Five ways to not prepare yourself for this Sunday’s corporate gathering of believers. Wait until Sunday morning to decide if you will gather with other believers. If you’ll do this…
The Husband and Wife Relationship
It is God’s plan that a husband (male) has authority over his wife (female) just as Christ has authority over the church, and that a husband loves his wife just…
The Sinner’s Savior
I hope you will join me on April 20, 2014 at 10:30AM as I gather with my family and friends on Easter Sunday. We will gather at the meeting house…
The Key to Family Living
Though “it is not good for man to live alone” (Gen.2:18), the togetherness of the family is not an easy or automatic achievement. All of us are sinners whose natural…
The Bible and the Family
Just as society depends upon the family for its stability, so the family in turn depends upon the truths of the Holy Scriptures for its stability. What a blessing and…
Structure and Stability of the Family
What time is it? The bible clarifies that God intended for the family to consist of one husband (male) and one wife (female). He spoke of the family as something…
Children Are Welcome Here
“Children are a blessing from the Lord not an interruption to our plans”. Jason Allen, president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, shares some good insight for families with children and…
His Hands
For the LORD is a great God And a great King above all gods, In whose hand are the depths of the earth, The peaks of the mountains are His…
Bread Alone?
Yes, man does not live on bread alone. Recently, at New Horizon Home, God has provided bread (and more) for 20 special girls in my life. But the pressing desire…
Divorce and Remarriage
When did divorce and remarriage become so accepted among Christians? I’m not going to attempt to even answer that question, but more the question of how do we return to…