
Idaho Legislature – 2020

The time has come for supporters of the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act to be found fit and ready for action. Visitors to my page will not find this issue a surprise at all. Over the past few years I have been advocating for this piece of legislation actively. I’ve been posting on this issue for years and have been inviting readers to participate in the legislative process.

Today, Jan 6, 2020, is day one of the 2020 legislative session. The governor will give his “state of the state” address at 1 p.m. and the legislators go to work. They will work on hundreds of proposed bills. Most of them are of interest to all citizens of the state.

Boise, Idaho, circa 2019

But one is of special interest to me – the Abortion Human Rights Act. There are now six co-sponsors of this bill. This is huge. There have been meetings across the state since August with hundreds of citizens attending and being prepared for this day.

In October at the Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention I introduced a resolution to the messengers to show support of the Abortion Human Rights Act and encourage our representatives to act favorably when they see this bill.

It is expected that the bill will be introduced this week. Even a potential meeting with sponsors with Rep. Harris today, chairman of the State Affairs Committee to discuss this bill early as today (01/06/2020).

Here’s my appeal to you today:

  • Gather with others to pray.
  • Write a letter to your representatives today. This is what I wrote…

Dear Representative _________________,

I’m thankful to God for the opportunity that sits on the state of Idaho this year to have a bill introduced to consider abolishing abortion in Idaho. In October at the Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Idaho Falls, Idaho Southern Baptists voted unanimously to pass a resolution to encourage the Idaho legislature to support the Abortion Human Rights Act. That is over 80 Southern Baptist churches in Idaho representing hundreds of voting Idahoans. Attached is a link for a copy of that resolution.https://media.sermonaudio.com/articles/th-111419162348-1.PDF

Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.

  • Communicate with your representatives/senator early in the session. Be kind, concise, respectful, personal, informative, willing to dialog, Don’t be afraid to disagree, but don’t forget to be neighborly.
  • Get registered at the Abolish Abortion Idaho website to get updated information as the bill moves along.
  • Consider asking your city council to draft a resolution in support of the Abortion Human Rights Act. I’ll have this ready soon and information for citizens of the city of Twin Falls to be ready to help prepare our city for action.
  • Avoid nasty arguments that are fruitless and lead to name calling and unfair debate that really only confuse the issue.
  • Share this with others; call, email, post on social media, write letters to the editor, etc…

Full resolution from Idaho Southern Baptist messengers adopted at the Oct. 2019 annual meeting in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

WHEREAS, The Bible reveals that all human life is created in the image of God, and therefore every person is valuable to our Creator (Genesis 1:27; 9:6); and
WHEREAS, The Bible affirms that the unborn child is a person, bearing the image of the Triune God from the moment of fertilization (Psalm 139:13– 16; Luke 1:44); and
WHEREAS, Health and Welfare agencies define “Induced Abortion” as an intentional action to stop a live birth; and
WHEREAS, There were 1,285 abortion procedures (intentional action to stop live births, murder) reported to terminate pregnancies without a live birth on innocent, unborn persons in the state of Idaho in 2017; and (Idaho Health and Welfare)
WHEREAS, There were 2,923 abortion procedures (intentional action to stop live births, murder) reported to terminate pregnancies without a live birth on innocent, unborn persons in the state of Utah in 2017; and (Utah Health and Welfare.)

Let it therefore be
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, repent of our collective silence before God and man of this heinous act against humanity that has been allowed to carry on in our respective cities and states; and
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, appeal to all duly elected representatives who have the responsibility within city, county, state, and national jurisdiction within Idaho and Utah to enact fair and just code that forbids any person or organization to ever again, from this day forward, perform induced abortions upon another fellow human in Idaho and Utah; and
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, call upon every pastor to stand as a pillar and buttress of truth before the magistrates in our land to be strong and courageous and stand for the immediate abolition of abortion; and
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, desire to make our homes available as suitable sanctuaries; and
RESOLVED, That we, the God fearing messengers of the 2019 Utah/Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, declare the human baby in the womb as precious, miraculous, valuable, and welcome neighbors in our communities, so help us God. For the glory of God.

Redemption, That Undeserved Blessed Kindness of God

Join me today at 204 Eastland Drive North in Twin Falls, Idaho as I continue the epic journey through the Gospel according to Isaiah.

Don’t miss gathering with the faith people of God who gather at 204 Eastland Drive North at 9:15 a.m. for bible study, 10:30 a.m for morning worship gathering, and 6:30 p.m. for evening gathering.

Live Streaming begins at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. (mountain time)

Open Letter to My Beloved Church; Eastside Baptist Church

Dear beloved Eastside,

Over the past few weeks you have given much of your time, mind, strength, and resources to host the single largest gathering we’ve ever had at 204 Eastland Drive North. My greatest fear is that I might miss saying “thank you” to someone.

I want to be brief but specific.

Thank you to all who

  • helped prepare the building by cleaning
  • gathered and returned chairs
  • set up chairs, moved chairs, moved chairs again…
  • Set up the tent, took down the tent, never used the tent
  • baked cookies, served cookies
  • sat outside so visitors could have the main meeting room
  • prepared for security issues, kept your eyes peeled for the unusual
  • prayed for the gathering
  • parked down the street, shuttled people back and forth
  • ushered people in
  • directed people to where the bathrooms were
  • installed new evaporative cooler in old building
  • emptied trash
  • mowed the grass
  • moved tables
  • played instruments
  • lead the music

Eastside, you hosted a people in the community who are ready to act on behalf of the unborn for the glory of God. It is hard to put into words the appreciation I have for you and all that you did. Much of what you did, you did with no one asking you. You saw things that needed done and you did it. You behaved like the church. You loved each other, you loved your neighbors, and you interposed for those who are not able to defend themselves. Your generous hospitality was a blessed joy to witness. Thank you.

You are the kind of church who are not just hearers of the word, you are doers of that sufficient word of God.

May the Lord bless your household, may He bless the city (region) with an outpouring of His spirit, may he revive His Church for His glory, and may He awaken the conscience of the community with His glorious gospel that saved us from our sin and is sufficient to redeem their souls.

May the community know little of your pastor and bless the Lord for God’s people of Eastside Baptist Church but especially may they never forget about the God you love.

This would be a blessed hope we have.

For the glory of God alone.

Dear Mr. Mayor

an open letter to the Mayor of Twin Falls, ID

Dear Mr. Mayor,

It was a humble kindness from God to participate in a blessed experience as a tax paying citizen of the City of Twin Falls, Idaho, my home for the past 18 years (and counting) where this past Monday (Aug. 1, 2019) I was given a generous spot on the agenda of a very busy city council meeting.

That moment when I was introduced by you to address the council with my proposed ordinance to speak for the unborn in the city of Twin Falls, was among the most humble moments I have ever experienced in this temporal day.

  • The day of my salvation, when I was shown I was deserving of the wrath of God but given mercy and grace, what a day.
  • The day I vowed “I do” on December 20, 1986, what a day.
  • The births of my sons, their wedding days, and the news of grandchildren, o what days.
  • The day I stood before the Twin Falls City Council to appeal for the consideration of adopting city code that would forbid any person or organization from murdering our neighbors, what a day.

This was not a religion trying to impose a practice or system upon another, this was a day that this citizen stood before you, with over 250 neighbors, to interpose for other neighbors at risk, at risk of murder. As you know, statistically speaking, 5 of our neighbors are murdered every week in the city limits of Twin Falls. That puts the city of Twin Falls, Idaho among the most deadly cities to live in in all of Idaho. Not deadly because of natural causes or accidental death, this is the kind of premeditated murder that is given a legal permission to not properly prosecute the perpetrator, making this even more severe.

Where I was given a generous time to introduce my draft ordinance to the council, I was surprised that you overlooked my attempt to speak after several false claims were made by some of the council members. I have found you to lead fairly and patiently enduring disruptive citizens from time to time. But this conclusion was not at all like those previously witnessed. This was a quick and speedy conclusion to vote. I respect that this was a majority vote 4 to 3 to not consider further dialog on my appeal and not a decision of one single person. Any one of the four who voted not to discuss this further could have voted differently.

  • Councilman Talkington, could have been consistent with his earlier statement to give longer consideration with legal council on the ordinance.
  • Councilman Lanting, could have shown compassion to the citizens while still expressing concern about tax payer money to have a longer conversation about the life of babies who will never be able to pay taxes. The discussion of money really showed to be more important than the concern of neighbors at risk of murder.
  • Councilwoman Pierce could have acted on her “pro-life” position when given the moment to actually consider the plight of our neighbor.
  • You, Mr. Mayor, could have voted to give further discussion to investigate the appeal of a citizen without compromising your own values.

I’ve witnessed my city give long and slow consideration to far less important matters. We accommodated several public meetings to talk about smoking in the city. We’ve heard talk about butterflies and honey bees for months. We form citizen committees to be a voice for “under represented” citizens. Apparently, our neighbor in the womb will continue to be an altogether un-represented neighbor.

I am thankful for the intention of Councilwoman Hawkins’ motion with intent to give serious consideration with the aid of legal council and go down the normal slow path with care and interest to the request and the protection of the city while expressing serious concern for the murderous activity happening in the city. Her motion was crafted with humanitarian interest and fiduciary responsibility to the city. Consistent with Councilwoman Hawkins’ tenure.

The other two, Councilman Reid and Councilwoman Boyd, voting in favor of her motion were willing to consider the plight of the innocent in light of the threat of legal lawsuit showed their concern of life over money. This doesn’t mean we ignore the possibility, it means we take time to weigh out if it is indeed a real possibility, not just an empty threat.

But not even one moment to take a deep breath to think about what a city can do for preserving lives of all its citizens? Not even a moment of silence to acknowledge one of the more than 2,000 neighbors murdered in our city by a tyrant company who has no interest in innocent lives of babies.

You, Mr. Mayor, actually made my point better than I did when you brought up the other laws in Title 6 – Public Safety of our city code. When the city of Twin Falls introduced an ordinance in 1958 forbidding prostitution or homes of “ill fame” was it legal in the state? If so, and it was, then why could the city of Twin Falls forbid it from happening when it was not illegal at the state level?

It wasn’t that long ago that the city of Twin Falls voted to change the law of how long a bar can be open in the city. The state of Idaho regulates it at 2 a.m. Until the city of Twin Falls decided to change it’s code, a bar had to close at 1 a.m. Cities can have laws that are more strict than the state and federal.

These are only a few of many reasons I think a longer discussion would have been a fair discussion for the city to have. Not to mention Idaho code gives local municipalities the authority to govern their cities and counties.

The action of the majority has communicated to the public that the City of Twin Falls is willing to live in fear of the ones holding our children hostage and demanding we obey their every demand while they slowly kill off our neighbor.

The city of Twin Falls will be written about some day. You see, by the grace of God, a day will come when the nation will wake up from this drunk stupor and be shown the brutality of allowing the murdering of babies in the womb. The city of Twin Falls will be on the list of the equivalence of a concentration camp in Nazi Germany and its horrific gas chambers and mass graves of innocent neighbors.

May the kindness of God lead the city council of Twin Falls to repentance.

Until Christs’ return, my death, or justice is given to my unborn neighbor, I will not be silent.

Paul Thompson
A tax paying, property owning citizen, of the City of Twin Falls, ID

—— edited for misspelling and grammar 4:38 p.m. on August 9, 2019 ——

Get Your Gospel Shoes On

Monday, August 5, 2019, I will stand before the city council of Twin Falls at 5 p.m. to interpose for my neighbor who cannot speak for himself, for my neighbor who cannot appeal her case, who, unless God intervenes, will join the other 1,914 (and counting) babies murdered in the womb since 2008 in the city of Twin Falls, Idaho.

This is a call to all born-again, God-fearing, followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, as described by the Bible in the Magic Valley to join me at 203 Main Ave. East on Aug. 5 at 5 p.m. At this meeting I will request that the city of Twin Falls consider adopting code language to protect our neighbor in the womb who is at risk of being murdered. To intentionally stop life at any stage, especially when that murder is given a provision in the law, is a heinous act of the most horrific kind.

On Monday night at 5 p.m. I will request This new paragraph in Title 6 – Public Safety under general offenses. (Title 6 – Chapter 2 – Section 20)

Title 6 – Public Safety, Chapter 2 – General offenses,

(20) Abortion: Every person or organization using any means to intentionally terminate the clinically diagnosable, viable pregnancy of a woman with knowledge that the termination by those means will, with reasonable likelihood, cause the death of the unborn human being will be guilty of inflicting inhumane actions upon another causing death before the otherwise live birth.

(A) Definitions: For the purposes of this section the following words shall have the following meanings:

UNBORN HUMAN BEING: The offspring of human beings from the moment of conception until either live birth or natural death, including the human conceptus, zygote, morula, blastocyst, embryo and fetus, whether conceived and/or located inside or outside the body of a human female.

CONCEPTION: The fertilization of the ovum of a female by the sperm of a male.

ABORTION: The use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device to intentionally kill an unborn human being.

(B) Violations: Notwithstanding any other law, it shall be unlawful for a person to knowingly and intentionally perform, procure or attempt to perform an abortion.

(C) Construction: It is the intention of the city of Twin Falls that the provisions of this section be construed, enforced and interpreted in such a manner as to absolutely defend the right to life as enumerated in Section 1, Article I of the Idaho Constitution. The city of Twin Falls shall enforce this section regardless of any contrary or conflicting federal or state statutes, regulations, executive orders, or court decisions.

(D) Penalty: Violation of the provisions of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and/or six (6) months in jail, or both.

What can you do:

  • Pray.
  • Be informed.
  • Share this with others
  • Invite your Sunday School class to come.
  • Invite your pastor to come.
  • Attend the meeting (plan ahead, come early, be prepared to stand in the hall or on the street, but come.)
  • Invite someone to come with you.
  • Write city council members right now. Full list with contact information HERE.
  • Pray.


  • Can I attend the meeting even if I don’t live in the city of Twin Falls? Yes! It is not required that you be a citizen of Twin Falls to attend a meeting.
  • Where is the city council chambers? 203 Main Ave. East Twin Falls, Idaho
  • Will others be allowed to speak? This is not a public hearing. The city council could take action to not do anything or consider setting a date for a public hearing.
  • Why ask the city council to consider something you know they won’t adopt? I’ve never asked them to do this before, how do I know they won’t adopt this code language?
  • Why request an introduction of code when you could request a resolution? Where I like a smart resolution, resolutions don’t make any difference in action.
  • Why is the punishment only a misdemeanor with only a fine of $1,000 and/or six months in jail? This is the most strict punishment the city can lawfully give for city code.
  • If this becomes law won’t places like Planned Parenthood just move to Jerome, Buhl, Kimberly or some other nearby town? Yes, this is a possibility and why we will have to be ready to act soon on the jurisdiction of the county and all nearby counties.
  • Will places like Planned Parenthood sue the city of Twin Falls and cost the city a lot of money? Planned Parenthood could sue the city. But the code is written with the authority of the City of Twin Falls and the authority of the Idaho Constitution. The city of Twin Falls has the jurisdiction and responsibility to protect all citizens, neighbors, and visitors.
  • Why can’t you stay out of other peoples lives and let people do whatever they want to do? If I witnessed a crime, it would be a crime for me to do nothing or not attempt to interpose on the behalf of the weaker neighbor. My neighbor in the womb needs my help. I cannot, in good conscience, turn away or walk on the other side of the street.

Join me on Monday, August 5, 2019 at the city of Twin Falls city council chambers, 203 Main Ave. E., at 5:00 p.m.

Plan to come early. Remember parking in downtown is limited, you may find closer parking behind the city council chambers. Be sure to plan ahead. Ask to get off work early. Be prepared to stand in the hallway or on the street. It will be hot, bring water. Even it it means you stand in the hallway or on the street and hear nothing, your presence says this is something the citizens want the council to consider.

Special ATTENTION: If you have children, be sure to bring them with you, if you are pregnant, please come even earlier so you can be inside the chambers. If you are a pastor, please come early so you can be inside the room. When I give my speech to introduce the code consider standing. When the city council talks about the code language, be respectful and listen. You will be allowed to leave after the agenda item is finished.

Thank you for your consideration to put your gospel shoes on and join me on the field for action on behalf of the child in the womb for the glory of God.

I’ll see you Sunday at church and/or Monday downtown Twin Falls!

Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act Meeting

Today, there is no way to claim simple ignorance on what’s going on when a baby is aborted from the womb. Anyone wanting to claim it is humane or kind to remove the living human from the womb before natural birth has deliberately chosen to ignore truth and has a seared conscience.

“You shall not murder.” God

(Exodus 20:13)

On behalf of all unborn who enter the city of Twin Falls and all children in the womb across the state of Idaho, on behalf of the silent child in great need today, on behalf of the child who has no way to flee his enemy, I am pleased to invite you to attend a special meeting on August 1, 2019. Join me as we prepare for the duty to interpose on behalf of our fellow Triune-God image bearing neighbors.

My friends Bear Morton, pastor at Magic Valley Bible Church, and Christopher Folkerts, pastor at New Covenant United Reformed Church and I have the privilege to host an hour long radio program on Thursdays at 9 a.m. (mountain time). Pastors Round Table is hosted by our friend Bill Colley at Newsradio 1310 KLIX.

On August 1st, we will host a region wide gathering to educate, collaborate, and most importantly pray about moving forward to address abolishing abortion in Idaho. This will not be easy or make anyone popular.

Attend this meeting on August 1, at Eastside Baptist Church (204 Eastland Drive North) in Twin Falls. Not only will we discuss the proposed Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act legislation and meet the sponsors, Representative Heather Scott(District 1) and Representative John Green (District 2) along with Scott Herndon, we will also open our Bibles and hear what God would have us do in our day.

Come at 6 p.m. to meet the legislators and the Pastors Round Table team. The main event will begin at 7 p.m. Seating is limited, but we will do all we can to accommodate the seating needs of all who attempt to come. Parking will be limited so you may want to plan ahead and car pool from the Kmart parking lot with friends or park at Web Nursery.

For the glory of God, come and prepare to mobilize for the day.

More information HERE

When Sin Is Promoted All Citizens Are At Risk

Following is my response to a proclamation read by the mayor of Twin Falls on June 3, 2019 at the weekly city council meeting. It is nothing new for any mayor to make non binding proclamations. It’s normal and even sought out by individuals and organizations who are looking for grant money, public recognition of achievements, or a call to action from the mayor to the citizens.

Usually a proclamation is made that the community at large will have little disagreement over. Somewhat of a politically safe statement. However, sometimes a proclamation is a misleading statement by a politician to use smoke and mirrors to distract a people from the eternal risk of their actions.

Yesterday, in the city of Twin Falls, like many other cities across the nation, our mayor made a proclamation declaring the month of June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Pride month.

There are a few things worth taking note of…

  • most want to simplify the list of titles with the acronym LGBTQ. I think this is intentional; not to simplify and save time, but rather to not hear those titles spoken every time because the actual titles are perversions of all things natural and righteous. One can hear the term “LGBT” all day long and not have to really think about what it represents, abominations before God.
  • The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer pride month is nothing new to Twin Falls.
  • Our neighbors requesting the proclamation should be treated with humanitarian dignity. It would be unthinkable to walk by a burning building and think those living there are not worth rescuing. Our response should be one of compassion and honesty.

Following is my letter to the mayor. I disclosed to him that I would be posting this as a public response to his public proclamation. It is my intent to always speak forthright while attempting to be respectful and kind. Not always easy to accomplish. It wouldn’t hurt for you to draft a letter to him expressing your opinion on this matter too.


Dear Mr. Mayor,

I just want to follow up with you in regard to your Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Proclamation yesterday. I want you to know I pray for you every week and I think you fairly govern the council meetings. I have  witnessed your fairness and kindness to all who stand before the council, even when there is clear disagreement. For this I’m thankful.

I wish to communicate with you that I take issue with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Proclamation signed on May 20, 2019 and read in public on June 3, 2019. Within the proclamation, I notice some inconsistencies and likely unintentional discrimination against others in our community.

I understand the nature of a proclamation and that it is more ceremonial and not binding law. With this understanding I wish to communicate my disagreement concerning the need for such a proclamation. I also want you to be sure you are aware that I will be publicly responding to the proclamation in my personal blog page where I communicate on a broad array of topics.

This public proclamation requires a public response. My intent is not to be disrespectful, only to point out how many times in an effort to show fairness; unfairness is exposed.

The first two-thirds of the proclamation was a fair attempt to acknowledge the diversity in our community. I take issue with three parts of the proclamation.

First: I don’t think this kind of proclamation is needed in a community like ours. The citizens are  generally fair to their neighbors and where there are shortcomings in this we already have laws that govern how we are to treat each other.

Second: The proclamation was about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer pride month, not about all the other classifications mentioned. Why bring age into the proclamation if you are not going to defend my neighbor in the womb of a pregnant woman who will seek to murder that human in an abortion clinic?  And you make no mention of the natural birth sex, only “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” no mention of “male” or “female”. This was either intentional or a mistake, in either case both are noticeably missing.

Finally: As the proclamation gets clearer and to the point, it does two things. 1) It misrepresents the population base in the city. To claim that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community are a “vital part of all fields and professions and contribute to a stronger community” is misleading. Are they valued because of their humanity and their skill or because of their sexual activity? I do not think it can be a supported truth that every field and every profession in our city has lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer workers in it, and it implies that every field or profession is not contributing to a stronger community unless there are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer workers in that field. Do you mean to communicate that an employer would be better to have a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer employee than an honest, hard working, loyal workforce regardless of their sexual status? This is actually a discriminating point against those who contribute to our community who are not lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. I don’t think that’s what the intent is, but it is unclear by the use of the words. And words are so important. 2) The best thing we can give our youth is truth. To live out a lifestyle that is a perversion of everything natural and righteous is not loving. It helps no one in the community to promote this kind of perversion. The community is not better, the community is at risk. We are not a stronger community when we promote that which is opposed to truth.

I will communicate my disagreement publicly but I want you to know I mean no disrespect to you. I do strongly disagree with this proclamation. Where I disagree with this proclamation I will continue to be kind to all of my neighbors.

The intent of my writing was to communicate my disagreement with the need for such a proclamation and to communicate with clarity that the promotion and approval of sinful activity puts all citizens in danger.

Thank you for reading this with understanding of my intent.

Paul Thompson

Current Idaho Marriage Code

Idaho marriage law is very clear on what constitutes a marriage, persons who may marry, and how the law instructs the courts to treat marriages that violate this public policy.

Yet everyone believes the Supreme Court opinion in 2015. Where is a county courthouse in the state of Idaho willing to follow the law of the state of Idaho?

Where I argue that marriage is a spiritual covenant and not simply a civil contract I find it interesting that Idaho code does not recognize same-sex (perversion of) marriage contracts. In light of this the state of Idaho continues to issue marriage licenses for such perversions of marriage.

Idaho Code: This link spells out the entire code concerning “domestic relations”

  • 32-201. WHAT CONSTITUTES MARRIAGE Marriage is a personal relation arising out of a civil contract between a man and a woman, to which the consent of parties capable of making it is necessary. (more)
  • 32-202. PERSONS WHO MAY MARRY. Any unmarried male of the age of eighteen (18) years or older, and any unmarried female of the age of eighteen (18) years or older, and not otherwise disqualified, are capable of consenting to and consummating marriage. (more)
  • 32-209. RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN OR OUT-OF-STATE MARRIAGES. All marriages contracted without this state, which would be valid by the laws of the state or country in which the same were contracted, are valid in this state, unless they violate the public policy of this state. Marriages that violate the public policy of this state include, but are not limited to, same-sex marriages, and marriages entered into under the laws of another state or country with the intent to evade the prohibitions of the marriage laws of this state. (more)

My ongoing response to my homosexual neighbors; submit to God, believe in the Gospel and be saved. God’s kindness is yours today, repent of your sin and be comforted in His truth. God wants you happy, this is why He has given us commandments and precepts to direct us to joyful living. Believe Him today.

Book Review: “The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates”

Today, I will begin a chapter by chapter review of a book on the doctrine of the lesser magistrates. Where I’ve been familiar with the language of the lesser magistrates and teachings on biblical jurisdiction I’ve never read a formal examination of the larger idea.

Why am I reading this book? I’ve been engaged in addressing my local, state and national representatives/senators for most of my adult life. I’ve learned a lot on how and why to engage as a pastor/Christian citizen obey the just laws of the land while not compromising obedience to God. While I’m currently working with several people to abolish abortion in Idaho and to at least appeal to my local city and county to introduce code that would not allow any one or any organization to to murder the human fetus in the womb, I am convinced I need to navigate this issue with a clear working knowledge of how to do this with a Biblical application and practice. So, I want to read what others are thinking then bring all of this thinking to the right plumb line of Scripture for proper application and practice.

I was recently given a copy of “the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates” by some new friends. From time to time I have done what I call a “live” book review of books that appear to be of significant weight. This will actually be the fifth live book review. Each of the previous live book reviews proved to be helpful for me. Exercises like this are as much a work of discipline for me to articulate thoughts while they are fresh on my mind.

I’ve read several articles and pamphlets by the author, Matthew Trewhella, and find his thoughts challenging and founded upon Scripture. A thinking man who makes biblical application of precepts and principles is always a refreshing exercise of the body, mind, and soul.

You are invited to think with me in what I review from Trewhella’s work “the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates.”

Here are several online resources you may find of interest…

I’ll begin the live review shortly after I (re) read the table of contents.

Below is a helpful video that will help explain or introduce the doctrine of the lesser magistrates if this idea is new to your thinking.

Pastors Round Table

Every Thursday on Newsradio 1310 KLIX I have this pleasure to see my friend Bill Colley (out of picture below to the left). Bill is the local talk radio host on Magic Valley This Morning. The show runs Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. – 10 a.m. rain or shine.

I first met Bill at the local Home and Garden show at CSI several years ago and have enjoyed being on his program from time to time. Nearly one year ago, Bill stopped by my office to talk about the possibility of doing a weekly hour long segment he calls Pastors Round Table.

Left to Right
Bill (just out of sight), Bear (Magic Valley Bible Church), me, and Christopher Folkerts (New Covenant United Reformed Church)

I’ve had several other pastors in the area join us and fill in when one of us are gone. The guys in the photo are the regular pastors you hear every Thursday.

Their friendship is enjoyable. I’m thankful to God for His kindness to allow friendships like this. These guys are Biblical, trustworthy, articulate, and kindhearted. They love the Lord, it’s clear their families are priorities in their lives, and they are faithful to give their churches a word from God.

You should put this program on your calendar for every Thursday from 9-10 a.m. You can listen in on a radio at 1310 AM or audio stream online at Newsradio 1310 KLIX. Bill is on every weekday from 6-10 a.m. and writes news at Newsradio 1310 KLIX website.


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