The time has come for supporters of the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act to be found fit and ready for action. Visitors to my page will not find this issue a surprise at all. Over the past few years I have been advocating for this piece of legislation actively. I’ve been posting on this issue for years and have been inviting readers to participate in the legislative process.
Today, Jan 6, 2020, is day one of the 2020 legislative session. The governor will give his “state of the state” address at 1 p.m. and the legislators go to work. They will work on hundreds of proposed bills. Most of them are of interest to all citizens of the state.

But one is of special interest to me – the Abortion Human Rights Act. There are now six co-sponsors of this bill. This is huge. There have been meetings across the state since August with hundreds of citizens attending and being prepared for this day.
In October at the Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention I introduced a resolution to the messengers to show support of the Abortion Human Rights Act and encourage our representatives to act favorably when they see this bill.
It is expected that the bill will be introduced this week. Even a potential meeting with sponsors with Rep. Harris today, chairman of the State Affairs Committee to discuss this bill early as today (01/06/2020).
Here’s my appeal to you today:
- Gather with others to pray.
- Write a letter to your representatives today. This is what I wrote…
Dear Representative _________________,
I’m thankful to God for the opportunity that sits on the state of Idaho this year to have a bill introduced to consider abolishing abortion in Idaho. In October at the Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Idaho Falls, Idaho Southern Baptists voted unanimously to pass a resolution to encourage the Idaho legislature to support the Abortion Human Rights Act. That is over 80 Southern Baptist churches in Idaho representing hundreds of voting Idahoans. Attached is a link for a copy of that resolution.
Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.
- Communicate with your representatives/senator early in the session. Be kind, concise, respectful, personal, informative, willing to dialog, Don’t be afraid to disagree, but don’t forget to be neighborly.
- Get registered at the Abolish Abortion Idaho website to get updated information as the bill moves along. - Consider asking your city council to draft a resolution in support of the Abortion Human Rights Act. I’ll have this ready soon and information for citizens of the city of Twin Falls to be ready to help prepare our city for action.
- Avoid nasty arguments that are fruitless and lead to name calling and unfair debate that really only confuse the issue.
- Share this with others; call, email, post on social media, write letters to the editor, etc…
Full resolution from Idaho Southern Baptist messengers adopted at the Oct. 2019 annual meeting in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
WHEREAS, The Bible reveals that all human life is created in the image of God, and therefore every person is valuable to our Creator (Genesis 1:27; 9:6); and
WHEREAS, The Bible affirms that the unborn child is a person, bearing the image of the Triune God from the moment of fertilization (Psalm 139:13– 16; Luke 1:44); and
WHEREAS, Health and Welfare agencies define “Induced Abortion” as an intentional action to stop a live birth; and
WHEREAS, There were 1,285 abortion procedures (intentional action to stop live births, murder) reported to terminate pregnancies without a live birth on innocent, unborn persons in the state of Idaho in 2017; and (Idaho Health and Welfare)
WHEREAS, There were 2,923 abortion procedures (intentional action to stop live births, murder) reported to terminate pregnancies without a live birth on innocent, unborn persons in the state of Utah in 2017; and (Utah Health and Welfare.)
Let it therefore be
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, repent of our collective silence before God and man of this heinous act against humanity that has been allowed to carry on in our respective cities and states; and
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, appeal to all duly elected representatives who have the responsibility within city, county, state, and national jurisdiction within Idaho and Utah to enact fair and just code that forbids any person or organization to ever again, from this day forward, perform induced abortions upon another fellow human in Idaho and Utah; and
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, call upon every pastor to stand as a pillar and buttress of truth before the magistrates in our land to be strong and courageous and stand for the immediate abolition of abortion; and
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, desire to make our homes available as suitable sanctuaries; and
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, declare the human baby in the womb as precious, miraculous, valuable, and welcome neighbors in our communities, so help us God. For the glory of God.