Idaho marriage law is very clear on what constitutes a marriage, persons who may marry, and how the law instructs the courts to treat marriages that violate this public policy.
Yet everyone believes the Supreme Court opinion in 2015. Where is a county courthouse in the state of Idaho willing to follow the law of the state of Idaho?
Where I argue that marriage is a spiritual covenant and not simply a civil contract I find it interesting that Idaho code does not recognize same-sex (perversion of) marriage contracts. In light of this the state of Idaho continues to issue marriage licenses for such perversions of marriage.
32-201. WHAT CONSTITUTES MARRIAGE Marriage is a personal relation arising out of a civil contract between a man and a woman, to which the consent of parties capable of making it is necessary. (more)
32-202. PERSONS WHO MAY MARRY. Any unmarried male of the age of eighteen (18) years or older, and any unmarried female of the age of eighteen (18) years or older, and not otherwise disqualified, are capable of consenting to and consummating marriage. (more)
32-209. RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN OR OUT-OF-STATE MARRIAGES. All marriages contracted without this state, which would be valid by the laws of the state or country in which the same were contracted, are valid in this state, unless they violate the public policy of this state. Marriages that violate the public policy of this state include, but are not limited to, same-sex marriages, and marriages entered into under the laws of another state or country with the intent to evade the prohibitions of the marriage laws of this state. (more)
My ongoing response to my homosexual neighbors; submit to God, believe in the Gospel and be saved. God’s kindness is yours today, repent of your sin and be comforted in His truth. God wants you happy, this is why He has given us commandments and precepts to direct us to joyful living. Believe Him today.
Today, I will begin a chapter by chapter review of a book on the doctrine of the lesser magistrates. Where I’ve been familiar with the language of the lesser magistrates and teachings on biblical jurisdiction I’ve never read a formal examination of the larger idea.
Why am I reading this book? I’ve been engaged in addressing my local, state and national representatives/senators for most of my adult life. I’ve learned a lot on how and why to engage as a pastor/Christian citizen obey the just laws of the land while not compromising obedience to God. While I’m currently working with several people to abolish abortion in Idaho and to at least appeal to my local city and county to introduce code that would not allow any one or any organization to to murder the human fetus in the womb, I am convinced I need to navigate this issue with a clear working knowledge of how to do this with a Biblical application and practice. So, I want to read what others are thinking then bring all of this thinking to the right plumb line of Scripture for proper application and practice.
I was recently given a copy of “the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates” by some new friends. From time to time I have done what I call a “live” book review of books that appear to be of significant weight. This will actually be the fifth live book review. Each of the previous live book reviews proved to be helpful for me. Exercises like this are as much a work of discipline for me to articulate thoughts while they are fresh on my mind.
I’ve read several articles and pamphlets by the author, Matthew Trewhella, and find his thoughts challenging and founded upon Scripture. A thinking man who makes biblical application of precepts and principles is always a refreshing exercise of the body, mind, and soul.
You are invited to think with me in what I review from Trewhella’s work “the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates.”
Here are several online resources you may find of interest…
Every Thursday on Newsradio 1310 KLIX I have this pleasure to see my friend Bill Colley (out of picture below to the left). Bill is the local talk radio host on Magic Valley This Morning. The show runs Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. – 10 a.m. rain or shine.
I first met Bill at the local Home and Garden show at CSI several years ago and have enjoyed being on his program from time to time. Nearly one year ago, Bill stopped by my office to talk about the possibility of doing a weekly hour long segment he calls Pastors Round Table.
I’ve had several other pastors in the area join us and fill in when one of us are gone. The guys in the photo are the regular pastors you hear every Thursday.
Their friendship is enjoyable. I’m thankful to God for His kindness to allow friendships like this. These guys are Biblical, trustworthy, articulate, and kindhearted. They love the Lord, it’s clear their families are priorities in their lives, and they are faithful to give their churches a word from God.
You should put this program on your calendar for every Thursday from 9-10 a.m. You can listen in on a radio at 1310 AM or audio stream online at Newsradio 1310 KLIX. Bill is on every weekday from 6-10 a.m. and writes news at Newsradio 1310 KLIX website.
What if an enemy of the state of Idaho wanted to fly its flag at the statehouse?
This week in the city of Twin Falls, Idaho 5 babies will be stopped from having a live birth. While that happens, a bill will continue to sit on a desk at the statehouse that would make a path possible to stop murdering of babies in Idaho. This, because legislators are afraid Planned Parenthood wants to fly its flag over the statehouse.
Since Planned Parenthood opened in Twin Falls, Idaho the death of babies has now reached the entire city population of Hansen and Eden. Over 1,900 babies have been murdered at a “women’s health center” in downtown Twin Falls and no one with proper jurisdiction to stop this bloodshed has been willing to stand up to the tyranny of Planned Parenthood.
I originally wrote the following on August 19. 2013 HERE(emphasis added)
I would expect there would be a global outrage if an army of 600 militia men, armed for war, burned a peaceful town down. I would likely join the cry for justice.
I would expect Facebook and Twitter would light up with posts for weeks if it was discovered that a father gave his daughters to invaders to do with as they wish. This is wrong on so many levels, and one would find few people to disagree that that father is not only a danger to his children, but to all of civilization.
I would expect a man who chops his dead wife up into twelve equal pieces and then sends those pieces throughout the land to not escape the death penalty.
(yet) Today, in our land and around the world, two organizations are largely unchallenged in their injustice, inhumane ways. UNICEF gets its pass because of their clever and well put together commercials and propaganda. Planned Parenthood will cunningly evade the questions on funding while they slaughter the unborn. Both organizations will gather large sums of money from tax payers in America and individual donors. Making both UNICEF and Planned Parenthood arms of government and private militia. Nearly unstoppable.
I would expect a nation that claims to be a nation under God would not stand for the murdering of (61) million defenseless babies.
This oversight seems unbelievable. Yet, when there is no acknowledgment of God, when men do what is right in their own eyes, (only then can) a nation can sit quietly by while the act of murdering 3,300 babies today will be protected by law, while babies go unprotected. Citizens of the United States of America, prepare to give your best effort in answering your God. Better, repent of your laziness and pursuit of happiness while this slaughtering takes place in your city today.
It is clear, when men do what is right in their own eyes, they will soon be doing what is evil in the eyes of God.
No one living in southern Idaho can underestimate the value of water.
I collect rain water off half my garage to water my garden. This is effective as long as the clouds rain rain. What happens when the clouds rain no rain?
Anyone who lives in a desert region knows that at some point the rain will likely stop. When this happens, usually around July, the thriving community will need a good source of water. If no consideration has been made in the cool days of rain, no life will survive the blistering heat of the scorching sun when there is no rain.
A student of history knows that there have been many historic battles fought over water rights. We even see this in that ancient holy book, the Bible.
In Genesis 26, the reader learns that after Abraham died, the Philistines came along and plugged up all of Abraham’s wells. The Philistines filled the wells to pollute, clog, and render them useless for the descendants of Abraham. Their hatred for God and His people was so high that they were willing to murder them by shutting off the water, that supply all of society needs to thrive. Without it, the people can’t live. That was their aim, ending the life of Abraham’s family. They obviously didn’t want the water, they wanted the people to suffer and ultimately die.
Today, we tell ourselves we live in a much more “civilized”, “enlightened” day. We don’t intentionally contaminate other people’s water. No one is going to shut the water supply off because of one’s religion, no one is going to clog up the well of the farmer just because he’s a God fearer.
However, there are God fearing people in the land and there is a growing hatred of them. If one looks at the issue of life, it is evident that hatred of image-of-God-bearing babies in the womb is growing. This continues to dominate attention in our day.
Forget about what New York State has done, never mind the cruelty of Virginia, don’t focus solely on what the governor of New Mexico has vowed to do. Look right here. Look in the county and city of Twin Falls. Open your eyes to what victory the war campaign of death has made in our own land of Idaho.
There is a bill sitting on the desk of Rep. Steven Harris, the chairman of the State Affairs Committee, that would make abortion (murder of babies in the womb) illegal in Idaho. I sat in his office this week to appeal to his conscience to open the gate to let this bill in for committee work. When I asked him if he would print the bill, he said “no, I will not”. If you remember your School House Rock, you’ll remember this is where a bill gets worked on, fine tuned, and adjusted; or the bill dies in that committee altogether. The “Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act” remains on the desk of the committee chairman because he apparently fears it will pass the house and the senate and would soon be ready for the governor’s signature..The enemy of God has a hatred of image-bearing-lives and he has convinced a chairman to sit on the bill that would otherwise let the babies live.
One thing the reader discovers as they read through Genesis 26 is that Isaac would eventually come along and dig out the wells. He would remove everything the Philistines had polluted the wells with, he would remove all the junk, all the dirt, all the garbage. While doing so, he would once again reclaim the splendor of the desert with life.
To the faithful, God fearing followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, as described by the Bible: Rise up today with your gospel shovel and let’s dig out the “wells” the Philistines have plugged up. Strap on your Gospel shoes and let’s get to work.
There is one organization, lead by an evil, God-hating agenda to plug up life in our city, county, state, and nation. May God mobilize His people- His church, and find them actively purifying the decades old plugged up wells.
Gather this Lord’s day with a people longing to hear a report about God from a living pulpit lit by the Word of God. Gather there and pray, gather there and prepare, gather there with your “Gospel shovels”, it’s work day at the church house.
I was on CrossPolitc a few weeks ago (a completely enjoyable experience). While there I was asked, “You have 90 seconds to speak to Rep. Steven Harris, what do you say?” Rep. Steven Harris is the chairman of the Idaho State Affairs Committee who has been holding the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act (IAHRA) since it was first introduced by Rep. Heather Scott and Rep. John Green.
I had been trying to get an appointment with Rep. Harris since the IAHRA was introduced. By the grace of God, I was able to get a meeting with Rep. Harris last Tuesday. It was my expectation to have just a few moments so I had been working on fine tuning what I would say if I had 90 seconds with Rep. Harris. (I actually had 1 hour and 15 minutes, but following is my early attempt to speak clearly and articulate.)
Following is what I wrote, I said most of this (and a bit more). It was a pleasure to travel with several men from the Magic Valley
We are first and foremost Ambassadors of the reconciliation of Christ. Christ the only begotten son of God, as described by the Bible, stands as a required atonement for sinful people who have broken the law of God, that includes the very matter we are here before you today. Life.
God himself told all of humanity “Do not murder.”
A people have sinned against God. A state has sinned against God. Today, while it is still called today, hear our redeemer, repent of delaying what you claim you hold a true, and allow the gate to be opened to end the murdering babies in the womb.
The Bible describes contrasting conditions of nations. One of splendid comfort, thriving economies, flourishing families, bumper crops, abundant water supply for the coming growing season. Another of a barren wasteland, a day of grave darkness, a land with no moister, a cloud that rains no rain.
I would not want to think of living in either condition without the protection and salvation of Almighty God. Whether the economy is abounding or the crops are failing, God will not abandon His obedient people.
I’m here today to ask you to give the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act a path for debate.
It may die in committee.
It may survive a heated debate.
It may become a law that claims every child in the blessed womb of women in the state of Idaho is sacred and worthy of defense at all costs.
It may get challenged in court
It may get defeated and cost Idahoans millions and millions of dollars.
It may withstand the scrutiny of supreme court.
We want to assure you we will not abandon our God. We will not abandon our fellow citizens. We will not abandon the child in the womb.
Rep. Harris, rise up today and submit to the Almighty God of the Bible who stands as a righteous judge with indignation against nations who oppose Him. Do not bury the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act in the rear guard of the winter barracks. Set this bill loose and let it cry out for the babies in the womb.
Rep. Harris, when will someone in our state finally stand up for the unwanted baby? Who will defend them? Who will fight for their rights?
These are Idaho citizen who will never dip their toes in the Clearwater or float the Salmon, they’ll never hear the mountain blue bird sing or hear the roar of the Niagara of the west. These citizens will not have the temporal pleasure of seeing the mighty Sawtooths, breath our fresh air or eat a world famous Idaho potato. Thousands of Idaho citizens will never experience these blessed temporal pleasures.
No nation, no people, no government can withstand the righteous indignation of the Holy God.
You have been appointed by God for this day. You are not responsible for the unpredictable path of how men will respond. You answer to higher authority. May God have mercy upon our land in this day with clouds that rain down righteousness that the fruit of salvation may bear forth and righteousness spring up with it. (Isaiah 45:8)
Will you fear men today, who can kill the body, or will you fear God who can destroy both body and soul?
Rep. Harris, will you be the principled man today and give the children in the womb a path to let the state of Idaho speak for them? Will you print this bill?
Rep. Harris: “No, I will not print this bill.”
You have 90 seconds to speak to Rep. Harris, what would you say?
Continue praying. Pray for Rep. Harris. Pray that God will awaken the conscience of the legislative branches of Idaho to not fear men (Planned Parenthood) and introduce legislative language that abolishes abortion in the state of Idaho.
For me to write publicly is a living lesson of how careful I have to be. I write as a pastor of Eastside Baptist Church because that’s what my church called me to do, but nothing I write, without church congregational approval, is an official statement of the church I pastor. Nothing I write in the paper, nothing I say on the radio, nothing I write on my personal blog page is ever an official statement of my church. That said, everything I say or right is a public representation of the people I lead. Which is why, when I was recently dubbed a “Christmas Turd” on the local Craigslist Rants and Raves because of my ongoing newspaper column I was asked to write years ago, I stop for reflection of how that public opinion about me, and the church I pastor, is cause for careful examination.
Not to be less bold, to be extremely careful.
Yesterday, the Baptist Messenger, a publication by the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma (BGCO) released an open letter to Oklahoma Baptists regarding abortion and protecting human life.
In light of the political attention rising from an awakening conscience across the nation and the pending Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act introduced to the Idaho House of Representatives State Affairs Committee three weeks ago, I find the released open letter by the GBCO a confusing voice in the current movement to abolish abortion in the state of Oklahoma.
I’m far removed from the public discussion in the state of Oklahoma so consider my observation moot in their conversation. My take is only from that of a distant kinsman.
What I like about what the GBCO open letter said…
“The BGCO is categorically opposed to abortion, and it is our prayer and goal to see lives saved and an end to abortion in Oklahoma and beyond.”
“We will continue to strive for the day in which every human life—unborn and born—in this state and beyond is protected. With all the strength God gives us, we resolve to build a culture of life that recognizes each person is made in His image (Gen. 1:27). God help us.”
I can get behind this and say that neither of those statements surprise me.
However, what does surprise me, and likely many others is that a state convention released an open letter that would at the same time not support a bill that would otherwise abolish abortion all together. Admittedly, as I said earlier, I am far removed from Oklahoma. I want to know what these brothers see that I don’t. I want to believe that they are acting in good conscience under the leading of right thinking.
Furthermore, my confusion is not disconnected from their open letter. (Mind you, they did not right this open letter to Baptists in Idaho.) Baptist polity is a very unique critter. We are independent and voluntarily cooperate or agree. I think it is fitting for a Baptist institution to speak out, but as that independent institution not on behalf of the others. In other words, I don’t mind that the BGCO spoke into the political discussion, I wish more would. I don’t even mind that their conclusion is different than mine. It is more true that no Baptist in Oklahoma is waiting to hear what a Baptist in Idaho has to say. One thing I continue learning is that disagreements mostly help us better articulate.
This much I’m certain we agree upon, only the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, as described by the Bible alone, will change the intent of the heart of any issue facing our states or united nation. Nothing, save the blood of Jesus at His death.
My concern/confusion is where it appears they are speaking on behalf of all Baptists in Oklahoma. As I understand Baptist polity, I know they are not. It does seem confusing to weigh in with conclusion on a bill’s demise before it is even tested. Every bill has to eventually be tested with skilled arguments and an eventual ruling.
The open letter makes it appear certain that “SB 13 will (likely) be invalidated immediately by the courts, if it passes at all, and we cannot save lives with legislation that never goes into effect.”
I never want anyone to act against their conscience, but for a Baptist institution to claim “In the meantime, we cannot in good conscience get behind SB 13 as it is proposed” seems unclear at best. To claim to be historic advocates for the unborn, and I think they are, and then “in good conscience” not support a bill to abolish abortion, is most confusing.
I will continue to watch what is going on in Oklahoma while actively appealing to God to raise up a voice from pastors in the state of Idaho to assure our legislators we want them to give the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act a day for debate.
Here, on this matter, I think it better to have tried and lost than to have never tried at all. I think Oklahoma Baptists have been trying, and may God grant them grace to live in a state one day that forbids the murdering of babies born and unborn.
May God give this grace to a state in the union this legislative session. My prayer, may it be Idaho! This seems nearly impossible because the bill still sits idle at the chairmans desk and one of my representatives (Rep. Clow) does not want this bill open for debate. Nothing is impossible for my God.
May the conscience of the Idaho legislators be awakenened in our day. If not in Idaho, may God give this mercy to Oklahoma in this day. If not in Oklahoma, Texas; if not in Texas, South Carolina; if not South Carolina, then in the most unlikely place of the state of Washington where just this week a bill was introduced to do the same.
After one day of appealing to pastors across the state of Idaho we have 34 signing a unified statement to Idaho legislators showing our support of the Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act.
At this point, there are more cities without pastors signing the statement than cities with pastors signing it. I’m asking you to help us spread the word. We must be ready to act quickly in a day like this. Thank you for contacting your pastor or pastors you know who would be willing to sign with us.
______________________________________ Signers of the Pastors of Idaho Mercy Statement (as of 12:22 p.m. on February 8, 2019) _____________________________________
Paul Thompson, pastor at Eastside Baptist Church, Twin Falls, ID
Mark King, pastor at Eastside Baptist Church, Twin Falls, ID
Greg “Bear” Morton, pastor at Magic Valley Bible Church, Twin Falls ID
Christopher Folkerts, pastor at New Covenant Reformed Church, Twin Falls, ID
Kent Burchyett, associate pastor at Calvary Baptist Church, Idaho Falls, ID
William Galloska, pastor at First Baptist Church, Glenns Ferry, ID
Brian Parish, pastor at Hagerman Valley Baptist Church, Hagerman, ID
Jerry Martin, Treasure Valley Southern Baptist, Meridian, ID
Benjamin Harris, pastor at Restored Community Church, Eagle, ID
Eric Bayes, pastor in Wilder, ID
Bryan Bacon, pastor at The Church, Twin Falls ID
Mickie Kelly, pastor at NorthRidge Fellowship, Jerome, ID
Scott Plath, pastor at South Fork Outdoorsmen Church, Rigby, ID
Mark Browne, pastor at Rock Creek Community Church, Twin Falls, ID
Greg Moering, Jr., pastor at Sovereign Redeemer Baptist Fellowship, Twin Falls, Idaho and Rogerson Baptist Chapel, Rogerson, ID
John Downs, pastor at Paul Congregational Church, Paul, ID
Andy deGanhal, pastor at Calvary Baptist Church, Burley, ID
David Kite, pastor at Christ’s Cowboy Country Church, Blackfoot ID, Pocatello Cowboy Church, Chubbuck ID, Teton Valley Cowboy Church, Driggs, Idaho Falls Bible Study, ID
Enrique Banos, pastor at Iglesia Bautista el Calvario, Idaho Falls, ID
Richard Cook, pastor at First Baptist Church, Fruitland, ID
Abraham Armenta , pastor at Iglesia Bautista Agua Viva, Boise, ID
Gary Brown, pastor at Freedom Fellowship, Coeur d’Alene, ID
Chris Bent, pastor at Calvary Chapel, Kuna, ID
Darryl McCall, pastor, Burley, Idaho
Todd Liston, student ministries pastor, Central Valley Baptist, Meridian, ID
Jimmy Horsley, pastor with NAMB Church Planter, Idaho Falls, ID
Jeffery Stallings, minister of music/youth, Nampa, ID
Michael Best, Pastoral Care/Counseling Elk Creek Church, McCall, ID
Thomas Moore, pastor at Elk City Baptist Church, Elk City, ID
Jared Clark, pastor at Falls Baptist Church, Idaho Falls, ID
William Young, Pierce Street Baptist Church, Boise, ID
Mark Sjostrom, pastor at Grace Baptist Church, Twin Falls, ID
Elon Wood, pastor at Providence Downtown Church, Idaho Falls, ID
That may not make sense in a digital day like ours, so let me put it another way; pick up your phone, yes the one in your pocket, on your belt, in your purse, borrow your child’s phone if you have to.
A bill is underway in the Idaho legislature in the House of Representatives side to abolish abortion. There are always right times and ways to communicate with your duly elected representative. Our hope is not in man to do what only God can do, change the heart of man. My hope is that God’s people in the State of Idaho, and all others who love a civil law and value life to pick up the pen and exercise a right that our national fathers put in place to preserve the republic. This form of government affords her citizens to communicate with the government.
Why sit by as a silent spectator? Not today, church. Not today.
I do have opinions about how we should do this, so receive what I suggest as that; personal experience suggestions. My suggestions are aimed primarily to the fellow followers of Christ, as defined by the Holy Bible only, at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho.
These are not religious mandates to coherence anyone to act against their conscience, they are simply suggestions to those who are moved by the Spirit of God in what to do now.
You need to be a praying person now. To engage in a political process, you may get worked up and potentially bothered by people who disagree with you.
Be prepared to be a steady, bold, patient advocate for babies in the state of Idaho. Not because you love cute little babies and are moved to tears by images of the trauma they experience when weak adults take their lives, but because you fear God.
Reverence for anything shy of the Most High is a hope set on a lesser ground, fix your aim upon the Living, Almighty God.
Love living in personal holiness.
Inform yourself on the matter.
Be a reader of primary documents, not a consumer of reported hearsay.
Know who you’re talking to; the representatives and senators are elected neighbors. They are real people, treat them the way you would want others to treat you.
Map out a plan.
Gather phone numbers and addresses. I’ll include ways to gather all of this at the end of this post.
Write. Re-write. Read. Re-read. Have someone else read what you plan to say and/write. This is no time to be undisciplined with your speech.
Strive for brevity. Say as much as you can with as few words as you can. Politicians receive hundreds, maybe thousands of emails a day. Make sure to especially remark with a firm desire of how you want the politician to vote.
There is no reason to threaten them with re-election woes if they don’t vote your way. Simply let them know what you want.
Don’t be disappointed if you get a form reply that may sound more like a pandering appeasement from someone who didn’t read your letter. Assume the best, assume they did read it and heard you loud and clear. Prepare to act.
Pray for those reading your letter. Pray for our government. Pray that the heavens will rain down righteousness from above and that salvation will spring forth.
Finally, prepare to follow a bill from introduction to completion. Plan to travel to Boise if a public hearing is allowed. People in the room with the representatives and senators will visually express what you’ve been saying with words.
My sample letter to Rep. Heather Scott ( and Rep. John Green ( who are drafting a bill for consideration to Idaho lawmakers to abolish abortion looks like this. (cut and paste email address into individual emails)
Dear Representative Scott,
My name is Paul Thompson, a citizen of the City of Twin Falls, in the county of Twin Falls, in the state of Idaho.
I’m thankful to hear news that you are introducing a bill for consideration to abolish abortion with the “Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act”. I’m writing you today to inform you that I’m thankful to God for your efforts to defend all children in Idaho, especially those in the womb. I am also communicating to my local representatives, requesting them to give support to your bill.
Thank you,
Paul Thompson (Be sure to include your address here.) Twin Falls, Idaho, 83301
Here is a sample letter I sent to all of my local representatives and senator. (Locate your representatives/senator HERE)
Dear Representative/Senator (NAME),
My name is (Insert your name), a citizen of the City of Twin Falls, in the county of Twin Falls, in the state of Idaho.
I understand Rep. Heather Scott and Rep. John Green will be introducing a bill in Idaho legislation this year to abolish abortion with the “Idaho Abortion Human Rights Act”. I’m in favor with the introduction of such a bill. I will be following this bill and encouraging others to do the same. Please help us give a voice to all children in Idaho, especially those in the womb.
Thank you,
(Insert your name) (Be sure to include your address here.) Twin Falls, Idaho, 83301
Don’t hesitate to encourage others to do a similar letter. It would be appropriate to even actually pick up a pen and hand-write a letter as well. That kind of letter may actually get read (just get your stamps before the price increases soon).
May God bless his Holy name. Thank you for joining me in encouraging legislators to act now.
___________ Edited for spelling and typos on 2/10/19
(Today, October 15, 2018 is the first day of early voting in Idaho. I’m, admittedly, a stick in the mud when it comes to voting on “election day” and, yes, I realize that this new day of early elections means that “election day” began today. I’m just that way.)
Proposition 1 – Is it about horse racing or rapid-bet slot machine gambling?
The way we answer this depends on what the question is.
Is it important for a Christian to know what the question is in order to make a well informed and responsible decision on how to cast a vote on the matter on November 6, 2018? Yes, I think it is.
The thoughts I want to express here are not to tell anyone how to vote, but mostly to give an example on how to think through how this proposition is being presented. I think this is an important exercise to even do with your children. We need to be better listeners and better thinkers.
If you have not read the proposition then that is obviously a first thing that needs to be done in order to make a reasonable and responsible conclusion. Warning, it is a very lengthy read. But if one is to be a well informed and responsible voter then it is on us to read it. (see LINK). There can be great confusion surrounding propositions. Sometimes this is intentional.
DISCLAIMER: What I express in the following paragraphs is my opinion and is not an official opinion of any organization I represent. It is an attempt to help myself think through my opinion and to help others become better thinkers, even if the reader does not agree with my conclusion.
When I’m done reading a document like this proposition it requires me some extra time to process what’s being said and what the sponsors want to accomplish with the way they word the proposition. I’m not afraid to read a document like this with a dictionary in my lap to understand what the drafters of it want me to know and compared to what words they are using to persuade the reader to vote for it. (I do the same thing with any document the opponents write and encourage the reader to do the same with what I have to say.
I have to be intellectually honest from the beginning and realize everything I read, write, and think comes with at least some kind of bias. It’s a rare thing to have a completely unbiased opinion. This is a starting point that needs to be understood at the start.
I could make a case against gambling quickly based on what my family, my church, personal examinations have influenced me historically and presently.
That’s a long disclaimer. Wow!
Proposition 1 on the (October 15 -) November 6 ballot in Idaho is known as the “Save Horse Racing in Idaho Act”.
So, some unpacking and good research was required to get a better understanding of this proposition. You’ll need to do the same and your conclusion may or may not be the same as mine. But at the end of the conversation we are at least better informed.
I will express some things with some levels of assumption on behalf of the reader. Otherwise this piece may become so long that no one would ever finish it. I will post my discussion of this from this past Sunday night that may aid in some additional background information.
First: We have a proposition before the people of Idaho to “deregulate an industry and celebrate western history”. This resonates with anyone in the west. We are all the time talking about not wanting government regulation and of course we want to celebrate western history. But we have to be better disciplined than just responding to this kind of language.
For the follower of Christ, we come to Scripture as a lamp to illuminate our path even if it doesn’t directly speak to an issue. With the aid of the Holy Spirit we can apply biblical principles and precepts as we form a conclusion. And at the same time be at peace that not everyone may come to the same conclusion.
Case and point.
I start with how the gambling “industry” presents the matter and how does that sit with the principles of Scripture. I weigh in the way God describes the normal means of earning wages and then consider the health of a civilization in that economy with regard to not only how they earn a wage, but also in how the wage is spent to support the economy.
For example, an employer decides the value of his product and has to calculate the kind of wage he pays his employees with consideration to the likelihood a consumer is willing or able to pay for the product and for the employer to still make a reasonable profit. (I’m not an economist, I’m just trying to think this through. I’m sure there’s more to the equation than this.)
Again, God uses language in Scripture that implies an established economy that has a foundation of a people earning a wage and then purchasing or trading fairly in the marketplace for equal or fair exchange.
This first observation is a much longer discussion than this space allows, but it does at least expose a flaw in the appeal of bigger than normal reward for smaller than expected expense. This is an appeal to live in an altogether different economy than what the Bible would describe. I admit there are parts of my written expression here that does not unfold every question raised. After all, some would say, don’t you stop by Sonic on a regular basis and purchase a soft drink? Isn’t that wasteful and irresponsible? Let’s have that conversation some day, but I’ve already exceeded the work count limit of most readers of blogs.
I want to give the benefit of the doubt as best as I can to the sponsors of this proposition. I don’t like thinking the worst about someone without cause. So, I read and think about what they are saying.
I do have to say that the phrasing of the promotion for this proposition sounds disingenuous. I’m not accusing anyone of being deceitful unless it is shown that the use or lack of use of words is intentional to confuse rather than to clarify.
Let me just get to the point.
Is the legal horse racing industry in Idaho really in danger? (In danger of what? Financially bankrupt? If so, isn’t that the way a normal economy works? When there are not enough consumers for a particular product or service that same industry normally closes its doors. Is it the role of a government to then make a way for that industry to continue doing what people aren’t interested in by letting them do something different, that is unconstitutional, so they can continue calling that illegal activity under the name of the historic industry? Now I’m confused.)
Have people lost jobs since this kind of gaming was declared unconstitutional in 2015? (I don’t make light of the reality that jobs are serious.)
Is this a proposition to restore “historical horse racing”? (This is really a serious question to be asking.)
It does appear that the legal horse racing industry in Idaho is financially suffering. People have lost their jobs since this kind of gaming was declared unconstitutional in Idaho. “Historical Horse Racing” (HHR) has nothing to do with live horse racing.
It is a slot machine style game (just do a little research) that the gamer places bets on historical horse races with a pool of other gamers. No one knows what historical race they are betting on but they are apparently making calculated guesses on an unnamed horse in an unnamed race in an unknown year for the hopes of winning (big) against the others betting with them at the same time in the same location.
So, let me state some kind of conclusion.
When I read about proposition 1, it sounds like it is all about horse racing. This is, in my opinion, dishonest marketing. It is not about horse racing, it is about highly addictive, rapid-bet (slot) machine gambling. It has been well documented that this kind of gaming is geared to attract undisciplined recreators and the long term impact is negative upon the family, the economy, emotional, and spirituality of a civilization and the promise of funding education is always part of the deal, where it is again documented that education benefits little from lottery/gaming industries.
Let’s talk about this (kindly)… What do you think?