I’ve been writing on this blog page for nearly 18 years. In dog years that’s 126 years (that dog is no longer alive.) I don’t know of a blog year calculator but my observation of how fast the internet world advances, this blogging practice of mine is of the ancient world. The purpose of my writing is to put words to thoughts. To practice a discipline. To encourage my church. To dialog with my brother pastor friends. During these years of journaling there are some years where I have written more and other years I have written less.
I had someone once tell me, as they were preparing to tell me they could not stay at Eastside Baptist any longer, that they wished I would preach the way I write. I still don’t know what bread of insult that really was. Because I’m a self-publishing blogger without an editorial staff to work out my grammatical head-scratching run-a-long sentences and second-grade spelling (no offense to second-graders) I’m not so sure I understand their statement at all.
Anyway, that was years ago. I’ve not written with the same kind of regularity in recent years as I have in other years. But here we go again.
May the reader understand. This discipline of writing is born in my life from a friend who once told me… “If you want to be a communicator, you need to become a writer.”
I’ve been writing my opening prayer for the past few months to give careful and intentional words when I address God, a discipline I have benefited from if none others have. And for that, I’m thankful to God. May the practice bless the Lord’s church and encourage pastors to give attention to this discipline.
I will publish these prayers here for now.
My pastoral prayer from November 12, 2023
Our God and Father, Yahweh, draw near to us by your spirit and may these few moments we have together today be full of joy in our shared experience, free from resentment, frustration, and malice. Because of your Glom may we escape the trappings of the trivial and the temporal trappings of vanity. May our eyes be pleased to look upon your beauty. We confess we do not find it easy to rid ourselves of distracting thoughts. Remind us we have weapons to take upon these misleading thoughts. We are far too easily distracted. May we have success to chase away all that distracts us, whether it be pleasure or pain. either strength or weakness that which takes up residence in our minds to keep us from your service.
Give us a church of saints. Give husbands joy in their duty to lead, and help wives to support & stand by. Raise parents to the place to joyfully disciple their children. Bless these little ones among us to be content and full of joy in you.
All of the true Church worships you O God. Every heart renewed by grace takes delight in you and is not disappointed. Bless your people with resolve to stand. Those in safe Places and those in dangerous places. help us not grow apathetic or filled with the fear of men.
We bring our wounded & sick before you – The greater our sickness, bruises, sores, diseases, we are aware of the depravity of our nature, of the deep-seated corruption of our hearts. The more we know that we are the sort of beings you call to abandon of flesh and look unto you!
“The Accused is charged with willful and deliberate Violation of various and sundry Royal and Parliamentary Edicts.”
Charges against John Bunyan, Tinker, of Bedfordshire. 1660
The following is the word-for-word transcript from the trial of John Bunyan on October 3, 1660.
I encourage each household to read the court transcript. In doing so, rejoice in the Lord for the simple and bold defense John Bunyan gives for why he could not simply sign documentation to cease preaching without permission from the government. As you do so, remember there is a brother behind bars on North American soul because he refuses to cease preaching to the saints who gather. James Coates of GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Canada was arrested two weeks ago for not surrendering his preaching post.
May the church rejoice.
John Bunyan’s wife interceding for his release.
PROCEEDINGS, being a true account of the trial of John Bunyan, Tinker, of Bedfordshire, His Lordship, Judge Wingate presiding at the Courthouse in Bedfordshire on October 3, in the Year of our Lord, 1660. The Accused is charged with willful and deliberate Violation of various and sundry Royal and Parliamentary Edicts. His Trial this Day, however, respects a single Charge: namely, Violation of the Conventicle Act, first proposed by Her Most High and Mighty Majesty, our Late Beloved Queen Elizabeth, and reinstated by His Beneficent Highness, King Charles II. All Parties being in Place, and the Witnesses having been sworn, the trial proceeds.
JUDGE WINGATE: Mr. Bunyan, you stand before this Court accused of persistent and willful transgression of the Conventicle Act, which prohibits all British subjects from absenting themselves from worship in the Church of England, and from conducting worship services apart from our Church. You come, presumably, with no legal training, and yet without counsel. I must warn you, sir, of the gravity of the charge, the harshness of the penalty, in the event of your conviction, and the foolhardiness of acting as your own counsel in so serious a matter. Are you cognizant of these facts, and do you understand the charge?
BUNYAN: I am, and I do, M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: In truth, I hope you do. Now, I hold in my hand the depositions of the witness against you. In each case, they have testified that, to their knowledge, you have never, in your adult life, attended services in the church of this parish. Each further testifies that he has observed you, on numerous occasions, conducting religious exercises in and near Bedford. These depositions have been read to you, have they not?
BUNYAN: They have, M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: In that case, then, this court would be profoundly interested in your response to them.
BUNYAN: Thank you M’lord. And may I say that I am grateful for the opportunity to respond. Firstly, the depositions speak the truth. I have never attended services in the Church of England, nor do I intend ever to do so. Secondly, it is no secret that I preach the word of God whenever, wherever, and to whomever He pleases to grant me opportunity to do so.
Having said that, M’lord, there is a weightier issue that I am constrained to address. I have no choice but to acknowledge my awareness of the law which I am accused of transgressing. Likewise, I have no choice but to confess my guilt in my transgression of it. As true as these things are, I must affirm that I neither regret breaking the law, nor repent of having broken it. Further, I must warn you that I have no intention in future of conforming to it. It is, on its face, an unjust law, a law against which honorable men cannot shrink from protesting. In truth, M’lord, it violates an infinitely higher law—the right of every man to seek God in his own way, unhindered by any temporal power. That, M’lord, is my response.
JUDGE WINGATE: This Court would remind you, sir, that we are not here to debate the merits of the law. We are here to determine it you are, in fact, guilty of violating it.
BUNYAN: Perhaps, M’lord, that is why you are here, but it is most certainly not why I am here. I am here because you compel me to be here. All I ask is to be left alone to preach and to teach as God directs me. As, however, I must be here, I cannot fail to use these circumstances as an opportunity to speak against what I know to be an unjust and odious edict.
JUDGE WINGATE: Let me understand you. You are arguing that every man has a right, given him by Almighty God, to seek the Deity in his own way, even, if he chooses, without benefit of the English Church?
BUNYAN: That is precisely what I am arguing, M’lord. Or without benefit of any church.
JUDGE WINGATE: Do you know what you are saying? What of Papists and Quakers? What of pagan Mohammedans? Have these the right to seek God in their own misguided way?
BUNYAN: Even these M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: May I ask if you are particularly sympathetic to the views of these or other such deviant religious societies?
BUNYAN: I am not, M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: Yet you affirm a God-given right to hold any alien religious doctrine that appeals to the warped minds of men?
BUNYAN: I do, M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: I find your views impossible of belief. And what of those who, if left to their own devices, would have no interest in things heavenly? Have they the right to be allowed to continue unmolested in their error?
BUNYAN: It is my fervent belief that they do, M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: And on what basis, might I ask, can you make such a rash affirmation?
BUNYAN: On the basis, M’lord, that a man’s religious views—or lack of them—are matters between his conscience and his God, and are not the business of the Crown, the Parliament, or even, with all due respect, M’lord, of the Court.
However much I may be in disagreement with another man’s sincerely held religious beliefs, neither I nor any other may disallow his right to hold those beliefs. No man’s rights in these affairs are secure if every other man’s rights are not equally secure.
JUDGE WINGATE: It is obvious, sir, that you are a victim of deranged thinking. If my ears deceive me not, I must infer from your words that you believe the State to have no interest in the religious life of its subjects.
BUNYAN: The State, M’lord, may have an interest in anything in which it wishes to have an interest. But the State has no right whatever to interfere in the religious life of its citizens.
JUDGE WINGATE: You are a tinker by trade, are you not, Mr. Bunyan?
BUNYAN: That is correct, M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: Would you mind apprising this Court of the extent of your formal schooling?
BUNYAN: Not at all, M’lord. Able I am to read and write, and that with difficulty.
JUDGE WINGATE: I surmised as much. I think I perceive why you are unable to appreciate the disaster that would accompany your views should ever they hold sway in our society. I myself—and I say this in all modesty—am not inconsiderably trained in the historian’s discipline. If you were half so well-versed yourself, you would instantly recognize the fatal flaw in your reasoning. Throughout history, virtually every significant human tragedy has come about as a result of divergent religious views. Nation against nation. Brother against brother. War. Destruction. Devastation. Time and time again. And why? I shall tell your why, sir. It is because men cannot agree on which God to worship, and how to worship Him.
Now, after a long and arduous struggle, we have succeeded in forging a conformity in the religious beliefs of all Englishmen. All our problems will be resolved when everyone finally agrees to accommodate himself, and adopt the same orthodoxy of religious opinion. No more religious wars! No more divisive doctrinal disputes! Think of it, Mr. Bunyan! Does this not portend a society of which any man would be proud and happy to be a part?
BUNYAN: To a degree, M’lord, it admittedly does. But only if everyone can be convicted by virtue of reasoning alone to adopt identical views of God. The society that you describe is an appealing one, but I fear the cost is far too high. It would necessitate that honest men repudiate convictions honestly held.
JUDGE WINGATE: You are, Mr. Bunyan, a strong-willed and opinionated man. Yet, this Court finds it fascinating to speak with you, and wishes, time permitted, further discussion of our respective philosophies. But, alas, time is passing swiftly, and other cases await our attention. Let us move, then, to the matter before us, shall we? The evidence I hold in my hand—even apart from your own admission of guilt—is sufficient to convict you, and the Court is within its right to have you committed to prison for a considerably long time. I do not wish to send you to prison, Mr. Bunyan. I am aware of the poverty of your family, and I believe you have a little daughter who, unfortunately, was born blind. Is this not so?
BUNYAN: It is, M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: Very well. The decision of the Court is this: Inasmuch as the accused has confessed his guilt, we shall follow a merciful and compassionate course of action. We shall release him on the condition that he swear solemnly to discontinue the convening of religious meetings, and that he affix his signature to such an oath prior to quitting the Courtroom. That will be all, Mr. Bunyan. I hope not to see you here again. May we hear the next case?
BUNYAN: M’lord, if I may have another moment of the Court’s time?
JUDGE WINGATE: Yes, but you must be quick about it. We have other matters to attend to. What is it?
BUNYAN: I cannot do what you ask of me, M’lord. I cannot place my signature upon any document in which I promise henceforth not to preach. My calling to preach the Gospel is from God, and He alone can make me discontinue what He has appointed me to do. As I have had no word from Him to that effect, I must continue to preach, and I shall continue to preach.
JUDGE WINGATE: Mr. Bunyan, you are trying the patience of this Court.
BUNYAN: That is not my intention, M’lord.
JUDGE WINGATE: I warn you, sir, the Court has gone the second mile to be lenient with you, out of concern for your family’s difficult straits. Truth to tell, it would appear that the Court’s concern for your family far exceeds your own. Do you wish to go to prison?
BUNYAN: No, M’lord. Few things there are that I would wish less.
JUDGE WINGATE: Very well, then, Mr. Bunyan. This Court will make one further attempt in good faith to accommodate what appears to be strongly held convictions on your part. In his compassion and beneficence, our Sovereign, Charles II, has made provision for dissenting preachers to hold some limited meetings. All that is required is that such ministers procure licenses authorizing them to convene these gatherings. The Court will not require you to sign any documents, but will require on your verbal commitment to proceed through proper channels to obtain licenses. You will not find the procedure burdensome, and even you, Mr. Bunyan, must surely grant the legitimacy of the State’s interest in ensuring that any fool with a Bible does not simply gather a group of people together and begin to preach to them. Imagine the implications were that to happen! Can you comply with this condition, Mr. Bunyan? Before you answer, mark you this: should you refuse, the Court will have no alternative but to sentence you to a prison term. Think, sir, of your poor wife. Think of your flock, who can hear you to their hearts’ content when you shall have secured your licenses. Think on these things, and give us your answer, sir!
BUNYAN: M’lord, I appreciate the Court’s efforts to be—as you have put it—accommodating. But again, I must refuse your terms. I must repeat that it is God who constrains me to preach, and no man or company of men may grant or deny me leave to preach. These licenses of which you speak, M’lord, are symbols not of a right, but of a privilege. Implied therein is the principle that a mere man can extend or withhold them according to his whim. I speak not of privileges, but of rights. Privileges granted by men may be denied by men. Rights are granted by God, and can be legitimately denied by no man. I must, therefore, refuse to comply.
JUDGE WINGATE: Very well, Mr. Bunyan. Since you persist in your intractability, and since you reject this Court’s honest effort at compromise, you leave us no choice but to commit you to Bedford jail for a period of six years. If you manage to survive, I should think that your experience will correct your thinking. If you fail to survive, that will be unfortunate. In any event, I strongly suspect that we have heard the last we shall ever hear from Mr. John Bunyan. Now, may we hear the next case.
HT: Jacob Spenst, preaching on February 28, 2021, at GraceLife Church, Edmonton, Canada
Source of the transcript: http://www.genuineleatherbible.net/2012/john-bunyans-trial-the-breedlove-papers
While Eastside Baptist continues to weigh the circumstances caused by COVID-19, we continue to gather with increased caution and respect to our neighbors while exercising personal responsibility.
Knowing that some of our church family will need to remain at home during these days we are pleased to offer our gatherings through a faithful partner, Sermon Audio. Eastsidehas been blessed with the services of Sermon Audio for nearly eight years now. That means we have hundreds of sermons available for you to listen to during this time of “social distancing”.
Be sure to set the app to Eastside Baptist Church as your home church by entering our Church Code ID – 25378. Now, every time the app loads, it will go straight to Eastside Baptist Church’s sermons.
If you are under a self-quarantine and not gathering on Sunday be sure to participate via our live-streaming features provided by SermonAudio too.
There are many ways you can do this. One of which you just did by downloading our sermon app. The following are other suggestions to consider on multiple platforms, including a phone line that can provide an audio connection from any touch-tone phone.
May God use the preaching ministry of Eastside Baptist Church to minister to you. Contact Eastside Baptist Church if we can assist you in these important days as we turn our attention to Him for His glory.
By the grace of God, we are already set up to provide a live service for those unable to physically gather with us during the COVID-19 outbreak. To be clear, this is not the recommended normal way to participate with a church, but in a time like this it is reasonable and encouraged for those sick, away, or vulnerable.
Earlier this week we were able to have all connections updated and serviced. Our internet provider installed new equipment and our IT guy (Dan) reestablished the IT things (I’m sure that’s no the right way to say any of that, but that’s what happened).
Here are some tips on how how to access Eastside Baptist Church via our SermonAudio connection. SermonAudio provides our streaming on several platforms from mobile, notebook, desktop, Roku, Amazon Fire, Apple TV, and landline. No matter where you are, you’ll be able to access our sermons and webcasts. Our Church Code ID: 25378
My advice to you if you are not able to gather with us in person is the same as if you could. Do all you can to eliminate any potential distractions (ie: avoid surfing other sites while participating), get your Bible out, sing with the people, pray with the people, and hear the preached word of the Almighty God.
If your data plan is limited or you are experiencing difficulty watching or listening online consider a connection via phone line. Consider putting your phone on “speaker” mode so you don’t have to hold the phone to your ear the entire time.
At 10:30 a.m and 5:30 p.m. (mountain time)
Call 712-432-3410
when prompted, dial 2
then enter 25378 (the specific church code for Eastside Baptist Church)
There is no better way to experience a corporate church gathering than in person, but for such a day as this, bless the Lord.
This is a great way to introduce someone to Eastside Baptist Church. There are some in the area that will not be gathering, send them a link to www.esbcTwinFalls.com. Invite them to come with you. I am preaching through Isaiah 52:12-53:12 for the next several weeks. This text is all about the suffering servant, the Lord Jesus Christ. All of these verses lead us to the gospel.
The womb, the most miraculous knitting factory in all of the universe is where the Redeemer will be introduced to the world full of sinners and is the place where the enemy of this Savior has been hating since the fall of creation when God announced He would crush him.
Text: Isaiah 49:1-13 Title: the Second Servant Song Date: January 5, 2020
July 14, at 6:30 p.m. one of our missionaries to Senegal, West Africa will update us of the ongoing gospel work. Matt is a former pastor of NorthRidge Fellowship in Jerome, ID. Matt and Gayle have 3 children.
Both opportunities will be of a blessing to you and your family.
When we think of this phrase, “the fear of the Lord”, in Christian circles, we’ll usually, and correctly, relate it to wisdom and knowledge. (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10, 15:33)
The Bible regularly uses this phrase.
For the past several weeks at Eastside Baptist Church, I’ve been examining the text in light of the fear of the LORD. Take an early look at it with me from a companion text in Psalms.
In Psalm 19 the psalmist ties several things together, similar to what Isaiah declares in Isaiah 33:22 (The LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, The LORD is our king; He will save us…).
Look at Psalm 19:7-11
7) The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. 8) The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 9) The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the LORD are true; they are righteous altogether. 10) They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. 11) Moreover, by them Your servant is warned; In keeping them there is great reward.
Consider it in light of Isaiah 33:6 and 22
6) He will be the stability of your times, a wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is his treasure. 22) For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us…
Both texts illuminates the other.
Isaiah speaks a bout God being the “stability of your times”. God’s law is perfect in all times, so it seems right that it would be a trustworthy law in our time.
Isaiah claims God to being a wealth of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. God’s testimony is sure (more valuable than a bank account) and making wise the simple. Because the LORD’s precepts are right, we can rejoice and this enlightens the eyes. The fear of the LORD is our treasure.
Isaiah declares God “our judge”, the psalmist claims the judgments of the LORD are true, in fact, “righteous altogether” and that they are more desirable than gold.
Isaiah informs the reader that the “LORD is our lawgiver”, the psalmist showed us that the “law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul”. The commands of God are only a burden to the lawbreaker.
Isaiah told us that the “LORD is our king”, the psalmist reveals that the servant is to give heed to obeying the LORD, in doing so there is “great reward.”
I’m looking forward to preaching Isaiah 33:6 and 22 this coming LORD’s Day.
Eastside Baptist Church gathers at 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. every Sunday, the first day of the week. If you don’t have a home church you belong to consider joining us this week; 204 Eastland Drive North, Twin Falls, Idaho.
Christmas Eve Sermon 5:30 p.m. December 24, 2018 Eastside Baptist Church – Twin Falls, Idaho
So God Came to Us! Or God Gives What is God Psalm 85:1-13 and Psalm 86:7-10
Read Psalm 85:1-13
V. 8: “ I will hear what God the LORD will say
A Personal Resolve: “I will hear”
Some will not
Some could not
Not wanting a report from another of what God said.
He will hear for himself
A Firm Resolve: “I will”
Nothing will keep me from this… “I will”
No authentic child of God will purposely refrain from God for long. Maybe for a moment or season, but not for long or good.
Those disinterested in God will allow hindrances to prevent from hearing God.
A Sincere Resolve: “what the Lord will say”
V. 8 “ He will speak.”
He is God, the Lord
Jehovah – the one true living triune God is speaking.
The incarnation
The atonement
The power (the Holy Spirit)
Humanity needs all of this
We can hear – we are spiritual beings who can hear messages from God, who is a spirit
What God has to say is what we most need to hear.
We hear from our own sinful heart all the time and of what our fellow sinful peers have to say. All ungodly doctrines, imaginations, counsels and general misery and confusion.
But HERE: the psalmist wants to come away from all of this and hear God.
What will God say here?
“He will speak peace to His people.
We have previously quarrelled with him
We will have rebelled again and again. But now it is all together different, we turn to him to hear Him.
This peace is that your issues, your conflicts, your stubbornness, your selfishness, your laziness, your foolishness is a war field of your mind and the Prince of Peace has entered the field. Where pride has previously ruled the broken agitated condition of your mind, now you can finally have peace in Christ.
You previously have learned war from that unbelief now, in Christ, He speaks peace to you.
You cannot over estimated this peace.
You cannot advance beyond this moment without this peace.
How does He speak?
He speaks by the authority of His word. You are looking to hear from a spiritual voice. Be careful, there are many spiritual voices. But an authoritative voice does not hide behind weak pitiful men. An authoritative voice can withstand critical examination. The Bible is that authoritative word.
NOW: Salvation and Glory
V. 9: Have confidence: Salvation is near (It is yours) to those who fear Him.
Ex. not a fear of torment, not a fear of the law, it is a fear begotten of love
V. 10: Lovingkindness and Truth don’t meet in confusion, in opposition, in collision, they meet as a refuge from the wind. Righteousness and peace are not foes forced to get along, they meet as a shelter from the storm.
V. 11: Truth springs from the earth. Righteousness looks down from heaven
The incarnation of Christ may be seen in the most shocking, scandalous pictures painted here in Psalm 85
Lovingkindness and Truth met
Righteousness and Peace kiss
Intersecting of
Eternal and temporal
Immortal and mortal
Spirit and flesh
This is not the beginning of God the Son. It is rather the moment where uncreated God entered created existence in body.
This glorious work, springing forth, shows a loving God humbling Himself from Bethlehem to Golgotha for peace upon the sons of men.
This incarnation fulfills prophecy – Isaiah 9:6 “To us a child is born, to us a child is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God Everlasting Father, Prince of peace.” He is no ordinary son.
Mysterious – but somehow; without confusion, without change, without division, without separation when uncreated God takes on mortal, temporal, humanity clothed as the Christ, the messiah, the redeemer, the savior.
This incarnation is required for salvation: Heb. 2:17 He “had to be made like one of us in every respect so that he might become a merciful, faithful high priest in the service of God to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Adapted from Joseph Scheumann, Desiring God
December 25, 2013
Close with reading vv 12-13
He is not a God who left us in our sin, but rather a God who gives good gifts and did for us what we could never do by coming to us!