Posts Tagged with Darrell Castle
Presidential Hopeful Poll
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The Myth of the 270
Don’t be a pawn of another persons agenda. Be an informed voter.
There is so much focus on either the Republican or Democrat candidate getting 270 electoral votes to win the presidential election that we forget that that is not a hard fast rule. It may be the way it (overwhelmingly) usually goes, but there is the 12th amendment. All of the sudden, government civics education is good to know.
It’s easy to think that this year must be the messiest presidential election ever. It may be. It will go down as the messiest in my lifetime. But what about before? I recently read a biography on John Quincy Adams and I think that may well be in the running for the messiest ever.
Of course there was that hanging chad issue in 2000. The images alone are hard to take in…
Since the invention of the electoral college (governed by the 12th amendment), the only time a presidential election was settled by a vote of the House of Representatives and the the only time a president was elected without receiving 270+ electoral votes was the 1824 election that was finally resolved in February of 1825.
Could it be that this year the 12th amendment could guide the nation through a messy day? Maybe.
I’ve voiced my opinion on this matter often over the past several month.
Before this year, I’ve been an unaffiliated, independent voter, active and intentionally voting my values and my conscience. This year I decided I wanted to formally commit to a political party. I’ve come home to the Constitution Party. So long as the Constitution Party stays true to her platform, I remain a constitutionalist.
Yes, I get it. The likelihood of Darrell Castle winning 270 electoral votes is nearly inconceivable. However, I will vote for Darrell Castle on November 8, 2016. Then, perhaps like you, I’ll follow the election results and listen to the political pundits speak their predictions and then I will bless the LORD for his sovereign rule over all nations and pray for a prepared church to advance the gospel in the day God has ordained for His glory. It is a good day to be the church. Not because “our” candidate wins or the others lose. It’s a good day to be the church because we have a duty regardless of the outcome of a political exercise.
Who knows, we could wake up on November 9th, 2016 and learn that no one got 270 electoral votes. No worries. God has it covered.
Rejoice in the LORD, always!
I’m an advocate of conscience voting. I even support someone not voting if that person cannot, in good conscience, vote for a candidate. It is healthy that not everyone votes the same. Even within our homes and churches.
In passing… Church are you aware of the day we have been given by the LORD? There are other options. We are not slaves of fear, you can do something risky and actually have influence on the process of the election. The blessed republic we live in has rules that govern how we transition the tide of political power.
I’m invested. I’m vocal. I’m hopeful. But I will not let the outcome of the election determine my hope and joy. I will only trust that hope to the LORD, Jesus the Christ. Both in this temporal day and for all of eternity. I will trust in Him!
Edited with some grammar and sentence fragmentation.
Photo Credit:
The Fear of God and the Voting Booth
When you live in a blessed land like the United States of America it is a sobering truth that the follower of Christ, as defined by the Bible, has both a privilege and responsibility to engage in this amazing moment in the election process.
From all pages of the Bible we read of a sovereign active creator and ruler and it behooves the sojourning citizen to take serious inventory of our duty.
One could choose to not participate in the voting duty, as it appears more than 20 million professing Christians chose that option in the last presidential election.
One could choose to intentionally participate in this significant moment as a person of biblical conviction. I refuse to vote for someone in order to block another from being president. I will not waste my duty on such foolishness. I will cast my vote for the individual I believe will maintain a constitutional republic, and I call on Christians and fellow countrymen to the same. Look closely.
I will vote my conscience within the influence of the fear of God, the beginning of wisdom, and ask God to help me live with joy in him regardless of the outcome.
I think that an honest observation of the current landscape of the candidates of the two primary political parties reveals that we are in active judgment of God. Then, a deeper examination of other options, in other political parties, it appears that God is willing to give the nation a chance to repent. Have you looked at Darrell Castle yet? He is running for the Constitution party (party platform). Take a close look. There is no flashy personality. There is humility and conviction, there is a man stricken with anguish for the direction of the nation and hopeful for the dawning day.
I’m not looking for a presidential “savior”, I’m looking for a candidate who is interested in acting in the best interest of the nation from a biblical worldview.
“If God raised me up and made me President of the United States, what I told the states, what I told you I would do, I will do, or die trying. So help me God.” Darrell Castle
In a recent devotional project with the National Center for Family Integrated Churches I had the opportunity to offer some thoughts on what it may look like when there is no fear of God in civil leaders.
When There Is No Fear of God in Civil Leaders from NCFIC on Vimeo.
The Sanctity of Life
Is there a political party with a stronger platform on the Sanctity of life than the Constitution Party? Is there a presidential candidate with a stronger, clearly articulated and historically faithful position than Darrell Castle?
Church, this year the “concervitive” party of days gone by had a chance to defund Planned Parenthood and at the end of the day, balked.
This year there is a candidate running for president that actually believes what he stands for. He’s not a lesser of two evils. We have time to get behind Darrell Castle. We have the numbers to influence the outcome. We do not have to plug our noses and vote for whoever the “conservative” party hands us.
Here is the Constitution Party Platform concerning the sanctity of life.
Sanctity of Life The Declaration of Independence states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. We affirm the God-given legal personhood of all human beings from fertilization to natural death, without exception. The first duty of the law is to protect innocent life, created in the image of God. No level of civil government may legalize or fund the taking of life without justification. Legalizing the termination of innocent life of the born or unborn, whether by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia or suicide, is a direct violation of their unalienable right to life. As to matters of rape and incest, we empathize with those abused and assert the need to provide immediate protection and care in a safe environment. Instead of the further violence of abortion, the mother and the child should be provided with compassionate care. We find it unconscionable to take the life of an innocent child for the crimes of his father. We oppose the distribution and use of all abortifacients. We oppose the use of third-party assisted reproduction that harms pre-born persons created in the process, involves surrogacy, or involves egg or sperm from donors other than the spouse. All funding, statutes, and regulations authorizing biomedical research involving human embryos for cloning and human enhancement must be repealed. In office, we shall only appoint to the judiciary, and to other positions of judicial and executive authority, qualified individuals who publicly acknowledge and commit themselves to the legal personhood of all human beings. In addition, we will do all that is within our power to encourage federal, state, and local government officials to protect the sanctity of the life of the pre-born through legislation, executive action, and judicial enforcement of the law of the land. We oppose the use of tax-payer funds at any level of government to support any local, state, federal, or foreign government entity, or any other private organization or quasi-government entity, foreign or domestic, which advocates, encourages or participates in the practice of abortion. Article IV of the Constitution guarantees to each state a republican form of government. Therefore, although a Supreme Court opinion is binding on the parties to the controversy as to the particulars of the case, it is not a political rule for the nation. Roe v. Wade is an illegitimate usurpation of authority, contrary to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. It must be resisted by all civil government officials, federal, state, and local, and by all branches of the government – legislative, executive and judicial. We affirm both the authority and duty of Congress to limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in all cases involving the personhood of all human beings in accordance with the U.S. Constitution, Article III, Section 2. Further, we condemn the misuse of federal laws against pro-life advocates, and strongly urge the repeal of statutes like the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act as an unconstitutional expansion of federal power into areas reserved to the states or people by the Tenth Amendment.
Political Cesspool or Fresh Air?
- Church family, please take the time to listen to this interview. Listen with conviction and concern for you, your family, our church and out nation. We may be in a day of distress of who to vote for but voting for the lesser of two evils is no way to respond to the serious day such as this.
- Pastor friend, please listen to this. This is a candidate (Darrell Castle) I can vote for with good conscience even if the worst case scenario were to come true. We must not let the fear of the government sway our voice or even silence our voice of putting a godly option in front of the LORD’s people. it is really our duty, to be a pillar and buttress of truth and to do so in a day of distress where the nation is being rebuked by God. Obviously, It goes without saying, we don’t tell people who to vote for, but we have a duty to remind them why we vote and what to look for in voting.