Let me begin with this… Any government that passes laws to regulate when, where, how, and why a baby can be removed from the womb by force to stop that…
Defend This…
Tell me again why you don’t think this current generation is under attack to normalize sexual perversions. Today, I picked Renee up to go eat pizza for lunch. I know,…
Unprotected Babies
Scheduled to be published in the Twin Falls Times-News Faith Corner soon. ———————————————– What if an enemy of the city of Twin Falls wanted to fly their flag at City…
Understanding the Nature of Misinterpretation
Guest post from Mark King After reading the newspaper article by the local Methodist pastor, I wanted to write a rebuttal that could be added into the editorial section. It…
The Gay Agenda is An Agenda After All
On July 3, 2021, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus released the song “A Message from the Gay Community.” By Wednesday afternoon, July 7, 2021, the video had been scrubbed…
Read and Think Out-Loud Book Club
Book Reading and Review of “Rules for Reformers” by Douglas Wilson Choose one of these “Read and Think Out-loud” options. Option ONE: WeeklyOption TWO: Bi-weeklyOption THREE: TwiceOption FOUR: Once Option…
Game Day!
First things first. Is it possible for someone living in a sinful lifestyle in conflict with the devine will of God to be a top level athlete? Sure. Why not?…
Abolition of Abortion
One of the primary reasons I attended the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting that was hosted in the city of Nashville, TN this year was to give my support for…
The Truth About Abortion
Three unprecedented events happened this week in Nashville. If I included my first Uber ride I would say there were four unprecedented events that happened this week. I’ll keep my…
Grade School Math Did Not Prepare Me for This Unpredictable Day
Remember when grade school math moved from simple, 1+1=2, to word problems like this? “If I have four cookies and you take two of them, how many cookies do I…