When it comes to packing for mission trips there are really only a few items that are on my required list. My highly recommended list is quit long, but if I was ever limited to five things, the SANSBUG Mosquito Net Tent is item number three, only after my Bible and water filter. Here is my top five required packing items.
- BIBLE: The obvious is not to be under stated by calling it the obvious. But what is an ambassador of Christ’s reconciliation doing on a mission trip without the only reliable source of the revelation of who God is, who man is, and about the great fixed chasm between this holy God and wretched man?
- FLASH LIGHT: In many places around the world electricity may or may not be available. If it is reliable it may not be consistent. A flash light with extra batteries or a hand crank generator is vitally important.
- ANTI-BACTERIA OINTMENT: I could put bug spray as a requirement, and I don’t ever intend to travel without it, but bug bites are inevitable. Some way to ease the pain and potential infection is critical.
- WATER FILTER: Small personal water filters are readily available and relatively inexpensive.
- SANSBUG MOSQUITO NET TENT: If your sojourning takes you to hard places where bedding is complicated and bug populations are high, you should consider this investment. If you are going to remote places where mosquito borne disease is likely, this mosquito/bug net tent will help keep you from being a feast for the mosquitos/bugs. I highly recommend this as a required packing list item.
What is it like to be a human feast for the night time mosquitos? Here is a picture of what 19 days in Haiti is like without a SANSBUG tent. If this can be avoided, why not? Of course the circumstances may prohibit your using this kind of protection, but if given the opportunity I wouldn’t travel without one. Visit the SANSBUG Mosquito Net Tent website for more information or contact me with other information I can help you with.
(This is a non-paid endorsement)
Visit their website HERE. We found their customer service to be helpful, the shipment was timely and the product… I’m convinced!