
Game Day!

First things first. Is it possible for someone living in a sinful lifestyle in conflict with the devine will of God to be a top level athlete? Sure. Why not?

Now the real issue. As the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transgenders, Queers, + and all advocates of sinful hostility toward God further alienates the nation from providential and common grace of the Almighty Creator, it becomes clearer every day that we now live in a day where evil is called good.

Church, the players are on the filed, and if you don’t have your gospel shoes laced up now you are completely unprepared to be on the field when the whistle blows. And I’m not talking about your ability to play at the level of a world class athlete. I’m talking about being fit and ready to give an answer for the hope you have in Christ.

This is not about the NFL.

image belongs to the
National Football League. (NFL.com)

This is about a ready and prepared church.

This present evil age we live in is not satisfied to have you at the table anymore. It is clear, you need to pack your bags and move along out of the way. You are no longer looked to with hopes of holding back the advancement of wicked and evil. Our work has always been a gospel work requiring gospel gear.

Eastside gave up on the false hope of Super Bowl parties to win the lost years ago. Does your church still even host major sporting event watch parties? The advertisement base has demanded this advancement as much as anyone. This is not really a post to make argument for or against such events, I really want to see that no one should be surprised that the NFL just released this advocacy video of sexual perversions.

How much influence does the NFL have? I don’t really know because I gave up interest in its cultural place in my personal life several years ago. Today they show again their values have moved, again.

God doesn’t need the NFL. God Commissioned his church to advance the greatest news of all to the nations.

To use the illustration of game day… It appears the NFL showed up ready to play ball. Church? Where are you today? Planning your next chili bowl cook off only to sit down in front of the propaganda machine of the NFL to indoctrinate the sons and daughters of Adam to hate God with more boldness than before?

It’s “game day” we need you to show up with your gospel shoes on ready to enter the field!

When Sin Is Promoted All Citizens Are At Risk

Following is my response to a proclamation read by the mayor of Twin Falls on June 3, 2019 at the weekly city council meeting. It is nothing new for any mayor to make non binding proclamations. It’s normal and even sought out by individuals and organizations who are looking for grant money, public recognition of achievements, or a call to action from the mayor to the citizens.

Usually a proclamation is made that the community at large will have little disagreement over. Somewhat of a politically safe statement. However, sometimes a proclamation is a misleading statement by a politician to use smoke and mirrors to distract a people from the eternal risk of their actions.

Yesterday, in the city of Twin Falls, like many other cities across the nation, our mayor made a proclamation declaring the month of June as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Pride month.

There are a few things worth taking note of…

  • most want to simplify the list of titles with the acronym LGBTQ. I think this is intentional; not to simplify and save time, but rather to not hear those titles spoken every time because the actual titles are perversions of all things natural and righteous. One can hear the term “LGBT” all day long and not have to really think about what it represents, abominations before God.
  • The lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer pride month is nothing new to Twin Falls.
  • Our neighbors requesting the proclamation should be treated with humanitarian dignity. It would be unthinkable to walk by a burning building and think those living there are not worth rescuing. Our response should be one of compassion and honesty.

Following is my letter to the mayor. I disclosed to him that I would be posting this as a public response to his public proclamation. It is my intent to always speak forthright while attempting to be respectful and kind. Not always easy to accomplish. It wouldn’t hurt for you to draft a letter to him expressing your opinion on this matter too.


Dear Mr. Mayor,

I just want to follow up with you in regard to your Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Proclamation yesterday. I want you to know I pray for you every week and I think you fairly govern the council meetings. I have  witnessed your fairness and kindness to all who stand before the council, even when there is clear disagreement. For this I’m thankful.

I wish to communicate with you that I take issue with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Proclamation signed on May 20, 2019 and read in public on June 3, 2019. Within the proclamation, I notice some inconsistencies and likely unintentional discrimination against others in our community.

I understand the nature of a proclamation and that it is more ceremonial and not binding law. With this understanding I wish to communicate my disagreement concerning the need for such a proclamation. I also want you to be sure you are aware that I will be publicly responding to the proclamation in my personal blog page where I communicate on a broad array of topics.

This public proclamation requires a public response. My intent is not to be disrespectful, only to point out how many times in an effort to show fairness; unfairness is exposed.

The first two-thirds of the proclamation was a fair attempt to acknowledge the diversity in our community. I take issue with three parts of the proclamation.

First: I don’t think this kind of proclamation is needed in a community like ours. The citizens are  generally fair to their neighbors and where there are shortcomings in this we already have laws that govern how we are to treat each other.

Second: The proclamation was about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer pride month, not about all the other classifications mentioned. Why bring age into the proclamation if you are not going to defend my neighbor in the womb of a pregnant woman who will seek to murder that human in an abortion clinic?  And you make no mention of the natural birth sex, only “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” no mention of “male” or “female”. This was either intentional or a mistake, in either case both are noticeably missing.

Finally: As the proclamation gets clearer and to the point, it does two things. 1) It misrepresents the population base in the city. To claim that the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community are a “vital part of all fields and professions and contribute to a stronger community” is misleading. Are they valued because of their humanity and their skill or because of their sexual activity? I do not think it can be a supported truth that every field and every profession in our city has lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer workers in it, and it implies that every field or profession is not contributing to a stronger community unless there are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer workers in that field. Do you mean to communicate that an employer would be better to have a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer employee than an honest, hard working, loyal workforce regardless of their sexual status? This is actually a discriminating point against those who contribute to our community who are not lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. I don’t think that’s what the intent is, but it is unclear by the use of the words. And words are so important. 2) The best thing we can give our youth is truth. To live out a lifestyle that is a perversion of everything natural and righteous is not loving. It helps no one in the community to promote this kind of perversion. The community is not better, the community is at risk. We are not a stronger community when we promote that which is opposed to truth.

I will communicate my disagreement publicly but I want you to know I mean no disrespect to you. I do strongly disagree with this proclamation. Where I disagree with this proclamation I will continue to be kind to all of my neighbors.

The intent of my writing was to communicate my disagreement with the need for such a proclamation and to communicate with clarity that the promotion and approval of sinful activity puts all citizens in danger.

Thank you for reading this with understanding of my intent.

Paul Thompson

A Global Problem

This is not your normal call for attention founded more in unknown fear than truth. This is a real global problem for Christians, especially Christians involved in ministry to parentless children (orphans.)

Over the past five years I’ve become schooled on this global “do good” “friend” of orphans. And to be sure I’m clearly understood, I do not mean to identify UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) as any real friend of children anywhere.

Let me also state on the front side of my thoughts; I do recognize that there are genuine, sincerely kind, intentions of many who work and give to UNICEF.

But I must remain bold on this matter: UNICEF is no real friend of children. This is complicated, yes.

  • Does UNICEF provide food to starving children? yes.
  • Do churches and UNICEF work together around the world to feed and educate children? yes.
  • Is UNICEF friend or foe to the gospel and real gospel advancing churches? foe!

Let me present exhibit A.

On November 9, 2014 UNICEF released their official position paper entitled “Eliminating Discrimination Against Children and Parent Based on Sexual Orientation and/or Gender Identity.”

This six page position paper helps better identify UNICEF for who they really are. It’s not easy because there is a lot in this position paper that many Christians agree with. But we, Biblical followers of Christ, must better discern and become better defenders of truth.

It takes work and it makes you unpopular.

I’ll leave the overall position paper to your own reading but let me show you first how easy it is to like what UNICEF does. Secondly, I will attempt to expose how crafty their wording is. Finally, I will make a case for why this position paper opposes the gospel and is dangerous.


If you don’t know anything about UNICEF, look them up online some day. You will find information about what they are doing. You will read about volunteers who go overseas to help orphans and distribute food to mothers of children. You will see pictures of smiling children thankful to have food in their bowl. This is the face of UNICEF. It’s one that looks a lot like the pictures of the last mission/ministry trip your church went on last year. It looks familiar.


Read what they have to say and you may think, “I don’t get it, Paul.”

Be sure you’re reading with the gospel in mind. It will take some time and effort but if you understand the gospel correctly you will see and hear that UNICEF, the organization, hates the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Let me show just a few excerpts from the position paper…  My intention is only to help shine the light of Scripture on an enemy of the gospel.

from the Position Paper:

“In all regions of the World, children who are lesbians, gay, Bisexual, transgender (LGBT) – or otherwise perceived to have different sexualities or gender identities than the norm – often suffer discrimination, intimidation, harassment and violence.”

Let me just address a few things… “different sexualities or gender identities”, UNICEF is arguing for something that others are attempting today too… but logic has been dropped.

  • There are different sexualities, male and female, but not as UNICEF is defining as “different sexualities”; there are, however, different sexual behaviors. Natural and un-natural.
  • There is no such thing as “different gender identities”, humans are male and female.
  • Part of the wooing of UNICEF is that they are posturing themselves as standing up for human rights. It would be inappropriate for the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to be anything but kind and compassionate to all people.

Don’t be duped by clever ad campaigns designed to work on you like a million dollar :30 second Super Bowl Commercial. Be Smarter than that. You are a child of the King.

Listen, I live next to people of all ethnic backgrounds. When I see a neighbor who is black I don’t warn my family or other neighbors to stay away from them. When a new refugee from Iran moves in down the street I will be the first to defend them against discrimination, intimidation, harassment and violence. I hope that when they look at me and the tone of my skin they would do the same. I wave to the single mom down the street and say hello to the dad walking his children home from the library. I identify them all as male and female, adult and child.

I am an ambassador of the kingdom of heaven. I live my days attempting to herald the gospel of peace to all without privilege to any.

One more quick look at an excerpt from the UNICEF position paper.

Terms and Definitions:

Sexual Orientation refers to a person’s physical, romantic and or emotional attraction towards other people. Most people have a sexual orientation, which forms an integral part of their identity. Homosexual people are attracted to individuals of the same sex as themselves. Heterosexual people are attracted to individuals of a differnent sex from themselves. Bisexual people may be attracted to individuals of the same or different sex. Sexual orientation is not related to gender identity.”

Gender identity reflects a deeply felt sense of one’s own gender, which is how a person identifies as being masculine or feminine, neither or both, or a combination. A person’s gender identity is typically consistent with the sex assigend to them at birth, usually based on the presenting genitals. Transgender people have an inconsistency between their sense of their own gender and the sex they were assigned at birth. In some cases, their appearance, mannerisms and other outward characteristics may conflict with society’s expectations of gender-normative behavior.”

There is more in the position paper, but this is enough to expose the agenda of UNICEF.

Back to my neighborhood… I can identify my neighbors ethnicity and gender without much difficulty. I can assure my family that they are safe in the neighborhood based on what we see. I can’t give safety to my family from what I can’t see. I don’t let my children enter homes of people I don’t know. Not because I’m discriminating against them, but because I don’t know them or I can’t see what’s going on in their homes.

According to Scripture, I have every reason to speak caution to my children and my community about what can’t be seen or identified without being labeled a bigot.

I will rather endure the shame of the cross and love all of my neighbors and community by warning them of the wrath of God to come upon all unrepentant sinners. I don’t force them to repent, I don’t quit waving to them if they don’t repent, I don’t stop giving them our neighborhood Christmas gifts if they don’t believe as I do. I treat them with compassion, care, interest, I ask about their jobs, their family, I am sincerely interested in their lives.

This position paper seems more of a public relations propaganda to appear to the nations of the world as the caring ones, the compassionate organization that really cares and anyone who doesn’t do what they do are not compassionate. They are discriminating against you.


Here I will attempt to shortly give reason I find this kind of position paper opposed to the gospel.

Sexuality matters are not the same as ethnic matters. Gender identity is not equal to equal rights of the sexes. Any attempt to equalize the matters cheapens the truth. Anything that cheapens truth is opposed to the gospel.

If I say to my child “you must not speak to Mr. Steven (black neighbor) because he is black”, I am not expressing the command of the gospel that I must speak the gospel to all people.

If I say to my child “you must not speak to Ms. Sally (lesbian neighbor) because she is a lesbian”. I am not expressing the command of the Lord to take the gospel to all people.

If I say to my child “you must exercise caution about accepting a ride from a stranger because we don’t know what their intentions are”, is not an act of discrimination. I don’t know anything about him/her. I don’t know what kind of deviant sin they are involved with.

If I say to my child “you can not trust your own heart”, is me speaking the gospel. You can’t trust your heart, you can’t trust any heart of one who defends sexual deviant activity as normative.

All of us are sinners. In reality, until Christ calls you unto himself and you repent of your wretched sin, none can do good to another. No, not even one, not even UNICEF.

This is a gospel matter. Do not trust anyone who defends sexual deviant activity as normative. It is not normal. It is a perversion of what God designed it to be. God does love you. It is not unloving of Him to warn us of the dangers of sexual deviance. It is not unfair or unjust of God to judge all who disobey.

It is quite spectacular that He does love you and calls you unto repentance.

While it is still called today, repent. Do not harden your heart to this by embracing ideas and/or those opposed to the gospel.

UNICEF has identified itself as opposed to the gospel. You won’t hear that from them, they are much too clever for that. You should read this and educate yourself on the agenda of UNICEF. Be aware if your church sends missionaries anywhere in the world.


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