June 5, 1976, everyone down stream from the Teton Dam would soon learn of the catastrophic failure of the a dam constructed with a flawed engineering design and poor earthen dam material and the consequential unexpected pressure points.
The result of the design was disaster.
The United States has survived many things from bad policy, national sins, civil war, bad presidents, drought, national disasters, and career politicians.
But be sure of this, there is no way to stop a breaching dam.
So long as this nation of independent states continues to elect representatives and senators on the current standards of social justice, Critical Race Theory, and general lack of the fear of God we will one day be reading about our land like the residents downstream of the Teton Dam do.
Every election is consequential. Every vote puts pressure on the Constitution. Every sin angers God. Every Representative/Senator reflects the state of the Union.
What should we be looking for? Even though I’ve made mention of the institution of the Government, we really should be looking at (or listening to) the pulpit. What you are seeing and hearing from the pulpit will indicate the health or ill-health of the nation. What you see and hear at the house of prayer will tell you how serious the day is.
(What’s that? Your church doesn’t pray? There could be one of the most serious issues in this nation.)
The most patriotic thing the follower of Christ can do today is look closely at his/her faith and the practice of his/her faith. The Christian should head the council the prophet Jeremiah gave to the exiled house of God and live godly lives in the land of the enemy of God. (see Jeremiah 29:4-9)
Some of us need to enter the battle on the floors of local governments, state and national legislatures, school boards and library boards. Some need to activate citizens. Some need to invest financially in the cause. But all of us need to; Build Homes, live there, plant gardens, eat from your gardens, get married, raise your sons and daughters to become men and women, have babies; have as many babies as God will give you, seek the welfare of those you live among, defend the orphan and the widow, call upon God, and pursue God.
What happened at the nation’s Capitol bldg. on Wednesday will be thought about for days, weeks, months, and likely years. The slippery slope our nation is on is nearing the precipice of a freefall. But let’s investigate what’s really going on here.
This is a spiritual issue. It is not an issue of “warming a pew” as they say. It is an issue of neglect of the holy and righteous things of God that come from the house of God who fear him and worship him is Spirit and Truth, from the house of God who cries out to God in humility and for mercy. Stop merely warming a seat at the church house and gather with joy in the Lord.
Many want to go right past the church house and go to the statehouse to fix the issues. It is time to fill the church house up again with people who hunger and thirst for righteousness.
do not neglect the gatherings with the saints
as you see the day drawing near.