I’m going to be brief in my thoughts but I think silence is akin to digging a hole in the ground and sticking my head in the ground pretending nothing is wrong.
Controversy is nothing new for any gathered group of previous wretched sinners who are currently redeemed by the blood of Christ, and Southern Baptists are made up of this kind of people.
- In the event you didn’t know about anything going on, I’m not meaning to alert you to problems to increase you nervousness of organized religions.
- In the event your only source of information is social media, I’m hoping you’ll be a disciplined reader and behave kindly and graciously – you know, the way that you would want to be treated.
- In the event you are on the verge of giving up on organized religion because of the foolishness of “those people”, let me remind you that you don’t want any part of an “unorganized” religion.
Here are some ideas to help you as you read what is being reported.
- Always read primary sources before deciding what is truth.
- Read more than one source: read sources from within Southern Baptist life and read sources from outside.
- Read trusted sources: I’ll offer a few of the ones I read at the end of this post.
- Read, carefully, hostile sources:
- Use discernment about what you post, if at all. Some of your unconverted friends (and some of your converted friends) don’t know how to show restraint in how and what they comment on. Don’t give them, or yourself, an opportunity to unintentionally speak against the Lord’s church, his bride. Think about it like this: if you are married, your spouse has likely done some dumb things before, the internet is no place to publish this because some people may join in in bashing the one you love. Be careful.
- Pray: pray for truth to rule and for the gospel of the Lord Jesus the Christ to advance in the hearts of people everywhere.
Some articles worth reading:
- Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary: https://swbts.edu/news/releases/statement-regarding-dr-paige-patterson/
- the Briefing: https://albertmohler.com/2018/05/24/briefing-5-24-18/
- Trevin Wax: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/trevin-wax/peace-progress-southern-baptist-convention/
- Christianity Today International: https://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2018/may/my-statement-on-removal-of-paige-patterson.html
- Tennessean: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/religion/2018/05/10/top-southern-baptist-leader-paige-patterson-apologies-women-rejects-any-form-abuse/600202002/
- Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2018/05/22/southern-baptist-leader-encouraged-a-woman-not-to-report-alleged-rape-to-police-and-told-her-to-forgive-assailant-she-says/?utm_term=.e46b6c562706
- Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/paige-patterson-women-southern-baptist_us_5b053cb4e4b05f0fc8433cea
Finally, let me say what I’ve said many times before. If anyone is in an abusive situation call local authorities (the police) and report it. Report it the first time, report it every time it happens. If the one abusing you is your spouse, we (the church) will deal with the ministry to their soul while you are safe and they are in jail or rehabilitation where they belong. We will not abandon any sinner while in the process of restoration, but remaining in an abusive situation in hopes that the abuser will see the error of his way is unthinkable. Divorce in this situation is a much longer conversation but separation and safety are a must while all things get sorted out. To report abuse is not a lack of love or loyalty.
edited for ongoing grammar and spelling.