
So Help Us God, For the Glory of God.
This resolution was passed this afternoon by the messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention at Calvary Baptist Church in Idaho Falls, ID. WHEREAS, The Bible reveals that all…
Family Values Forum
On October 24, 2019 me and my friends, pastors Greg “Bear” Morton and Christopher Folkers from the Pastors Round Table program over at KLIX (Newsradio 1310) on Thursdays from 9-10…
Save The Date
The Pastors Round Table on KLIX is an hour long segment Thursday mornings from 9-10 a.m. on Magic Valley this Morning with Bill Colley. Christopher Folkerts, Bear Morton, and I…
Life Abounds
Isaiah 44:1-5