I’ve been writing on this blog page for nearly 18 years. In dog years that’s 126 years (that dog is no longer alive.) I don’t know of a blog year calculator but my observation of how fast the internet world advances, this blogging practice of mine is of the ancient world. The purpose of my writing is to put words to thoughts. To practice a discipline. To encourage my church. To dialog with my brother pastor friends. During these years of journaling there are some years where I have written more and other years I have written less.
I had someone once tell me, as they were preparing to tell me they could not stay at Eastside Baptist any longer, that they wished I would preach the way I write. I still don’t know what bread of insult that really was. Because I’m a self-publishing blogger without an editorial staff to work out my grammatical head-scratching run-a-long sentences and second-grade spelling (no offense to second-graders) I’m not so sure I understand their statement at all.
Anyway, that was years ago. I’ve not written with the same kind of regularity in recent years as I have in other years. But here we go again.
May the reader understand. This discipline of writing is born in my life from a friend who once told me… “If you want to be a communicator, you need to become a writer.”
I’ve been writing my opening prayer for the past few months to give careful and intentional words when I address God, a discipline I have benefited from if none others have. And for that, I’m thankful to God. May the practice bless the Lord’s church and encourage pastors to give attention to this discipline.
I will publish these prayers here for now.
My pastoral prayer from November 12, 2023
Our God and Father, Yahweh, draw near to us by your spirit and
may these few moments we have together today be full of joy in
our shared experience, free from resentment, frustration, and
malice. Because of your Glom may we escape the trappings of
the trivial and the temporal trappings of vanity. May our eyes be
pleased to look upon your beauty. We confess we do not find it
easy to rid ourselves of distracting thoughts. Remind us we have
weapons to take upon these misleading thoughts. We are far too
easily distracted. May we have success to chase away all that
distracts us, whether it be pleasure or pain. either strength or
weakness that which takes up residence in our minds to keep
us from your service.
Give us a church of saints. Give husbands joy in their duty to
lead, and help wives to support & stand by. Raise parents to the
place to joyfully disciple their children. Bless these little ones
among us to be content and full of joy in you.
All of the true Church worships you O God. Every heart
renewed by grace takes delight in you and is not
disappointed. Bless your people with resolve to stand.
Those in safe Places and those in dangerous places. help
us not grow apathetic or filled with the fear of men.
We bring our wounded & sick before you – The greater our
sickness, bruises, sores, diseases, we are aware of the depravity
of our nature, of the deep-seated corruption of our hearts. The
more we know that we are the sort of beings you call to
abandon of flesh and look unto you!
In Jesus name, we pray, amen.

Kevin Stark
December 18, 2023 at 9:29 PMThese prayers that you have been writing ahead of time have been very encouraging each week. A highlight of the service. I’d say this discipline is well worth the effort!
January 12, 2024 at 11:00 AMThanks, Kevin. I have been the greatly encouraged in how I pray and increased in joy and love for the people I’m praying for.