
Open Letter to Twin Falls County Commissioners

We are living in unpredictable days that need the influence of a consistent, careful, and Biblical reaction. It is important that we behave as well-informed and responsible citizens. For the Christian, we have the capacity of doing this as ambassadors of Christ’s reconciliation.

It is important that when we interact with our elected neighbors that we remember we are interacting with fellow image-of-God-bearing neighbors. We have times where sharp words are needed, but never do we have the right to be ugly toward others.

I hold strongly that laws are made by the properly authorized elected legislative people, not hired bureaucrats. This is how our beloved Constitutional Republic is designed to work. The last several months have shown us that the coming legislative year has some important work to do. There was code introduced in the 1970s that gave authority to the Governor and Health Districts on how to exercise their duties in the event of a pandemic, what that code didn’t do is properly define what can be declared an “emergency”.

At last week’s health district board meeting mandates and actions were taken that I have great concern over. They don’t give consideration to primary documents that have been published in recent weeks concerning the situation of mask-wearing and the ongoing inconsistent and, at times, contradicting reports from various fields of expertise. The majority of the board voted to enact restrictions upon public and private property concerning group size and mandatory edicts regarding distancing and mask-wearing.

I do not deny that COVID-19 is a real and serious virus. However, I do have grave concern for how fast both our liberties have been set aside and how seriously the Constitution has been tested. I participate in my government in many ways. One of those ways is I think it important to express appreciation and concern with how elected citizens behave within their elected offices.


Following is a sample letter I wrote my county commissioners following a recent South Central Health District Board Mtg. I leave it here for your consideration to write your own letter. I’m not a fan of copy and paste letters, but I am a proponent of sending messages with the strength of numbers. Consider writing your own letter if you are in the jurisdiction of Twin Falls County.

Commissioner Reinke sits as a board member on the South Central Health District. However, I am very pleased with how the three Twin Falls County commissioners have been consistently advocating for the citizens to behave with personal responsibility and not “mandating” unnecessary emergency declarations. I want them to know I appreciate this. If you appreciate this too, consider writing a letter to all three.

Jack Johnson: jack.johnson@co.twin-falls.id.us
Brent Reinke: brent.reinke@co.twin-falls.id.us
Don Hall: don.hall@co.twin-falls.id.us


Dear Twin Falls County Commissioners,

I am thankful for your careful attention to the liberties of the people concerning the attempts at the recent South Central Health District Board meeting regarding a mask-wearing mandate. Where there are many concerns about the current health risks we face in Twin Falls County I am thankful to have you in place to speak on behalf of the citizens of Twin Falls County.

I am aware that there is great pressure from other members of the Health District to put such mandates upon the people. I am pleased you have not shown favor to this kind of overreach.

Like you, I too am concerned about the health of others and am able to assess the risks and best practices based on primary documents from reliable health journals. I am always pleased to exercise personal responsibility within our shared God-given rights. 

Thank you for your attention to the many issues placed before you. I am thankful to God for you. I bless the Lord to live in Twin Falls County. 

For the Glory of God

Paul Thompson
Twin Falls, ID

The Fear Of God Is Far From Us

Submission for Twin Falls, Times-News column for April 4, 2020


The Fear of God Is Far From Us

From the last time I was in the rotation for writing this column, there were no cases of COVID-19 in the state of Idaho. Today, there are hundreds. What does this mean and what do we do now?

There is much to say about the personal responsibility every citizen has toward each other. You will hear often today that the most loving thing that can be done is to love your neighbor as yourself. There is something majestic that an otherwise selfish human would set down a personal pleasure to better serve a neighbor. It is one of the things that marks the Christian faith around the world. It’s what causes the people who respond to disasters around the world to not just send money, but by going and serving.

There is no mistake, that while there is much unknown about how COVID-19 will ultimately impact the world, there is one thing that is currently missing today. That is the call to the nation to repent.

This happened quickly, didn’t it? Within days, normal is no longer normal. No one was thinking this would be what April of 2020 would look like.

How did it happen? That may take time to unpack. What the Christian must do now is bless the Lord for the opportunity to recalibrate life. It’s good to consider the things that matter most to us and be careful that we don’t become trapped by loneliness, worry, anxiety, depression, or become easily distracted from the good God is intending to come from this.

When will God wake up His church? When will she no longer give in to the God-hating culture? God is good and everything He does is for His glory and our good. Even days filled with temporary affliction. This is evident when you keep the splendor and the glory of the Living God in front of you. When you don’t know this God, everything is more attractive to you. When John the Baptist was preaching repentance and the kingdom of heaven in his day he pointed to Jesus and declared, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of men.” Look to this Jesus today!

Today is a day filled with sorrow, a day filled with pain, a day filled with heartache; live it with joy. The only way you will be able to do that is to behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of men. If you are to ever be forgiven from your sins it will only come from the one qualified and capable of paying for that sin, satisfying the requirement of death. Otherwise, there is no hope.

If you are going to put your hope in false gods, that hope will give you eternal sorrow. If you are going to put your hope in the religions of men, that hope will abandon you in the grave. If you are going to put your hope in the Governor’s hands, the government’s hands, or the President’s hands, that hope too will most assuredly disappoint, that hope will only give you increasing debt and never-ending taxes.

There is only one who can save you, but the fear of God is far from us today. The world has no fear of God, this nation has little fear of God, and the state is paralyzed with the fear of men. The church; well the church looks so much like the world that the world rarely turns to her anymore for direction. The world sees the church among the nonessentials. The church must exercise with mercy and grace today and be bold enough to say once again, “behold the Lamb of God!”

We are days away from celebrating that historic Resurrection Day! Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of men! Look to the only begotten son of God. Read the Bible. Turn from your wicked ways. Believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ, as described by the Bible, and be saved. There are God-fearing churches in the valley who are prepared and able to point you to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of men.

Streaming Link for March 29, 2020

Under normal circumstances, it is encouraged and important to gather in person in the same place at the same time.

Eastside Baptist Church will provide a public gathering at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at 204 Eastland Drive North in Twin Falls and is pleased to provide streaming for those unable to gather.

Streaming will take place here: 10:30 a.m. Mountain Time

Personal Responsibility

Click HERE for

during COVID-19

Since I was a boy I have tried to live my life by a simple pledge my father taught me. I’ve adopted it and fit it for my life.

“As an ambassador of Christ,
I strive to live as a well informed and responsible follower of Christ.”

It has helped me think through many things. It has rolled through my mind many times over the past month and come off my lips as many times.

  • The decision to continue to gather is with respectful understanding to all churches who have decided to not gather.
  • The decision to continue to gather is with respect to our duty to be personally-responsible followers of Christ.
  • The decision to continue to gather is not a hubris or careless act.
  • The decision to continue to gather is weighed within the informed awareness of the seriousness of the day.
  • The decision to continue to gather should not be considered a reason for any person to be compelled to gather against personal responsibility and conscience. ALL gatherings will continue to be streamed live and archived later on a variety of formats (SEE HERE)

I called the Governor’s office on Thursday (March 26, 2020) to clarify what this order means for churches. I am pleased to report that advice to churches is recommended that we continue to exercise personal responsibility in regards to space, contact, and cleanliness.

Live as a well informed and responsible follower of Christ. As with any contagious virus,

  • Stay home if you have been sick within the past few days.
  • Stay home if there has been someone sick in your home within the past few days.
  • Stay home if you have been exposed to someone known to have COVID-19.
  • Stay home if you are within a vulnerable age bracket or vulnerable immune system.
  • Those who gather, exercise with an awareness of the seriousness of COVID-19.

Gather In Person Or Online

204 Eastland Drive North * Twin Falls, ID * 208-734-7041

March 19, 2020

At this time all regular meetings are still happening with adjustments in how we interact at this time. This is intended to assist the church family to know what to expect and what changes are in place. Let me start with what we are doing. We are monitoring the situation daily with the desire to exercise community respect to a fast and largely unknown virus pandemic.

At the church house, we are currently refreshing the air 24/7, wiping down all surfaces, supplying hand sanitizer, soap and respect for each other.

We have suspended any activity that requires anyone to handle anything previously handled by another (ie: no Lord’s Table observation at this time, offerings will be collected in plates in the front and rear of the room, shared meals are suspended at this time, and no coffee or snacks.)

Otherwise, we are still gathering. Carefully. It is a reasonable thing for anyone in vulnerable categories (have been recently sick, someone sick in your home, been exposed to someone known to have COVID-19, elderly, traveled to an outbreak region, etc.) to limit or suspend attending meetings. A decision to not attend should not be considered as being negligent of gathering with the saints. Everyone fully understands the reason if you choose to not attend in this current day.

The following is with serious respect that other local fellowships have made decisions different than ours. Each individual should, as always, exercise personal responsibility.


  • 9:15 a.m. Sunday Morning Bible Study
  • 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship Gathering
  • 5:30 p.m. Evening Worship Gathering


  • 5:30 p.m. Mid-Week Prayer Gathering

For anyone choosing to not gather, remember our live stream feed link is: https://www.sermonaudio.com/solo/thebridge/webcast/ It will begin at approx. 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m on Sundays.

If you do not have a computer, if your data plan is limited, or you are experiencing difficulty watching or listening online consider a connection via phone line. Consider putting your phone on “speaker” mode so you don’t have to hold the phone to your ear the entire time. It may also be wise to plug your mobile phone in while listening so you don’t use up your battery.

On Sunday at 10:30 a.m and 5:30 p.m. (mountain time)

  • Call 712-432-3410
  • when prompted, dial 2
  • then enter 25378 (the specific church code for Eastside Baptist Church)

If you call before we are streaming you can either wait on the line or try to call again within a few moments.

There is a high likelihood that the demand on the internet will be significant and may cause delays or inability to stream. If this happens remember we will have the archived sermon available soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding. If all else fails, open your Bible, read Isaiah 53:1-3, think about those words of God, talk about them with your family, pray, sing, and rejoice.

Personal Responsibility

Dear Beloved Eastside,

At this time, Eastside Baptist Church will continue all weekly gatherings.

Lord’s Day (Sunday)

  • 9:15 a.m. small group Bible Study
  • 10:30 a.m Morning worship service (NOTE: morning service will continue being streamed at www.esbcTwinFalls.com)
  • 5:30 p.m. Evening worship service (NOTE: evening service will continue being streamed at www.esbcTwinFalls.com)

Mid-week Prayer (Wednesday)

  • 5:30 p.m. Prayer gathering (NOTE: Mid-week prayer service will now be included as a live streamed service only on the Eastside Baptist private Facebook page.)

It is a reasonable thing for anyone in vulnerable categories (have been recently sick, someone sick in your home, been exposed to someone known to have COVID-19, elderly, traveled to an outbreak region, etc.) to limit or suspend attending meetings. A decision to not attend should not be considered being negligent of gathering with the saints. Everyone fully understands the reason for your not assembling in this current day and we respect personal responsibility.

We will continue to review developments daily, hourly, and are prepared to adjust as needed.

In the meantime, please take the following precautions during all gatherings:

  • When you arrive at the church house please either use the provided hand sanitizer, wash your hands with soap and water, or use your own personal cleaning materials.
  • Please do not give handshakes, hugs, kisses or other contact greetings (This indeed seems impossible, but everyone will understand you are not being rude today).
  • Keep tissue available; when the need to cough or sneeze is upon you – cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and then throw the tissue away, if tissue is not available to you at the sudden time of need, coughing or sneezing into your elbow is better than your hand. (Studies are showing paper tissue for this season is better than cloth handkerchiefs). And of course, sanitize your hand when finished throwing the tissue away.
  • Help keep surfaces (doors, counters, chairs, etc.) clean with disinfectants.

It is not our intention to be disrespectful or dismissive of anyone advising to not meet at this time. It is with respect and charity to our neighbors that we gather as well informed and responsible people who are aware and practice careful attention to this present concern. We are not opposed to suspending our gatherings but hold what we do as providing essential gatherings – with respect that we must make adjustments when needed. We are prepared and willing to do so.

If you are uncomfortable gathering at this time we receive your decision with respect. If at all possible please stay connected via all platforms available with live streaming of Eastside Baptist Church.

For the glory of God, alone!

Paul Thompson

How To Join Us If You Can’t Gather With Us

By the grace of God, we are already set up to provide a live service for those unable to physically gather with us during the COVID-19 outbreak. To be clear, this is not the recommended normal way to participate with a church, but in a time like this it is reasonable and encouraged for those sick, away, or vulnerable.

Earlier this week we were able to have all connections updated and serviced. Our internet provider installed new equipment and our IT guy (Dan) reestablished the IT things (I’m sure that’s no the right way to say any of that, but that’s what happened).

Here are some tips on how how to access Eastside Baptist Church via our SermonAudio connection. SermonAudio provides our streaming on several platforms from mobile, notebook, desktop, Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, and landline. No matter where you are, you’ll be able to access our sermons and webcasts. Our Church Code ID: 25378

My advice to you if you are not able to gather with us in person is the same as if you could. Do all you can to eliminate any potential distractions (ie: avoid surfing other sites while participating), get your Bible out, sing with the people, pray with the people, and hear the preached word of the Almighty God.

  • Our live stream feed link is: https://www.sermonaudio.com/solo/thebridge/webcast/
    • Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
  • If your data plan is limited or you are experiencing difficulty watching or listening online consider a connection via phone line. Consider putting your phone on “speaker” mode so you don’t have to hold the phone to your ear the entire time.
    • At 10:30 a.m and 5:30 p.m. (mountain time)
      • Call 712-432-3410
      • when prompted, dial 2
      • then enter 25378 (the specific church code for Eastside Baptist Church)
  • Instructions for Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV are here: https://www.sermonaudio.com/mobile.asp Use church code 25378 to locate Eastside Baptist Church.

There is no better way to experience a corporate church gathering than in person, but for such a day as this, bless the Lord.

This is a great way to introduce someone to Eastside Baptist Church. There are some in the area that will not be gathering, send them a link to www.esbcTwinFalls.com. Invite them to come with you. I am preaching through Isaiah 52:12-53:12 for the next several weeks. This text is all about the suffering servant, the Lord Jesus Christ. All of these verses lead us to the gospel.


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