
Try Saying…

This generation of the church is more captivated by a blockbuster thriller, superhero comics, social(-less) media, and hero worship of fictional characters portrayed by godless masses than the redeemer, Christ the Lord. This generation of the church expects their church to present truth the same way this world has cast this bewitching spell upon them.

“Entertain me!”, they say.
“You owe me!”, they expect.
“If it doesn’t keep my attention, I’m off to the one that will!”, they actually believe this.

  • Where is the parent who will nurture their children on the Word of God?
  • Where is the husband who will love his wife as Christ loves the church?
  • Where is the wife who will display the glory of God by giving herself only to her husband?
  • Where is the missionary who will set the thrills of this world aside for the call of God to dark prison cells?
  • Where is the church that will trust the sufficiency of Christ?
  • Where is the preacher who will preach eternal truth?
  • Where is the evangelist who will speak of the necessity of the blood of Christ?
  • Where is the sojourner who who knows this is not his home?
  • Where is the neighbor who will consider her neighbor as someone who needs the gospel as desperately as she does?
  • Where is the man of God who will humble himself before the Lord?
  • Where is the woman of God who will display the glory of God in her modesty?
  • Where is the child who will honor his father and mother.

By the grace of God, His people are around. But is this the church you are of? Are you this parent who will nurture in the ways of the Lord? Are you the husband who loves? the wife who helps? the missionary who goes? the church that trusts? the preacher who preaches? the evangelist who speaks? the sojourner with citizenship from above? the neighbor who concerns? the man you are? the woman you are? the child you are?

If so, may the Lord continue to help. If not, say this to the Lord with me today… “I repent of my wayward, distracted devotion.”

A Road Less Traveled Is Not Necessarily A Lonely Road

As I read bible based sermons of old or new I hear a strong warning always present to not imitate the ways of the world. When I read old sermons warning the church of their attraction to trendy ways of gathering crowds, I sadly look at the my own ways and see how many ways of the world I’ve adopted.

Now, there is much freedom in Christ isn’t there? Yes! But have you ever considered how often and frequent we are told in Scripture to love the Lord? Not marginally, but wholeheartedly.

Then, do you notice how often it is justified by individuals and even churches to look to other ways of doing what God has commanded us to do? This is not as easily seen.

This less traveled way may at first seem lonely. But wait a moment… look there friend, when you are with the Lord, it’s not necessarily a lonely road. It may indeed be the less traveled road, it may be difficult, it may be uncomfortable, it may not be filled with the same kind of mirth we were once attracted by. But look over there, down this less traveled road, the promise of life.

I once was applauded by men for packing several rows at church with youth, not back rows, the front rows mind you. Now they passed notes, giggled, threw paper at each other, wrote on each other with their pens they were planning to take notes with, scribbled in the hymn book, broke the pew pencils off in the pencil holder, and many other disruptive juvenile things. But, There they were… many of them turned in sermon notes for a chance to get a piece of candy or discount to the next youth outing (away from parents and other adults) the whole church was proud to have them there and not on the streets or at home watching TV, playing video games, or surfing the internet.

But what would have happened if they were sitting with their parents or other adults instead? Sure, kids who sit with their parents are as likely to drop out of church as those who don’t. I think we may find a statistic some day that will support this. But success by retaining a numerical number or statistic is not what we fix our eyes on… It is on the Lord, and he instructs us to obey him.

I’m not, as some suppose, on a campaign to ruin the modern youth ministry. A ministry I once pursued with vigor. I’m as hopeful to see young people pine after God as ever. I’ve just come under conviction that to depend on anything short of God and obeying His word is not a right place for my devotion to be.

It’s true that we have fewer youth and children on Wednesday nights than we did before we adjusted our means. It feels a bit lonely at times. It’s true we don’t see the front two or three rows filled with middle school and high school students. But I enjoy the sound of babies crying and seeing a dad or a mom tend to that child’s need rather than relegating that pleasure to a nursery worker. I like seeing rows filled with households of various ages. A misbehaving boy or girl being escorted out by a dad is a lovely thing to witness. A single mom walking in late with her boys is a blessed sight as they sit next to an elderly couple making room for them.  Listening to a brother and sister communicate to those gathered for prayer of what their parents have been teaching them at home is no lonely sound.

It may be a less traveled road, but it’s not necessarily a lonely road. It’s no guarantee that we won’t see some young people walk away from the faith, this isn’t about that. This is about striving to humbly walk with my God.


5 Easy Ways to Avoid Gathering With the Church this Weekend

Five ways to not prepare yourself for this Sunday’s corporate gathering of believers.

  1. Wait until Sunday morning to decide if you will gather with other believers. If you’ll do this you will likely be able to avoid submitting yourself to instruction from the preached word. You’ll be able to convince yourself that you don’t really need this kind of instruction.
  2. Don’t read your bible this week. After all, why read your bible when the preacher is just going to read and preach from it if you do decide on Sunday morning to gather with other believers?
  3. Spend a good bit of your time this week with the ungodly and don’t say anything about why you don’t do some of the things they do. Surely you’ve heard a sermon before about being salt and light. You can’t be salt and light without being around wicked people. Remember that one time you heard someone say that “you are the only Jesus some will ever see”?
  4. Misplace your bible on purpose. This will make it easier for you to decide not to gather with other believers. You know, what kind of Christian goes to church without a bible?
  5. Stay up late on Saturday night so you can win the battle in your mind about how Sunday is the only day you get sleep in.

If you’ll follow these five easy steps you will most likely be able to convince yourself that you won’t be gathering with other believers this week.

Bonus: If the above 5 steps prove to be unsuccessful in keeping you away this Sunday, try these other time tested ways to not be prepared for this coming Lord’s Day. Be wicked and sinful. Hold a grudge against another believer. Let pride show you how spiritual you are without gathering with others.

What other successful steps are you aware of? Share them below…

The Husband and Wife Relationship

It is God’s plan that a husband (male) has authority over his wife (female) just as Christ has authority over the church, and that a husband loves his wife just as Christ loved the church and gave His life of her. Because God has ordered it this way, the husband’s authority does not nullify the wife’s freedom. But the authority of sacrificial, Christ-like, love liberates both the wife and all others in the family.  (Ephesians 5:2-23)

Structure and Stability of the Family

What time is it?

The bible clarifies that God intended for the family to consist of one husband (male) and one wife (female). He spoke of the family as something “God has joined together” and warned that man must not separate this God ordained unit. Ultimately, the stability of our our society, economy, and general well being needs the stability of our families. (Matthew 19:1-6)

It is time to be the church.

How Can It Be Wrong If It Feels That Good?

OK. The title may not be the best, at first. But stick around, I think it fits.

Every generation should make attempts to capture the next generation. But what happens when the attempt becomes the error?

For several years I’ve been looking at this God ordained duty to the church to remain pure so that when the current generation is no longer around, they have successfully passed on to the next generation the same gospel that was preached to the Apostle Paul to give to Timothy to give to trustworthy men so that this duty of capturing the next generation gets the gospel.

A blog post that usually reflects on the day is likely an unsuccessful venue to attempt to solve the complexity of this matter, but I will offer a few more reflections on why I feel so strongly as I do about the duty of the church and the duty of fathers (parents).

The church has on obligation to God. This obligation has humanity in mind, but it is first and always an obligation to obey God and not to please men with anything but God.

About three years ago we (Eastside Baptist Church) took a long hard look at what we were attempting to do to reach the next generation that is in as grave a danger as mine was years ago. The examination was uncomfortable because it began to show a trend in our history that we were quick to turn to the ‘industry’ we had created to do what Scripture clearly showed us was the duty of family.

The complication in all of this is clear, the church does have a responsibility to reach every generation, even the generations that are yet to gather here. But the methodology we had been employing was a methodology that is similar to the governments attempt to rescue children. This is likely born with good intention. This is not to diminish the help that has been offered or negate the ones who are generous with their homes to help. I mostly bring this methodology into light because it is birthed with a similar desire to the methodology that churches have employed.

If we are going to be a people of the book then shouldn’t it be said that we submit all ideas, methods, plans and programs to the authority of Scripture in our lives. This is the kind of examination Eastside was doing when we decided to abandon the methodology of our church culture to the biblical model of family leadership for our children.

I found the error in the methodology was not Sunday School, per say,  it was the segregating of children from their parents. This is what foster care does; there is arguably good reason to remove a child from his/her parents (this is not to argue for or against that). However, this idea of removing a child from the jurisdiction ordered by God to fathers and mothers and the training up of their children.

The bible teaches that fathers and mothers should teach these things (things about God) to their children. These things should include everything and more that happens in a typical children’s Sunday School class, Scripture memory, history, morality, right and wrong, respect, relating to others, on and on… It’s not that children should not be in Sunday School or even be around other children. It’s that the parent should be doing what the church has called out volunteers to do. We wouldn’t say that they are doing it for parents, we normally say we are doing it to give support to what parents are doing.

Over time, we begin to see that a Sunday School teacher can articulate things so much better than a father because she’s been trained to do this by the people we buy the curriculum from. (this should begin to tip us that we are now living in an industry that now begins to operate outside of us and needs to build a dependence upon a consumer base to fund what was started and then to stay on top of the trending behaviors of people.)

The reason segregated ministries aren’t producing the end product we expect is not because they are doing a bad thing, how can Scripture memory be a bad thing? It’s just that fostering out our children to do what God designed family to do is saying that our way is better than God’s because, after all, parents aren’t doing this. We convince ourselves with good intentions that we can’t let this be. So we design an industry that spits out data that shows us we know what we are doing, trust us to do for your children what you are apparently not qualified to do.

No one would actually say this. But it is actually what gets communicated.

The problem is, we really believe that we are doing a good thing by taking children away from their parents when they arrive at church. We actually think that we can do this better than parents. Meaning we don’t think God’s plan is really working out so well.

After all, it feels good to be loved by kids.

Be honest, there is something that feeds a craving many people have, to be liked by children is golden. To be liked by parents of children feeds our desire to help them by doing something they are better equipped to do. That’s likely the reason most teachers start teaching; They actually want to help. Their desire to help is strong. The problem is when we begin to think that another way is better for everyone.

If helping others feels this good how can it be wrong?

Look, I know that this kind of talk irritates those who are in the industry. I know that we call it the ministry, but look around you… now be honest, it’s an industry that has created it’s own ecosystem and now has to protect that ecosystem to survive. There are hundreds, more like thousands, who get paid when someone buys the product, attends the seminar, sends their child the concert that was promoted on their website who wrote a theme song for the study. The product gets bought and the parent thinks he’s done his duty. At this point, we are all the way in. But wait, now the industry needs to have college and seminary degrees to continue proving that they are qualified to do this work.

After all, who better to tell your church what you need to do to reach the next generation than the experts that industry created.

The industry is committed to this… Think about it… The industry now has researchers, buildings, trainers, qualified teachers, professors, product fairs, book sales and clothing attire to continue keeping their product in front of their target audience, your children. It has to do this to survive. People depend on this industry.

In order for this industry to survive, it needs other peoples children.

I don’t think this is intentional, it’s just the nature of the beast. I imagine that the overwhelming number of employees who work within the ‘industry’ started because they wanted to do something to reach the next generation. They looked around and saw a great need. Unfortunately, the one telling them how to help didn’t know about the ancient path (the sufficiency of Scripture.)

Watch a child, especially a young child, interact with his dad or mom. It is spectacular. He trusts them, he believes them, he listens (most of the time) to them. He’s created to want to learn from his parents. There are a lot of factors at play here, but spiritually speaking, there is an uncanny loyalty of the child-to-parent parent-to-child relationship.

The church, if she’s not careful, creates an uncanny loyalty to an industry that is systematically dismantling what God designed as best for children.

You don’t believe me do you? I’m not on a mission to persuade you. It’s likely we would add to the unemployment problem facing our country if the industry folded up. I’m not against the industry. God has already created a finely tuned machine to do what we had to create an industry to do, this is the family. It is equipped by God to do all that we are trying to replace. What if the industry heard, once again, from the church and produced for the church what the church told it to produce? What if the best children’s ministry and youth ministry the publishing house produced was actually a product that helped dads teach their children the sufficiency of Scripture.

Church, what do you say we do our duty… train up the saints. Remember we are to train up men who will in turn train up faithful men who will be faithful to God with the gospel that was first preached and received.

There are a lot of things the well meaning industry has done that is a real help to the church. Families have benefited from some great training and children have been reached in the next generation that didn’t have believing parents. There is a right thing that the church can do and should to to reach them, but our target in the children’s ministry arena is children without believing parents and/or believing men and women with children.

May the Lord strengthen his people and cause the hearts of children and parents be turned to each other as the Lord draws them to himself. And my the next generation find strength in the same.

Lazy Glutton

Can there be anything worse than being called a glutton? Apparently so. How about a “lazy glutton”?

I suppose as the new year approaches many of the local gyms will begin to cash in on appealing to the “lazy gluttons” who will pay big bucks for an annual gym membership that will only get used for a few weeks. Do they expect “normal” gluttons to use their gym membership more than the “lazy gluttons”? I wonder if there is a price break if you sign up under the “lazy glutton” plan?

Likely no…

I like to be refreshed and reminded of biblical standards for elders/bishops/pastors/shepherds on a regular basis. A way of attempting to stay spiritually fit for the duties I have. Today I was reading this passage from Titus and was more struck by the qualifier “lazy” than ever before.

Then I began to look at all of the adjectives. The Text became very uncomfortable. Because I’m a poor grammarian I hesitate to put the exercise in print but I’ll attempt.

Titus Chapter One, verses ten through sixteen reads like this…

10 For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, 11 who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain. 12 One of themselves, a prophet of their own, said, “Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.” 13 This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them severely so that they may be sound in the faith, 14 not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth. 15 To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. 16 They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him, being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed. (NASB)

I’ll first take out all the qualifiers and just read the text. This is an exercise I use in personal study that helps me see how strong the text becomes with the adjectives.

10 For there are men, 11 who must be silenced, 11 teaching things they should not teach. 12 One of themselves said, “Cretans are liars, beasts, gluttons.” 13 This testimony is true. For this reason reprove them so that they may be sound in the faith, 14 not paying attention to Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth. 15 To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. 16 They profess to know God, but by their deeds they deny Him.

I then read this again and begin to put the adjective back (I’m sure I missed some and didn’t see some.) But this is what began to happen as I read this again.

Paul wasn’t telling Titus that [some] men must be silenced or that all men must be silenced. But that there were many men who were rebellious [and would refuse to recognize the spiritual authority of the elders in the church] who must be silenced.  Wow.

These rebellious men were empty talkers and deceivers. Meaning, by talking with impressive words they were able to say things that meant nothing and empty of any clarity and by doing so, theses rebellious men were able to deceive. (I’ll examine who they were able to deceive later.) There’s more about these men though, Paul isn’t done describing who these rebellious, empty-talking, deceivers are. Most of them [many] are of the circumcision. Meaning Jews and/or self-righteous and  were rebelling against the Lord’s elect with empty words with the intent to deceive. Meaning further, they knew what they were doing. They knew that if they were going to deceive others they would have to do so with language that was familiar but lacking clarity and with fuzzy definitions in order to deceive; in order to get a following; in order to continue practicing their sin without being exposed to others as weak spiritually.

As Paul identified who these men were and addressed some of their motives, it then makes sense why he instructs Titus that they must be silenced. This goes back to who these rebellious, empty-talking, deceivers were upsetting; [whole families]. They [must] be silenced. Not because they are doing right but because they are leading [whole families] away from truth (they are deceivers after all) with teachings (doctrines) that have no place in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ to get personal, prideful gain.

Then the apostle identified one of these  rebellious, empty-talking, deceivers and exposes him with his own philosophy that carried truth, but likely didn’t want Paul exposing the entire truth.

When Paul said that their testimony of the Cretans was true he wasn’t saying it as a racial or ethnic attack. He was explaining to Titus that the Cretans’  sin nature had to be confronted and reproved so that they may be sound in the faith. They were not only liars, they were always liars. They were not only beasts, they were evil beast. They were not only gluttons, they were lazy gluttons. These rebellious, empty-talking, deceivers were not looking to bring the Cretans into light with the gospel, they wanted to leave them in their sinful state to continue proving how righteous they were compared to the Cretans. If they can say what is true about others without having to say what is true about themselves then they are able to win over whole families

The attention gets laid back to the Rebellious, empty talking, deceivers. When the apostle Paul finishes testifying to Titus that this is true not only of the Cretans, the Rebellious, empty-talking, deceivers, but by implication true of all natural men.

Spiritual men must not give ear Jewish myths and commandments of men who turn away from the truth, namely the rebellious, empty-talking, deceivers. They are defiled and unbelieving. Yet they are left in leadership role in churches. To them, the only thing pure or true is what they claim to be pure and true. Proving that both their mind and their consciences are diseased. They make claim to know the mind of God, but their actual behavior denies their claim. They are obviously Rebels, empty-talkers, and deceivers. In every effort to do good they prove to be frauds. They are being detestable and disobedient and worthless for any good deed.


Arise, church of the Lord Jesus Christ and be the church. Put off your rebellious, empty-talking, deceiving ways. Put on His righteousness and go forth as obedient slaves, speaking words of life, leading many to truth.

Preach Christ or Nothing

It’s not unusual to read history of churches using a bar as a gathering place for a worship service, especially in the west, but not as a time to get a drink or two. An article that was posted over the weekend at npr.org has some churches thinking that it would be a good idea to bring the two together to attract a younger crowd at a church event called “Beer and Hymns”.

I know that some would defend this as a good idea. I have friends who will think ‘at least they will hear the gospel’ or ‘if just one person finds God this way it can’t be all wrong’ or the favorite ‘Paul became all things to all people so he might save one.’ Of course believers want to see all people everywhere find God. But there is a hellish lie that causes evangelism to abandon the one method sanctioned by God so that man might be saved.

Where in all of the universe does God need to be dressed up and made attractive so that people will come to Him? Nowhere does this happen, except when some thieves in the church read a statistic of church attendance declining and they begin to think God needs help. Once we leave the sufficiency of Scripture we open the door for all kinds of poison.

A statement like this, “I’m not interested, frankly, in making more church members. I’m interested in having people have significant relationships around Jesus. And if it turns out to be craft beer, fine” will become a battle cry against the Lord Jesus Himself and the blind guides leading the way have a crowd of deaf minions waving their banner.

Full NPR article HERE (It will shock most of you. If you have the time, listen to the report too.)

Last week, Scott Brown posted this excerpt from Spurgeon on his blog (www.scottbrownonline.com).

Mark you, in proportion as the modern theology is preached the vice of this generation increases. To a great degree I attribute the looseness of the age to the laxity of the doctrine preached by its teachers. From the pulpit they have taught the people that sin is a trifle. From the pulpit these traitors to God and to his Christ have taught the people that there is no hell to be feared. A little, little hell, perhaps, there may be; but just punishment for sin is made nothing of. The precious atoning sacrifice of Christ has been derided and misrepresented by those who were pledged to preach it. They have given the people the name of the gospel, but the gospel itself has evaporated in their hands.

From hundreds of pulpits the gospel is as clean gone as the dodo from its old haunts; and still the preachers take the position and name of Christ’s ministers. Well, and what comes of it? Why, their congregations grow thinner and thinner; and so it must be. Jesus says, “Follow me, I will make you fishers of men;” but if you go in your own way, with your own net, you will make nothing of it, and the Lord promises you no help in it.

The Lord’s directions make himself our leader and example. It is, “Follow me, follow me. Preach my gospel. Preach what I preached. Teach what I taught, and keep to that.” With that blessed servility which becomes one whose ambition it is to be a copyist, and never to be an original, copy Christ even in jots and tittles. Do this, and he will make you fishers of men; but if you do not do this, you shall fish in vain.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Soul Winner, (New York: Cosimo Publications, 2007) p. 227.

This is a powerful reminder from the Prince of Preachers to “preach Christ or nothing.”

I would rather use one way to reach a thousand than a thousand ways to reach one.



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