
Effective Ways to Reach Youth and Young Adults

First, realize that the title of my post today is with my tongue in my cheek, sort of speak. I’m not employing the title to attract readers.

When I’m away for a stretch of time I like to take a moment and catch up on my regular reading circuit of newsletters I subscribe to and bloggers I regularly read. I’ve just finished getting caught up on a few of those, most were deleted or flagged to read later.

Of note, there seemed to be an uptick of posts and columns that were addressing the most effective ways of reaching youth and/or young adults. Not just the random writer or publishing house trying to get readers from desperate pastors or leaders in churches that are facing pressure to increase the bottom line of attendance (which means the bottom line for funds), but there seemed to be several from what I would call are otherwise trustworthy sources and noteworthy authors. I decided to read a few of them to see what’s being said about the attraction of youth and young adults. These articles and columns come from denominations, churches and even secular sources.

There were three things that caught my “attention.”

  • The clip art or stock photos for the articles seemed more flashy than normal and an increase in photos of young people with more tattoos, body piercings, and seductive type clothing and facial expressions. I first realize that I’m now looking at everything in life from a 50 year old’s lens (which now includes bifocals). I respect that I can’t require all of the advertising world to appeal to my likes. But I do find it interesting a shift that is or has happened in what is presented as “normal” for what a young person looks like who is serious about a relationship with God. It is a significant shift mind you. To my pastor friends, look at that publishing house flyer again and notice the kind and type of clothing the publishing house is using in their stock photos. Notice the increase of youth and young adults with tattoos, body piercings and most noticeably the style of clothing across the board. Who will hold the publishing house accountable for telling (showing) the church what is normal and acceptable. What is being passed off as a flyer to promote a resource may more be a fashion magazine of trending styles. Does anyone else notice this? or have I really become the old man.
  • The selling of products and services. I respect that things cost money and there must be a recovery of product costs and time that people devote to their labor. I don’t fault this on anyone. But the increase of what I would otherwise identify as para-church resources (resources for churches and pastors that are not from churches and pastors). There is a business to be had by that which was designed to assist the church that is largely now instructing the church in what and how to do her work. Agencies and “coaches” to help the church evaluate her effectiveness and determine how to more effectively reach people is no new thing, but the increase in churches and pastors turning to these seems to be trending like a bull market.
  • The content of the blog posts, articles, and columns are still ignoring the sufficiency of Scripture. A recent, well respected author, who has the ear of many people across denominational lines and seen by many as a “missional” expert recently wrote about effective ways to reach youth and young adults. Because I like to read what he has to say, I read his article. I was shocked to not find one of the nine suggestions to include anything about Scripture. (before I go further: I get that it may have been an implied starting place so I’m not suggesting we gather on the streets with torches lit on our way to the publishing house, but if we are going to be responsible in our day, we can’t assume that the sufficiency of Scripture is an implied starting place of most ministers.) His nine suggestions used every buzz word you might find at any recruitment office of any business in town looking to attract a new clientele. Words like “community”, “service”, “worship experience”, “technology”, “authenticity”, “transparency”, “team”, etc. Not one word about God, Truth, Scripture, prayer, suffering, considering the cost of following, obeying, self-discipline, sound doctrine, equipping of the saints, biblical evangelism, etc.

There was a great reformation that took place nearly 500 years ago that addressed many things that the modern church would do good to be reminded of. Where many of the things in the resources and articles are true they may not at the same time be truthful. Sure there are ways to effective gather a people together; but is that people a church?

If the church is to effectively reach anyone, not just the young, she must devote herself to God, His words, and His ways.

“Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD,
“When I will send a famine on the land,
Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,
But rather for hearing the words of the LORD.” (Amos 8:11)

Note to my preacher friends:
Don’t do what I’ve done in days of desperation because of pressure from men and employ worldly means, that may not be truthful, to attract a people. Rather, if there is any desperation, it is that if there is a famine coming from the current drought for hearing the words of the LORD that we are found successful in honoring God by feeding His people His words.

SermonAudio Archive

Currently preaching through Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, Idaho. All sermons are currently available online here. Get caught up on the series and join us this coming Lord’s Day, June 29 as we continue the examination of 1 Corinthians.

I Prefer to Speak to the Almighty

“But as for me, I would seek God, and I would place my cause before God; Who does great and unsearchable things, wonders without number. (Job 5:8-9 NASB)

Naghmeh Abedini

Join me on Sunday, May 19 as believers across the world place our cause before God. Asking again for ‘great and unsearchable things’.

As I’m sure, many of you have heard of the situation of a pastor from Boise, Idaho who is in prison in Iran. Saeed Abedini, is facing eight years in prison for gospel work. There is no surprise that this is common treatment of those who do gospel work at home and abroad. This pastor, and thousands of other gospel proclaiming heralds around the world face this kind of hardship every day.

There are many in Idaho who pray for brother Abedini every day. Many Americans voice their outrage to government agencies. But for me, I prefer to speak to the almighty. Because this treatment of believers is spoken of in Scripture, this is a spiritual matter that is best handled by the church to the LORD.

There is no comparison to my days in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. But may I say… The only reason release came was because of the Lord’s doing ‘great and unsearchable things, wonders without number.’ The U.S. government was paralyzed  by politics, Southern Baptists were struck with fear of how association with us would effect the work, and 10 Americans (and our families) were brought to the end of our ropes seeking God and placing our cause and case before God.

Join me on Sunday, May, 19, 2013 as we speak to the Almighty for brother Saeed Abedini’s enduring strength to speak the gospel in this difficult day.

the Master’s Plan for Fatherhood


the Master's Plan for Fatherhood

This fall, Eastside Baptist Church (204 Eastland Drive North, Twin Falls, Idaho) will host our first Fatherhood Academy. Consider joining me on Friday and Saturday ~ September 13-14, 2013, for the Master’s Plan for Fatherhood. I want all men and sons to join me as Scott Brown from Hope Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina examines Scripture in detail on the doctrine and practice of fatherhood.

This in depth, exegetical examination of fatherhood, will give a father a timeless biblical roadmap he can use to calibrate his life as a father. Further, it will give pastors an arsenal of expository ammunition for teaching biblical fatherhood in their churches. (more information here)

Up For Debate

Over the weekend Moody Radio aired a healthy discussion on the program “Up For Debate” on the issue of modern youth/children’s ministry and age integration. Listen in as Julie Roys moderates discussion between Scott Brown and Luke MacDonald.

Do churches, with their separate children’s and youth ministries, unwittingly divide the family?

Up For Debate: Listen HERE


Preach the Word


To have an opportunity to preach the word anywhere is a humbling occasion. I have nothing to say to any gathered body of believers that is of any value unless it comes from the word of God.

Last week, I was invited to preach (with an interpreter) to the Lord’s people in a faithful church in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The occasion was encouraging to me as I witnessed the meeting house fill with worshipers. The gathering was filled from wall to wall, front to back. The worshipers were engaged in the singing without the aid of song books or overhead projection. Attention to the bible was given by the pastor who preached for about 45 min before he introduced me to preach.



At the end of the day, no one will ever remember the visitor from America, but oh that they may forever be influenced by the Lord as the Holy Spirit instructs them in the word.

It was a pleasure to meet pastor Bernito Dorsainvil. It was a pleasure to sit in his home and hear him speak of his desire to see the Lord work through his life and that the church he pastors be a display of the glory of God. His brother Viles Dorsainvil was kind to translate our conversations and the preaching. I hope the Lord will allow other opportunities with these brothers in the Lord.





Haiti Revisited

Moses met with the Lord on the far side of the desert (Exodus 3:1). There the LORD spoke to Moses from a burning bush.

It was not in some favored vacation spot, where a cool breeze and soft pillow are sought after. It was no weekend retreat that promised comfort and plenty to eat. Rather, it was on the far side of the desert that Moses was forever changed.

  • It was out of a pit, and into slavery that Joseph found favor with God.
  • It was in desperate loneliness that Jacob met the Lord.
  • It was the year that King Uzziah died when Isaiah saw the Lord.
  • Abandoned on Patmos, John wrote Revelation.

It was from a Haitian jail that God showed me things about his Glory I had never seen. In great physical discomfort I found comfort. In what felt like hopelessness I found hope.

Many things crossed my mind during those God breathed days. Two things I thought would never happen; one, I thought I would never see Alex, Junior and Florence again, and second, I thought I would never be able to engage in orphan ministry in Haiti again. Two years ago,  the Lord allowed Renee and I to attend Alex’s wedding and next week Steve McMullin and I return to Port-au-Prince to consider a life long partnership with New Horizon Home.

Followers of the Lord don’t get to set the stage and arrange the scenery and then work up an experience.  The Spirit does not work that way.  It may well be in the unlikeliest place or on the darkest day, thought to have been abandoned by God that God may likely summon you to the far side of the desert.

Eastside Baptist Church, in Twin Falls, Idaho will courageously be sending Steve and me to investigate what the Lord wants from us now. New Horizon Home is an orphanage home for 20 children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or rescued from a life of slavery. Our assignment is to consider the work and bring a report back to the Lord’s people at Eastside to act on what we hear from the Lord. I will have a prayer guide for praying saints ready by the end of the week. Contact me for information on the prayer guide. The Lord invited Jeremiah to ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3)

It is our intent to consult with God on this matter. Pray that we listen and obey.

Paul Thompson, Carla Thompson CourtDaySteve

A Man Needs a Good Roadmap

“I never met a man who did not want to be a great father.” Scott Brown

I’m happy to announce that Eastside Baptist Church will be hosting a conference this coming fall designed to call out fathers to look to God through the sufficiency of Scripture to be Godly fathers.

Men, join me this fall for “the Master’s Plan for Fatherhood” September 13-14, 2013, in Twin Falls, Idaho.

New Kind of Father from NCFIC on Vimeo.

More information here: The Master’s Plan for Fatherhood

Rules of Public Engagement

Last year when I was asked if I would be willing to participate in a new venture with the Times News by submitting an occasional article in the weekly Pastor’s Corner I decided that I should establish some personal guidelines for public engagement should I ever get a response or reply to a column I submit. My personal rules of engagement are simple, but I thought I would share them with you today as my last column has generated some response.  Here is the reply to the column; the Nature of Man. Here is a letter to the editor that appeared in the Times News on March 29.

  1. Be-kind
  2. Be-bold
  3. be-careful
  4. Ask clarifying questions
  5. Quote Scripture often
  6. Don’t take everything personal


Significant Scripture

What have you been reading in the Bible this week? Please share it and give an explanation as to how it was significant to you.

This was critical for me this week… “For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water.” Jeremiah 2:13 (NASB)

Can you imagine forsaking God? Seems unthinkable. Not only to forsake God, the fountain, but to build for oneself cisterns, and broken cisterns that don’t even hold water. God, forbid it  to be said of me…

Here is this weeks Pastor’s Corner column in the Times News.


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