
Obey God Rather than Man

On August 18, 2024, the Eastside Baptist Church introduced a draft resolution for consideration by the congregation to adopt. Within a few moments, an adjustment of a few words and a few grammatical corrections a unanimous to answer a tyrannical government that wants to force daughters by the “abominable practice of including women in conscription. The answer was a resounding, unanimous, yes! Amen!

Congress has not included women in the required draft, but every indication is that they want this. Irregardless of who is elected in the fall, expect another attempt to pass this legislation. Members of Eastside Baptist are ready with our answer.

Following is the finished draft of the resolution.

A proclamation regarding the abominable practice
of including women in conscription,
that is, the compulsory enlistment for state military service.
Colloquially referred to as the Selective Service,
or the draft,
conscription is referenced in the Selective Service Act of 1917 which
authorized the federal government to temporarily expand the military
through compulsive mustering.
This act required all men between the ages of 21 (18 as of 1918) to 45 to register for
military service.
As far back as 1945 and as recently as 2024, US presidents and the US Congress
have attempted to amend this act to include women.
The following proclamations are representative
of God’s people at Eastside Baptist Church
and serve as notice of intention to
practice Godly dissent in the face of tyranny.

We affirm and deny the following propositions:

Article I: Women in the military
WE AFFIRM that the word of God declares it to be contrary to righteousness, justice,
and goodness through the law given down through Moses, applied through general
equity, for women to put on the martial attire of a man and that it is likewise unlawful for
women to be conscripted into the military, combat or otherwise.

WE AFFIRM the duty of warrior is given distinctly to men of fighting age.

WE DENY that it is the duty, nature, or responsibility of women to protect their countries
in the office of warrior.
Genesis 14:14; Numbers 1:2-3; 26; 31:3-4; 32:25-27; Deuteronomy 22:5; Joshua 1:14;
6:3; 8:3; Judges 7:1-8; 20:8-11; 1 Samuel 8:11-13; 13:2; 1 Chronicles 21:5, 23-24; 2
Chronicles 25:5-6; 26:11-14; Nehemiah 4:13-14; Jeremiah 51:30

Article II: Cowardice
WE AFFIRM that it is cowardice for a nation or individual men to cause women to stand
in the office of warrior. And that cowards have their portion in the lake that burns with
fire and sulfur, which is the second death; that eternal punishment, Hell.

WE DENY that it is affirming, courageous, or kind to women to treat them like men and

WE DENY that men ought to behave like women.
Genesis 5:2; 1:27; Numbers 1:2–3; Judges 4:8-9; Revelation 21:8, 1 Samuel 8:11; Isaiah
19:16; Jeremiah 50:37; Nahum 3:13; 1 Peter 3:7;

Article III: Equality
WE AFFIRM that men and women are ontologically (fundamentally) equal (regarding
being as image-bearers).

WE DENY that men and women are economically (functionally) equal (regarding
activity and roles).
Genesis 5:2; 1:27; Galatians 3:27–29; Galatians 4:6; Colossians 3:10-11; 1 Tim 2:8–15

Article IV: Disobedience to Tyranny
WE AFFIRM that resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.

WE DENY that God’s people are to blindly follow the godless edicts of a prideful,
selfish, and unbelieving government or a congressional act of the same stripe.
Exodus 14:27-28; Deuteronomy 6:15-57; Psalm 2:2-3; 94:20; 118:9; 119:126; 136:13-18;
Ezekiel 22:29-30; Daniel 6:11; Daniel 3:16; Acts 5:29 ; 14:19; Romans 12:17-21; 1
Corinthians 7:23

Article V: Natural Law
WE AFFIRM that natural law itself cries out that women are vessels designed for the
giving of life not the systematic taking away of life.

WE DENY any value of the zeitgeistic retardation of the LGQBT+ and abortion agendas
and their logical continuation in female conscription. All three ideologies are direct
attacks on women’s distinctions and their glory.
Genesis 1:27; 5:12; Exodus 23:19; 1 Samuel 8:11-13

Article VI: Support Roles and Self-Defence
WE AFFIRM that certain martial support roles are appropriate for women and that there
is liberty of conscience regarding some non combatant jobs.

WE DENY that these roles shall be conscripted or compulsory.
WE AFFIRM that women are entitled to the certain unalienable rights which they are
endowed by their Trinitarian Creator to protect themselves and those around them.
WE DENY that the act of self defense is militaristic in nature.
Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Judges 4; Psalm 33:12

Article VII: Just War
WE AFFIRM that there are just and legitimate reasons for nations to go to war and that
Christians may participate in said just wars.

WE DENY that all wars are just.
Exodus 22:2 Numbers 21:21-24; Joshua 5:13; I Chronicles 21:16; Proverbs 20:18; 24:6;
Ecclesiastes 3:8; Revelation 19:1-5


WHEREAS we value the glory and beauty of our wives and daughters above the state’s immoral
and selfish ambitions,
WHEREAS we love our neighbors as ourselves,
WHEREAS we are “not [to] be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather,
[we Fear] the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Matthew 10:28)
THEREFORE, we are resolved to defend our wives and daughters and not to allow them or the
wives and daughters of our neighbors, who may likewise dissent, to be conscripted into the
United States Armed Forces and we are opposed to any such future measures regardless of their
successful or legal passage through Congress or presidential executive edict either in time of war
or peace because such acts or actions would be clean contrary to the Law of God, the conscience
of His people, and the good of our land.
THEREFORE according to the great tradition of Christendom and our beloved nation we are in
agreement with our fathers before us that when the state commands that which God forbids, or
forbids that which God commands, we are to obey God rather than man.

Our Christian conscience binds us


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