Introduction: Is the Christmas season more like a full-throttle, peddle-to-the-metal, the wind blowing the patio furniture into the neighbors’ backyard kind of feeling?
I have not been consistent in my life to build much of a Christmas tradition. As a pastor, I’ve unfortunately treated the Christmas season as more of an important and good interruption to a preaching series. I am not suggesting that we should pick up traditions just for the sake of picking up traditions, however, I’ve learned that the modern Protestant like me likes to protest for the fun of it. Sometimes to my shame.
Last year I received a book on the church calendar for Christmas that has been sitting on my desk in my home office. When the outside temperatures were still reaching 90 degrees, long before I normally think of eggnog and candy canes, I opened that book and began reading. I read it with caution, but with the hope of learning how the larger Christian community views holy days. I’ve learned a lot.
For example, this advent devotion is a result of reading that book. Historically, I would step out of my current preaching schedule the week before Christmas and get right back to it as soon as possible. Understand this, I like preaching expositionally, I think it’s a greater discipline for me than to preach topically. Yet there is something good for the soul to reflect with Christians around the world on the same subject at the same time.
Don’t get me wrong here. I think we are right to protest the popish shenanigans of Roman Catholicism. But I have to be reminded that there was a church before Roman Catholicism and there is a church now. The protestant reformers were aiming to reform what had gone wrong. They were not protesting the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So, sit down with your family again this week and reflect on the Christ with me.
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Question: What does the name Immanuel mean?
Answer: The name Immanuel means “God with us.”
(- Read Matthew 1:23)
Find time today to talk about the morning worship service. What songs do you remember singing? Can you recall any phrases that were especially meaningful to you? Do you remember the sermon text David preached from? What was the main subject? Do you need to make some adjustments to your life?
Read: John 14:27
Monday, December 9, 2024
Webster defines PEACE as “In a general sense, a state of quiet or tranquillity; freedom from disturbance or agitation; applicable to society, to individuals, or to the temper of the mind.”
How are you at being free from distractions or agitation?
What keeps you from living at peace with your family, your church, or yourself?
“In the world
you have tribulation, but take courage;
I have overcome the world.”
(John 16:33b)
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
This word “peace” assumes silence or quiet; as, peace to this troubled soul. In the Psalms, we often see the word “Selah”. This word is not fully understood in English but at best it is a type of musical notation for the singer to stop speaking for a moment, reflect upon what you just said or heard, meditate on that. We are not normally very good at being quiet. What could you fast from today? It could well be a good thing that you set aside today and obey the Holy Spirit’s instruction to “REST”
READ Psalm 46:9-11
“Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah.
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Read: John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” (NASB)
What do you remember about the sermon on Sunday?
Join others today at 2 PM, 5:30 PM, or 7 PM to pray for our church and our community in the Thanksgiving Room of Eastside Baptist Church. We will pray for the revival of God’s church and the conversion of sinners.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Compare Isaiah 9:6 and Luke 2:14
What is the blessed hope in these Scriptures?
How should we conduct ourselves until He returns?
Friday, December 13, 2024
Sing or read: What Child Is This
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Prepare for the Lord’s Day Gathering. Do you plan in advance what you will wear to church on Sunday? Many years ago a pastor friend of mine, who is no longer living, explained to me why he always wore a tie when he preached. It had a profound impact on me. I can’t remember the last time I attended church without wearing my best clothes. Consider how you might dress if an earthly prince invited you to eat at his palace. Would you give any consideration as to how you might dress? If you say no, you likely think too highly of yourself. You are invited to the Lord’s Table on Sunday to commune with Him. Yes, it’s true, you can come to the table without your best clothes, but consider how what you wear could reflect what you think about God.
The catechism question for Sunday, December 15, is…
Question: Who is the Prince of Peace
Answer: The Prince of Peace is Christ the Lord.
- Isaiah 9:6-7
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Plan to attend at least two (if not all) of the following opportunities to gather with each other today.
9:15 AM: Sunday School
10:30 AM: Morning Worship
5:30 PM: Membership Meeting