Here are my top 85 reasons I like living in Idaho
1) Family: I’m thankful to the Lord for my family.
(left to right: Renee, me, Silas, Bianca, Emily, and David)

2) Church: I’m thankful to the Lord for my church family, Eastside Baptist Church.
Eastside Baptist Church is a courageous family of believers striving to keep the Glory of God in front of us, the Lordship of Christ directing our steps, and obeying the Spirit promptly. We gather on Sunday mornings at 9:15am for bible study, 10:30am and 6:30pm for worship; Wednesday nights at 6:30pm for a weekly prayer gathering.
3) Friends: I’m thankful to the Lord for friends like John Martinez.
Hey, write my buddy a short note and tell him hello. Pray for his ongoing ministry with the soldiers of the Idaho National Guard.
4) Raw cow milk from Provider Farms to go on my oatmeal tonight.
Provider Farms delivers fresh farm produce to Twin Falls every Monday morning. You should visit this week and place an order. They make the local delivery at the Eastside Baptist Church parking lot. Take time to come in and say hello while you are here.

5) Adventure awaits me around every corner and there is always a mountain top that needs to be climbed.
We are planning a trip to the top of Mt. Borah again in late August. Contact me about the date and join in on the ‘Borah Shuffle’.
Here are the remaining 80 reasons I like living in Idaho. Beginning July 1, interstate travel in most of Southern Idaho will increase to 80 mph.