
Death is Swallowed Up

My column from yesterday in the Twin Falls, Times News:


The life of Jesus, the Christ, as described in the Holy Bible alone, has been historically documented with multiple eyewitnesses of His resurrection, bearing evidence of this real person. On this historic weekend, remembered since the first generation of Christians as the Lord’s Day, this same Jesus would put death forever under His foot.

“O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory” (Hosea 13:14)

If you have not already made plans to gather with a New Testament church, ordered by the Bible, you should consider this today. Be sure it is a church that is submitted to the Lordship of Jesus and is governed by the authority of the Word of God.

Here is how the apostle Paul spoke of this great victory to the church in Corinth.

“But the glorious fact is that Christ did rise from the dead: he has become the very first to rise of all who sleep the sleep of death. As death entered the world through a man, so has rising from the dead come to us through a man! As members of a sinful race all men die; as members of the Christ of God all men shall be raised to life, each in his proper order, with Christ the very first and after him all who belong to him when he comes.

Then, and not till then, authority and power, hands over the kingdom to God the Father. Christ’s reign will and must continue until every enemy has been conquered. The last enemy of all to be destroyed is death itself. The scripture says: “He has put all things under his feet.” But in the term “all things” it is quite obvious that God, who brings them all under subjection to Christ, is himself excepted.

Nevertheless, when everything created has been made obedient to God, then shall the Son acknowledge himself subject to God the Father, who gave the Son power over all things. Thus, in the end, shall God be wholly and absolutely God.

To refuse to believe in the resurrection is both foolish and wicked.

Further, you should consider this, that if there is to be no resurrection what is the point of some of you being baptized for the dead by proxy? Why should you be baptized for dead bodies? And why should I live a life of such hourly danger? I assure you, by the certainty of Jesus Christ that we possess, that I face death every day of my life! And if to use the popular expression, I have “fought with wild beasts” here in Ephesus, what is the good of an ordeal like that if there is no life after this one? “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”

Don’t let yourselves be deceived. Talking about things that are not true is bound to be reflected in practical conduct. Come back to your senses, and don’t dabble in sinful doubts. Remember that there are men who have plenty to say but have no knowledge of God. You should be ashamed that I have to write like this at all!” (1 Corinthians 15:20-34 Phillips Translation)

Have a blessed Resurrection Day!

Created in the Image of God

Following is my “Pastor’s Corner” column scheduled to appear in the Twin Falls Times News on Saturday, April 6, 2019. If they agree to print it, it will be printed the day before a special feature on transgender citizens in the Magic Valley. To my neighbors who identify as a transgender person, you will find the church of the Lord Jesus Christ loves you enough to speak the truth on these matters. All of humanity should live with peace that God speaks into all passions with truth so we might live in greatest joy by glorifying God in obeying Him.


Created in the Image of God
-by Paul Thompson-

As a Bible believing preacher of a local church, I hold to truth held by the authority of the Holy Bible. Meaning everything is up against this plumb-line. The growing confusion in our culture will continue to unravel the fabric of a pleasant and happy society that governs how we live our lives and how society exists when that same society wants to invite ideas foreign to the laws of nature.

When one considers the most basic starting place for a secure and happy estate, the Bible shows that God’s creation is in happy existence when it obeys God. If one chooses to disobey God, then it would be right to conclude that disobedience of God’s created order would invite unhappiness.

The Bible is clear, God created male and female. In humanity, that is all he created.

Think about God’s creation. He created all things and established them.  Day and Night are established. Fish and birds are established. Cattle and insects are established. Humanity is altogether established. The sun is never the moon. Water is never air. Male is never female.

In creation of mankind, the bible clearly describes humanity as male and female. The Bible does not offer another philosophy or path. It is clear that man will want to pervert this truth, but this perversion can not be argued as a biblical truth.

To say that gender no longer matters is to speak against the spoken order of humanity created by God in His image. To speak against the order of God is to say gender no longer matters, the distinctives of male and female are merely socially influenced rather than Holy and unchangeable.

If the sexes were interchangeable or not fixed, this would  place the perception of sinful humanity as superior to Holy Almighty God. This attitude places man as the supreme and not God, who is altogether different.

To suggest that there is a fluid transition of the sexes, depending upon how one feels, is unscientific. One would have to reject the scientific clarity of male and female. If one is a male, he will not need to have hormone therapy to manipulate his scientific DNA. If one is female, she does not need to have her anatomy surgically adjusted to match the female gender.

1 Cor. 6 lablels men behaving/dressing feminine as an abomination. With this conclusion regarding men behaving effeminate, it is accurate to conclude that it is also an abomination for a woman to behave/dress masculine. This encompasses the expression of gender identity through clothing, hairstyle, makeup, mannerisms, or even surgery.

To undergoing “sex reassignment surgery” is actually a statement of rejecting the identity of the birth gender. It is a logical flaw to suggest that the gender one was born with is not the correct gender. To undergo reassignment is to acknowledge the current, reject it, and then assign an altogether different gender.

If a  blind DNA test were done for Bruce Jenner, the science will tell you he is a male; in spite of his claim, dress, mannerisms, and choice of public restroom. He is a man and cannot be anything but a man, ever. To claim otherwise is an abomination against the image of God.

The duty of the believer in the bible is to exegete the text. In other words, the authority of the text governs the conversation. If the bible says that God created humanity male and female we must let the creator instruct the reader. The reader doesn’t have permission to impose his or her feelings above the authority of the text.

The church that claims the bible to be the “word of God” has no other choice but to accept what God has revealed. To reject this authority or equate other books equal to it is to not be Christian.

As it was from the beginning, so it is to this very day.

(For further reference see Genesis 1:28-29; Genesis 2:23-24; Matthew 19: 3-6; Mark 10: 6-9; Ephesians 5:28-32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

Pastor Paul Thompson is the preaching pastor at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho. Eastside Baptist Church gathers on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. www.esbcTwinFalls.com You can email Paul at paul@esbcTwinFalls.com

An Open Appeal to Every Biblical Pastor in the Magic Valley

This is my submitted column for the Twin Falls, Times News this week. Look for it at www.magicvalley.com under “Pastors Corner”, due for publication on Saturday, January 26, 2018.

I turn my attention this week to my fellow pastors in the Magic Valley. I know that not everyone of them read this weekly column so I’m depending on readers to pass this on to your pastors, or to a pastor you know.

If we are not careful, the modern pastor of the modern church will be lulled to sleep with dreams of being hoisted up on the shoulders of our communities as the greatest blessing to ever be in our beloved cities. It is a tragedy if we think we are relative because we give people only what they want, a little “chicken soup” for their soul. What  is needed most today is an honest people to deliver an honest message from the only reliable way to know God, the Bible. Not so we can boast about how loved we are by our community, but because we know we have just given what is needed most, the Truth that sets men free.

There are sins in all our churches that can only be removed by a blessed work of the grace of God. Our churches and communities are filled with thousands of people of both sexes to whom we have no voice; and they will never be authentically reached but by an movement of the Spirit of God raining down upon our homes, churches, and cities.

This kind of pouring out comes as a result of honest, humble, and compassionate men of God who will stand in their pulpits on the coming Lord’s day and preach once again “thus saith the Lord”. Then, when the man of God is faithful to his duty and the congregation of God is convicted of and repent of their sins by the work of the Holy Spirit, might the power of God rain righteousness upon the region.

Unless and until the Holy Spirit does this, we will soon lose any listening ear and/or any platform to address the growing population.

In 1838, American theologian Albert Barnes observed that “one form of sin is interwoven with another; one leads on another; and all (sins) stand opposed with a solid front to the Gospel of Christ.” In other words, the world will only increase in an emboldened hostility against God. Unless the church awakens from her slumber soon, this current generation of professing Christians will render herself irrelevant. Not because she refuses to try out new things but because she ceases to be a holy people.

You see, fellow pastor, our strategy of becoming like the world is a flawed strategy. Our hope to make ungodly people comfortable with a holy God without the work of the Holy Spirit is hoping God will not be true to Himself. Who in our churches will live holy lives when their shepherds lead them to be like the world?

There is a united front of sin in this world, how do we expect to stand against it while at the same time the professing church remains largely divided against the holy God and His congregation.

In the meantime, all things move along with a hope for status quo, the church cannot hope that God is pleased to continue being presented to the watching world with an unholy apathetic representation. But then again, it is a flawed hope that we think this kind of change or desire for holy living can be accomplished simply by emotional enthusiasm that has to be re-energized within a few days.

As Albert Barnes noted in his day; if this status of the church continues on as is, unchanged, unalarmed by the unconverted masses and the growing love for self and sin, we have no reason to be surprised that sin will continue to triumph, and “that the world moves on undisturbed to death.”

Hey, help me out and pass this column on to your pastor. Encourage him to remain steadfast and immovable on the blessed hope we have in Jesus, the Christ, as described by the Bible alone. Pastor, contact me and let’s pray together that the “Heavens will rain down righteousness and that salvation will bear much fruit in our day.” (Isaiah 45:8)

Paul Thompson is the preaching pastor at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho. Eastside Baptist Church gathers on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. www.esbcTwinFalls.com You can email Paul at paul@esbcTwinFalls.com

When Debauchery Is Viewed As Normal

In this current day more and more events are promoted as normal that historically would have been known as activities of debauchery. Just within the past few weeks some events, promoted as entertainment, filled with cross dressing, vulgar language, and laughter aimed toward righteousness and holiness have occurred within the city limits of Twin Falls. They have been happening from the beginning, they are just becoming more open and seen as acceptable forms of entertainment.

This kind of promotion is growing in popularity while at the same time hardly anyone within the Christian community speaks of it.

It is one thing to see the increasing boldness of corrupt morals and defaming of God’s creation. The beauty of His creation, humanity in general and male and female specifically is under attack on every front in our culture.

It is of another thing altogether to hear the silence from the Lord’s church. The work of the church is not to simply be an irritating noise amongst the community, it is to be that which God has intended for her to be, a reasonable caring voice based on the character of our Redeemer. Pastors, be a pillar and buttress of truth, churches, be a beaming lamp on a hill calling all sinners to repentance that they may find rest and joy in Christ.

My column this week is an aim to speak into the increasing lewdness and collapsing of decency at large. And appeal to you the reader to look to Christ for joy, rest, and peace.

For flourishing of any community to be of any lasting value from one generation to another there must be at the same time a respecting and valuing of Almighty God and his revealed order. If a church is to be considered a value to a community she must see that her primary duty is not to be entertained by the devaluing of morality or to stick her head in the sand and hope it all passes by without confrontation.

Any church within the valley that remains silent while immorality is hoisted up on the shoulders as the current hero of the day should be viewed as defective and void of truth. The church that silently watches the parade of depravity is part to blame for the growing confusion of what is right and wrong.

This said, obviously the church must exercise her bold speaking with kindness.

To be a truthful speaker one has to also learn that just pointing out how wrong everything is is a calloused act of great cruelty and adds no benefit to the hearer. The longer churches remains quiet on these matters the more complex it is when one does speak into the day. To encourage our congregants to participate in any “entertainment” that promotes what God forbids with silence only advances the hardness of heart of the would be lover of God. We benefit no one when we don’t speak into our day.

My encouragement to the church at large is to increase our compassion for the community enslaved by deadly sins. To speak from our pulpits of the grace of God only makes since when we also speak of the holiness of God. When there is no comparison of the righteousness of God to the depravity of man’s heart there will never be a revival of God’s church or an awakening of the Holy Spirit in our city.

Let’s arise together.

Churches in the city of Twin Falls, especially, we must speak into our city with love for God by warning those promoting wickedness or slightly laughing when we hear of professing Christians among those bold promoters.

This is my biblically reasonable appeal to pastors and churches of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To be published in the Twin Falls, Times News on Saturday, October 20, 2018

God, is He Antiquated or Ancient

God, is He antiquated or ancient?

At one level, He is neither. But from our vantage point… consider this with me.

Many in our day are arguing that the Bible is antiquated (meaning, God is antiquated). By using that word they are hoping you will hear them say it is not just old fashioned but more that you will hear that as out of date and not helpful for our modern day. It is an attempt to convince us that the Bible is really not a valid source to consult in how to live out our days.

The reason many want to present the Bible in such a way is not so much that it doesn’t address modern things it is more that they don’t want you to know the immutable God.

A god invented by men has to be reinvented every few generations because he’s not relevant any more.

But a God who doesn’t change doesn’t need to fear how many years go by because He’s not limited to a time/space continuum. He’s sovereign, he’s limitless, meaning He’s always relevant regardless of time.

When one refers to God as ancient, it is not at all the same as saying he is antiquated. Because our temporal existence is limited by time and space we can, and likely must, at the least see God as ancient (IE: eternal).

To say He is ancient is true in this sense. To say He is antiquated is dangerous.

The immutable God who spoke all things into existence from nothing is the same God who introduced Himself to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the same God who sent His only begotten son to take on all sins and give His righteousness to sinners is the same God who will judge all unbelieving, unrepenting, rebels of His righteous kingdom.

Because He was before there was a beginning may make Him ancient in respect to time, but because He doesn’t change He is as relevant, reliable, and relevant. That actually qualifies Him for such.

Think about it. What kind of God do you want?

Do you want a god you have to prop up, load up in a wagon to move around, dust off, repaint, restore, who can’t create, speak, hear, judge, save, redeem?


Do you want a God who has been sustaining all things from all of time? Who has been carrying you since you were in your mother’s womb and will carry you through all things in the temporal life, even to the grave? A God who orders all things, sustains all things, judges, hears, speaks creates, restores, saves, rescues, redeems?

The Bible can better be called an ancient book of an immutable God.

You can have your worthless gods. Give me Yahweh!


Stand Firm

The Christian discipline of standing firm is of interest in this week’s column.

Have you ever been walking along, sure footed, and then all of the sudden, found yourself on the ground?

The risk of falling is increased when conditions are slippery, like they are in the winter. Then the danger of falling is at the highest degree with age.

Is it better to reduce the risk of falling or reduce the severity of the injury?

In Ephesians 6, I would argue that for the Christian, spiritually speaking, we should devote ourselves primarily to reducing the risk of falling. This is why the apostle Paul emphasises Christians to “stand firm”.

Multiple times in Ephesians 6:10-20 the Christian is commanded to “stand firm”, “be strong”, “take up”, “put on”, “be alert”, “pray”. These are all instructions on how to best avoid falling.

In this “evil day” the Christian must learn to walk a disciplined life.

  • Our duty is not to be “cool” so others will want Christ.
  • Our duty is not to somehow make God look more attractive than He already is so others will be attracted to Him.
  • Our duty is not to show how graceful God is by living ungodly lives.
  • Our duty is not to impress others with our liberty to do as we want.

No, Christian, our duty is to stand firm. Why? So that in this evil day we will not be found on the ground, if you will, because of an unexpected fall. Devote yourself to walking a disciplined life so as not to fall.

Put on your gospel shoes so that when you advance into this slippery day you have done all that you can to stand firm.

Be sure to gather this weekend, in faith, with a fellowship of faithful followers of Christ, saved by the grace of God, who are as interested in standing firm as you are. This is a day for standing firm in the faith.

Our speaking boldly, as we ought to speak, is best heard while we are standing firm.

Is Your Church a Church or A Community Group?

Yesterday, February 16, 2018, I exercised my privilege as a citizen of the great state of Idaho to appeal the House Education Committee not pass out of committee House Bill 579. The experience is always a breath taking experience. If you’ve never engaged in the process of your government you should find a bill some time and make it a family project to follow it from start to finish. It is best experienced with a field trip to the state house while a bill is being introduced and public hearing is available.

Really, you should try that some time.

Hose bill 579 was sent to “General Orders”. That’s a normal path many bills take that need more work. I was pleased that the bill was not directly sent to the House floor for a vote, even though I’m confident it would have died there. The bill did not die yesterday but it is not out of committee yet either.

I have expressed several concerns with regard to the bill 579. Here is the audio of my testimony before the House Education Committee on February 16, 2018 in Boise Idaho.

Update on the New Idaho Sex Education Bill

The first look at an attempted updated sex education bill introduced in January in the Idaho state legislature was eventually scrapped and re-worked to include stronger language about family. That House Bill 414 is no longer an active bill.

The new sex education bill is H-0579 (posted below) was introduced earlier this week and was just posted for public hearing on Friday, February 16, at 9:00 a.m.

There were a few improvements from the original H0414 but I argue that the new bill H0579 is still an abandonment of long standing Idaho sex education laws in public schools.

My concerns with the new house bill (H0579) are similar to my concerns with the first one submitted in January (H0414).

Compare the introductory paragraph: There are subtle language changes that are quite impactful. To say the state of Idaho “acknowledges the importance of families…” is weaker than saying the state of Idaho “believes that the primary responsibility for family life and sex education, including moral responsibility, rests upon the home and the church…” this new bill subtly says the state is the lead and simply encourages “family communication.” The current law gives family the primary jurisdiction on these matters and that the state gives local school boards direction to establish a sex education curriculum under the leadership of family and church.

  • Proposed Bill H0579:
    • “The legislature of the state of Idaho acknowledges the importance of families in all aspects of their children’s education and promotes a strong school-home connection to support the implementation of sex education curriculum that respects community values and encourages family communication.”
  • Current Law:
    • “The legislature of the state of Idaho believes that the primary responsibility for family life and sex education, including moral responsibility, rests upon the home and the church and the schools can only complement and supplement those standards which are established in the family.”

Another section with great concern to me: To say “school districts shall involve families and community groups” is different than saying “the program should supplement the work in the home and the church…”

  • Proposed Bill H0579:
    • School districts shall involve families and community groups in the planning, development, evaluation and revision of any instruction in sex education offered as part of the school curriculum.
  • Current Law:
    • The program should supplement the work in the home and the church in giving youth the scientific, physiological information for understanding sex and its relation to the miracle of life, including knowledge of the power of the sex drive and the necessity of controlling that drive by self-discipline.

I urge you to read the new House Bill 579, compare it to the current Family Life and Sex Education Bill. If so inclined, contact the house education committee immediately, contact your local representatives, and/or travel to Boise on February 16, at 9:00 a.m, to speak directly to the committee.

I’ll post some recommendations I have learned over the years of speaking in the public arena and why I think it is important for Christians to speak into issues that are being introduced into law before they become law. Even if our speaking does not impact the direction or intentions of the legislators, it is good to be heard and to be respectfully heard.

After you read the new proposed law consider sharing this with those you feel will make contact with the House Education Committee and other legislators to express concern. Please consider sharing this with your church leadership, this bill deliberately has removed all language of “church” from the bill (compare current law with proposed bill.)

Helpful documents about the proposed sex education bill and committee contact information
House Education Committee: https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2018/standingcommittees/HEDU/
Agenda information: http://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2018/standingcommittees/180216_hedu_0900AM-Agenda.pdf
Statement of Purpose: http://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2018/legislation/H0579SOP.pdf
H0579 page: https://legislature.idaho.gov/wp-content/uploads/sessioninfo/2018/legislation/H0579.pdf

(formatting has been adjusted to fit page, no content has been adjusted in any way.)

                                                LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO
Sixty-fourth Legislature Second Regular Session – 2018
1                                                                           AN ACT
6                                       Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho:
7                         SECTION 1. That Sections 33-1608 through 33-1611, Idaho Code, be, and
8                                                       the same are hereby repealed.
9                         SECTION 2. That Chapter 16, Title 33, Idaho Code, be, and the same is
10                  hereby amended by the addition thereto of a NEW SECTION, to be known and des-
11                                   ignated as Section 33-1608, Idaho Code, and to read as follows:
12                              33-1608. SEX EDUCATION. (1) The legislature of the state of Idaho ac-
13                             knowledges the importance of families in all aspects of their children’s ed-
14                            ucation and promotes a strong school-home connection to support the imple-
15                             mentation of sex education curriculum that respects community values and en-
16                                                      courages family communication.
17                               (2) For purposes of this section, “sex education” means the study of the
18                                              anatomy and physiology of human reproduction.
19                               (3) The decision to include sex education in the school curriculum
20                             shall be made at the district level by the board of trustees. If a sex educa-
21                                      tion program is included in the curriculum, the program shall:
22                                (a) Be medically accurate according to published authorities on which
23                                                    medical professionals generally rely; and
24                               (b) Adhere to the Idaho content standards for health education as es-
25                                                     tablished by the state board of education.
26                               (4) School districts shall involve families and community groups in the
27                             planning, development, evaluation and revision of any instruction in sex ed-
28                                                  ucation offered as part of the school curriculum.
29                                (5) A child shall be excused from sex education if the child’s parent
30                                 or legal guardian files an excuse request to the school district board of
31                                                   trustees on a form made available by the board.
Current Idaho Law (formatting and emphasis added by me, no change to content has been made)

33-1608. FAMILY LIFE AND SEX EDUCATION — LEGISLATIVE POLICY. The legislature of the state of Idaho believes that the primary responsibility for family life and sex education, including moral responsibility, rests upon the home and the church and the schools can only complement and supplement those standards which are established in the family. The decision as to whether or not any program in family life and sex education is to be introduced in the schools is a matter for determination at the local district level by the local school board of duly selected representatives of the people of the community. If such program is adopted, the legislature believes that:

a. Major emphasis in such a program should be to assist the home in giving them the knowledge and appreciation of the important place the family home holds in the social system of our culture, its place in the family and the responsibility which will be there much later when they establish their own families.

b. The program should supplement the work in the home and the church in giving youth the scientific, physiological information for understanding sex and its relation to the miracle of life, including knowledge of the power of the sex drive and the necessity of controlling that drive by self-discipline.

c. The program should focus upon helping youth acquire a background of ideals and standards and attitudes which will be of value to him now and later when he chooses a mate and establishes his own family.
[33-1608, added 1970, ch. 119, sec. 1, p. 282.]


This morning I was a guest on News Radio 1310 KLIX.

Take a few moments to listen in on the conversation with Bill Colley. We talked about faith related matters, Burning in the Soul, church planting in Twin Falls, religious liberty, true Christianity, etc…

Where is the Nation’s Morality

The current spiraling of sexual immoral behavior of politicians, news reporters, and Hollywood producers is tragically really nothing new. But it is ruling the news most days.

A nation troubled by the sexual misconduct of irresponsible men and women are at the same time complicit by the promotion of a hyper sexualized nation.

If we, as a nation, are going to be honest in our conversation about what’s going on (really, about what’s been going on) then we are going to have to not only talk about Hollywood and politicians, we are going to have to talk about the public school campus, we are going to have to talk about the half time show at the Christian school basketball game, we are going to have to talk about what our home-schooled children are doing on the internet, we are going to need to talk about morality.

Hollywood has been pushing the envelope since the industry began. It set standards because it knew there were limitations. Then the government began to set standards because even the government knew there needed to be limitations and standards that a moral nation needs to have in order to have a decent behaving population.

This is complicated and yet quite simple. The institution ordained by God to be a moral compass in any nation is not the movie industry or a self appointed wise man, who eventually will show himself to be the worlds greatest fool but is a church of redeemed followers of Christ. The pillar of truth in the land is not a senator, school teacher, sports coach, dance team sponsor, actors, athletes, news anchors, or movie producer. It is a duty given to a unique people of redeemed from the wrath of God known as a church.

Where are you church? Is Dancing with the Stars really your standard for wholesome entertainment for your children? Is American Idol really your clothing standard for the coming Lord’s Day? Is any sitcom on any network really going to instruct your children on acceptable behavior and appropriate topics to talk about?

What if the church spoke into our culture again with conviction? What if we spent our money differently? What if we reconsidered the source of our entertainment? What if we looked to not just elect “moral” people, but godly people? What if we reinvented the education system? What if we engaged social media differently? What if we didn’t let the industry that pushes immodest clothing styles tell us how to dress? What if we didn’t let the immoral nature of our old flesh entice us to look at them?

Here you are church! Here is your day. Speak with compassion, conviction, and godly authority. Secure godly ministers to lead God’s church, not cleaver people in the ways of men.

We must stop being surprised by the failure of letting immoral people being the standard of morality and stop letting our children see them as their heroes. This year, instead of flooding the movie industry with our money, consider investing in books of real heroes. Introduce biographies of heroes of the faith to your children. These heroes are not perfect in all their ways, but they are governed by a holy God and redeemed to live differently.



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