
Kicking the Can

Kick the can was a fun childhood game. When you hear of someone who kicked the can it brings up the idea that few want to talk about. The idea of being canned is different than the news that Renee has canned all of the apricots.

By now the news of a program I’ve had the humble enjoyment of being on for the past seven-plus years with many pastors in the valley has been canned. Honestly, I would rather have heard that the apricots are ready for the toast and butter.

So let me be brief on this subject and charitable in my brevity.

First, I count the host of Magic Valley on Newsradio 1310 KLIX as a friend. He has been generous in inviting us to be part of a weekly hour every Thursday for the past several years. We’ve covered a host of subjects, we’ve laughed a lot, we’ve read a lot of Bible, we’ve put thoughts to some really good questions, and I’ve enjoyed the fellowship, banter, and even an occasional disagreement with men I hold in high respect. I think we have helped some people along the way, I hope we’ve caused some to think about their souls, and I know we have angered some listeners (unintentionally).

Magic Valley This Morning is a rare jewel with a well-informed host. Bill Colley can carry a conversation on nearly any subject with ease. I have filled in for Bill a few times when he would be away and out of options of anyone better qualified; four hours of talking is exhausting for a guy like me who spends a good bit of his life talking. I am thankful to the management of KLIX for their willingness to have some local pastors on every week to talk about things from a biblical worldview.

I’m not clear on everything that has been communicated about why the program was canceled and hope for clarity. But let me be clear, those who have been rude to Bill and/or the radio station because of his decision to no longer have Pastors Round Table every Thursday do not represent me and have added a bitter taste to an otherwise thoroughly enjoyable experience.

As for me, I wouldn’t trade my Thursday mornings for anything. I scheduled time away so as to not miss sitting in the studio with Bill. I will forever count my Thursday morning routine during this stretch of my life as nothing but good.

How is it that Bill signs off every morning? “Lord willing and the creek don’t rise…” It appears the creek has risen for us and for that matter I can conclude that Lord willing I’ll find something to do on Thursday mornings.

Thank you KLIX and Bill Colley for the Thursday morning ride. (I’ll have to disguise my voice someday and call in on a hot-button-topic.)

Gun Guys and the Snake

Day two of guest hosing Magic Valley this Morning will be Friday, December 27 from 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

I will have two guests hours on Friday.

  • 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 a.m. will be general commentary on life.
  • 7:00 a.m – 8:00 a.m Andy Vawser – film maker/producer of Conquest of the Snake, a documentary of the establishment of the massive irrigation system of southern Idaho. Andy will come by and talk about two things; 1) production of a full documentary and 2) why a documentary on irrigation. Be sure to catch this hour.
  • 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. the popular gun guys will be in the studio to talk guns. A favorite discussion point of all second amendment lovers.
  • 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. will be discussions on how and why the citizens should be well informed during state legislative sessions.

Having these two hours back to back with emphasis on the Snake river and guns has me thinking of a potential western novel I should write some day and title it “Gun Guys and the Snake”. I think I may have something there. It will likely be among all the other great novels I’ve written.

You can listen in from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (Mountain Time) at Newsradio 1310 KLIX or online HERE.

This Week at the Pastors’ Round Table

This week I will be on-air with Bill Colley at Newsradio 1310 KLIX along with a few pastors from Cornerstone Baptist Church, Bruce Carlson and Keith Thompson.

We will be discussing the blessed ministries of Cornerstone Baptist in our city. Cornerstone Baptist is a faithful gospel preaching church in the city and faithful to give ministry to those recovering from sin addictions. Plan on listening in to the conversation on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.

  • If you have a radio just simply tune in to 1310 AM.
  • If you are anywhere in the world and have access to the internet, simply CLICK HERE at 9:00 a.m. (Mountain Time)
  • Download the mobile app HERE



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