
A Forgotten Threat to Humanity

Let me begin with this… Any government that passes laws to regulate when, where, how, and why a baby can be removed from the womb by force to stop that child from otherwise being born cannot and should not be trusted.

There is a social complication that many want to overlook and seem pleased to have a skilled illusionist who strategically places scantily clad women on stage distracting the audience while they effortlessly move an elephant across the platform. The skilled politicians, I mean illusionists, are at it again.

“Pay no attention to the babies being murdered over here while we strike fear across the land with song and dance.” We are learning again that research at two Universities, one in San Francisco and one in Pittsburg are harvesting fetus genitalia and bladders for research purposes from induced abortions with the intent to stop an otherwise natural birth. And these research universities are receiving federal government funds (tax-payer beware, we are not only paying for abortions, we are paying for inhumane research with Nazi-Germany type ethics.) Many of these induced abortions are in second and third trimester pregnancies. (see report here: https://www.capradio.org/articles/2021/07/17/no-uc-san-francisco-is-not-harvesting-the-genitalia-of-murdered-babies/)

Now, let me be clear… COVID-19 has the appearance of still being a serious public health concern with reported rising numbers. I’m not speaking as an expert scientist, I do however want to think of myself as speaking as a well-informed thinker. I know how to read and I know how to think. I attempt to be widely read. In other words, not just reading people I like or people who will agree with me. I read NPR, CNN, MSNBC and FOX. Then I read the reports they claim to cite.

I am a freeman. I was born a freeman. And pray, by the grace of God, to die a freeman (for the sake of not getting lost in the semantics of theology, I’m not talking about my spiritual condition, I’m speaking of my flesh and bone.) As a freeman, born in a constitutional republic form of government nation, I am personally responsible to my fellow countrymen to be well-informed.

As a child, I was given vaccines. I don’t hold my parents in a bad light for doing so. As an adult, I have voluntarily allowed approved vaccines to be injected into my body. Now that I know that the majority of these vaccines are on the backs of research done with aborted fetus tissue, I can no longer, in good conscience, participate in the charade being passed off as “science”.

Let me finish with my initial reason for writing today.

Whatever happened to the threat to humanity called HIV/AIDS? Has this virus been cured?

I just did simple research this morning… There appears to be an illusionist on stage with strategically placed distractions so as to move a bison herd through town undetected. Why isn’t anyone talking about this? Why is the government so quick today to celebrate and normalize sexually perverted relationships while also looking for ways to lock-down, mask-up, vaccinate otherwise healthy people?

According to the United Nations, a group of “experts” who are killing babies and indoctrinating children around the world with humanistic philosophies, there is a vulnerable population that are a risk of dying with and of COVID-19.

Are you ready for this?

COVID-19 and HIV (Full Report from USAID here:https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/fact-sheet)

  • People living with HIV experience more severe outcomes and have higher comorbidities from COVID-19 than people not living with HIV. In mid-2021, most people living with HIV did not have access to COVID-19 vaccines.
    • Studies from England and South Africa have found that the risk of dying from COVID-19 among people with HIV was double that of the general population. (emphasis mine)

This is part of the distraction tactics of the viruses and numbers. I was researching HIV/AIDS and the report from the government agency wanted to make it about those who don’t have access to COVID-19 vaccines. And all NPR could do was take issue with calling federally funded research of harvested genitalia of aborted fetuses, murder.

HIV/AIDS has become a forgotten threat to humanity because no one wants to talk about sin anymore.

By the way, according to USAID, the risk of acquiring HIV is:
35 times higher among people who inject drugs.
34 times higher for transgender women.
26 times higher for sex workers.
25 times higher among gay men and other men who have sex with men.

Now, why is it that the government doesn’t understand why some people don’t trust them?

The late President Reagan got is right when thinking about a forgotten threat to humanity when he said…

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.

A Catalog of Abominations

For too long those lovers of sin have been asked by leaders of churches what it might take to get them to attend church. 

First, this is wrong on every level. A loving God doesn’t look to those who hate Him to instruct Him on what He needs to do to appear loving to them.
A loving God tells them what He hates. The proper way to read the Bible is to desire to know who God is, to understand Him, to see if there is any offensive way in us, and when we see that there is to turn from that offense and offensive way and believe the Gospel.

Not only have those leaders in churches been asking the wrong source what they should do or how they should conduct themselves; they have been leading many followers to be twice as fit for Hell as they are.

In this blessed, treasured, authoritative word of God, the Bible, we are given the greatest help to know who God is. He tells us Himself and He tells us how to best love our neighbors. One cannot claim to represent the God of Love by misrepresenting Him to those who are seeking for truth.

Some will claim at this point that it is unloving to say that God actually has a list of things He hates.

Consider the Bible with me. In Proverbs chapter 6 we are given a list of the things God hates. This is a shock to the modern preacher who doesn’t understand his duty is to preach from the Bible and declare what God has said. The literary form of Proverbs chapter 6 is a numerical proverb, it is a rhetorical parallel. Meaning it is framed in a manner as to capture the attention of the reader.

Proverbs 6:16-19 starts out like this: “There are six things which the LORD hates, yes seven which are an abomination to Him…”

Which is it? Six things or seven? Yes! 

That’s the point. It’s like saying “let me tell you a few things about myself, as a matter of fact, let me tell you seven things.”

This list of seven things in Proverbs 6:16-19 is really like a catalog of things God hates. Do we understand how helpful this is? God lists out for us things that are an abomination to Him. This is among the most helpful things about the Bible, we have a reference point to look at. We are given markers to determine who we are worshipping. Do we have the holy things of God in mind or do we have the very things God hates in mind? 

I’ve heard preachers say before that they would rather not talk about the negative things and only talk about the positive things. I’ve heard them say that this world has enough negativity in it. They would rather be known for the things God is for than the things God is against. Well, let me say, I get that. The Bible does have positive things in it, and we want to display those glorious attributes of God to the world. 

But we simply must not avoid helpful lists like this.

It would also be important to notice that where this does list things God abhors, It also identifies those whom the Lord hates. This is not popular, but it is true. 

There are those whom the Lord hates. Look at this list and be thankful to the Almighty God for listing this catalog of abomination.

The six things God hates, in fact, the seven things “which are an abomination to Him are: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, a false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers.”

This is a blessing from Living God. He has just disclosed there are things and those whom he hates. If these attributes are ruling your life then count this moment a kindness of God that you might see why you need a Savoir, and that Savior is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ as described by the Bible alone. Believe Him today, and be saved. 

Abandon the social club lying to you about God. That “pastor” telling you God loves you no matter what hates God so much that he/she is not willing to stand before you and declare what God says. Pick up that Holy Bible again and find the God who loves you so much that He put your sins on His only begotten son and poured His wrath upon Him who could pay for that sin, so you could be free from his judgment and wrath and for the first time, free to obey Him.

Love God and hate sin. 

This post was submitted for publication in the Twin Falls, Times News for Saturday, January 30, 2021.

Paul Thompson is the preaching pastor at Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls, ID. Eastside Baptist Church gathers every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. More information can be gathered here: www.esbcTwinFalls.com 

Whatever Became of Girls’ Sports?

If the trend does not end soon, a generation of American children will hear their mothers and grandmothers speak of a time when only girls competed in girls sports.

It appears this generation is in that transition right now; no pun intended.

This discussion has more to do with theology than most want to admit. “God created them male and female.”

To say this does not negate or minimize the real struggle that exists in the minds of some children. When any generation is allowed to live out their sinful cravings, and for that generation to be embraced by a culture that is perverse and wicked complicating the issue in the eyes of a generation who no longer fears God, one will eventually live in a culture with an invited god who is weak and pitiful.

According to www.transathlete.com (the very fact that there is a website like this is an indication of how far we have fallen as a nation) there are only six states who have no “transathlete” policy to govern their high school athletic association. That does not mean that boys wanting to compete as girls can’t run the girls 100. It just means there is no policy governing that attempt.

There are only 9 states (Including Idaho) that, according to www.transathlete.com, “discriminate”, in other words, make if extremely difficult for a boy to win the girls mile state championship. Make no mistake, www.transathlete.com wants the reader to hear that word, “discriminate”.

This use of the word “discriminate” is intentional.

This makes the state of Idaho as the only state west of the Rockies and 1 of 5 states west of the Mississippi, to “discriminate” against transathletes. This does not mean that a boy who wants to compete in the girls long jump can’t do so, it just means he has to adhere to a rigid criteria in order to do so. The state of Texas holds the most strict policy requiring, get this, all athletes to compete according to birth certificates. (Beginning in 2018, Idaho residents can now change the gender of their birth on their birth certificates.)

The pressure to comply will only intensify. When every state in the region has fully adopted “inclusive” policies it is only a matter of time before the hatred for God’s creation will be emotionally charged to attack girls and women more and more.

Where are the men in our communities who will stand up for God and defend our girls and women? The girls softball team is no place for a confused boy to be called a hero.

Rise up, o men of God. Rise up.

Sin; the Problem and Solution

The issue of sin is forever on the mind of humanity. The word has a meaning and a proper use, even among those thinking they are nonspiritual thinkers. Like everyone, I come to this topic with a particular understanding. (My title of this post exposed my bias.)

The following is the result of a recent discussion with some friends of a variety of religious opinions and even some of completely different beliefs.


For me, I have this starting point; I refer to the Bible as the only and sufficient source to know God, man, God’s nature, and man’s nature and God’s work to save men from sin. To speak about sin I submit to the authority of the Bible to tell me of God and his nature and man and his nature. I address all observations from this starting point and then let this same Bible address the plight of man and man’s only solution his problem of sin.

Origin of Sin:

At the very beginning I establish a simple statement, everything else will build upon.

  • Because the Bible is an authoritative and sufficient source, Genesis 3 is an accurate historical record of what actually happened.  The reason I say that is because many people who comment on Genesis 3 turn it into something other than an historical account of a real event.  

    It is as the Word of God says it is.

  • If one doesn’t understand this chapter one won’t understand the rest of the Bible.  The reader won’t want to accept the solution to the problem unless he first understands the problem.  
    • To be offered a cure to a sin you don’t know you have is a moral conflict.

      When an honest doctor explains the full situation, that a patient has a particular ailment, he is morally/ethically expected and required to explain the full situation. If the doctor doesn’t disclose the seriousness of the matter he would not be considered an honest, certainly not a good, doctor. He couldn’t be considered a compassionate doctor, even if he spoke with a compassionate tone. If he withholds vital information that a patient needed to know, both about his condition and the cure, he would soon be known by all as a “not a doctor, doctor.”

    • You will never be able to understand God’s remedy for this world if you don’t understand the plight of mankind. Genesis 3 may well be the most important chapter in the Bible.
      • It explains everything about why things are the way they are, why we are the way we are, and what God is doing in history, and why He’s doing it in terms of salvation.  

        Genesis 3 explains the plight of man.  All problems have their origin in the events of this real historic account.  I’ll say that again: all the problems have their origin in the events of this real historic account.  (Physical problems, spiritual problems, moral problems, social problems, economic problems, political problems, all the problems in the universe have their origin in the events of this historic account.)

      • If a reader of the Bible (the authoritative and sufficient source of all truth)  will go back to the end of chapter 1 it says, God saw all that He had made and He had made [all that has ever been made so He saw the whole created universe] and behold, it was very good.

      • When God completed the original creation, everything was very good.  But let’s be honest: everything in our world now is not “very good.”  It is anything but good, and it has been anything but good through all of human history.  When God completed creation it was very good because there was no disorder, there was no chaos, there was no conflict, there was no struggle, there was no pain, there was no discord, there was no disease, there was no decline, there was no death.  

      • The second law of thermodynamics (entropy) states that matter is continually breaking down and moving toward disorder. An honest look at history of civilization we see the cycle of rise and fall, struggle and death.

      • Human life is a struggle.  As soon as life is conceived in the womb, it begins to live and die at the same time.  It begins to grow and decay at the same time. And in the spiritual and moral world, everyone finds it easier to do wrong.  Have you noticed? It’s much easier to do wrong. [In fact, Biblically speaking, it’s impossible to do righteous things without God.]  Even when you do “right”, humanly speaking, you generally do it to feel better about yourself which is an selfish and prideful motive.

Romans Chapter 5 (NASB) (emphasis – mine)

1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God. 3 And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; 4 and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; 5 and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. 11 And not only this, but we also exult in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.

12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned— 13 for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come.

15 But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many. 16 The gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned; for on the one hand the judgment arose from one transgression resulting in condemnation, but on the other hand the free gift arose from many transgressions resulting in justification. 17 For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

18 So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. 19 For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous. 20 The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as sin reigned in death, even so grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Vices That Ruin Us

Vices That Ruin Us

When one thinks about overcoming vices, it usually involves a list of things that adjust how we think or act until we consume the ‘vice’.

We might usually think of a vice as a drug or an intoxicating drink. It might be as innocent as a cup of coffee or a chocolate fix.

One of the problems with most vices, is that we treat them more as a friend than the enemy they are.

Consider a few vices that have been silenced because of our love of the previous. Previous what?

A vice by definition is an immoral or wicked behavior that demands to be obeyed, requiring money and time be spent on it. A vice requires attention until it is satisfied. Once a vice is satisfied it will require being fed again, and many times. Depending on the vice, it may require more than previously needed.

I’m not suggesting that a craving for chocolate is the same as a selfish, sinful thought. I’m not saying a daily coffee is the same as a habitual demand of an intoxicating drink or drug.

Consider these two vices that quickly lead us down a slippery slope, many times before we even know it is happening. Vices are like slave masters. Until we are liberated from their demands, we will excuse our not being able to function unless the beast if fed immediately.

Covetousness is a vice few know owns them.

As covetousness is in and of itself an offensive sin, it is a sin that births other sins. The craving for things left undisciplined will eventually lead us to deceive others to get what we want. The desire to have what we don’t have will lead us to do unthinkable things. The undisciplined desires will lead to places we would otherwise avoid at all costs.

Laziness is a careless neglect of doing what is needed.

The hope to avoid doing what is needed will lead us to a life filled with busy activity, convincing us we are busy people. We’ll fill our days with activity and think that the only way to combat this new busy is to give ourselves to undisciplined rest. We’ll give ourselves to lying in bed until we have to rush out of the house, while missing our reading of the Bible and later convince ourselves we are too busy to read the Bible all together.

These two vices go unnoticed on us because we laugh at our silly vices and how we can’t function without our coffee or chocolate. We have grown numb to the reality that these vices, and others, are not just as innocent as a cup of coffee.

How then should we live?

We should live disciplined lives that honor God and treat sin as the poisonous scorpion it is. Deal with it severely, deal with it immediately, deal with it as a disciplined athlete.

Live as a bondservant of God.

“…be sensible; in all things show yourself to be an example of good deeds, with purity in doctrine, dignity, sound in speech which is beyond reproach, so that the opponent will be put to shame, having nothing bad to say about us.” (Titus 2:6-8)

updated for grammar and spelling 4/26/18

The Seduction from Virtue

Slowly, ever so slowly, society has been seducing professing Christians away from Biblical virtue.

What was seen among professing Christians 50 years ago as lewd behavior is now being seen with increasing acceptance into what’s been being called a new shifting normal.

This shift away from Biblical virtue, once seen as a desire of the professing follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, has been largely replaced, across the generational lines, with a wide sweeping acceptance and promotion of debauchery.

The follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, as defined by the Bible, must keep themselves on the alert.

Here are some things you could do to keep yourself from “falling asleep” while called to be alert.

  • Read the Bible: This discipline cannot be over looked. The reason many professing Christians have a problem with being seduced from Biblical virtue is because so many professing Christians aren’t reading their Bibles.
  • Believe the Bible: Another reason there can be such success over the professing Christians to abandon the commandments of the Bible is because they don’t believe the Bible to be the only accurate source to know who God is. This is a contributor to why more Christians don’t read their Bibles today; If you don’t believe the Bible to be the authority of God then there is really no desire to even want to read it .
  • Fear of the Lord: When there is no fear of God, foolishness becomes normal behavior. The Bible claims that the beginning of wisdom and knowledge is the fear of the Lord. When there is no fear of God, people will no longer believe the Bible to be true and when people no longer believe the Bible to be true they will quit reading it and when people stop reading the Bible (and churches stop preaching/teaching the Bible) we are now ready to be seduced from Biblical virtue and live with and at peace in that seduction.

What are a few things you should take a close look at?

  • Your Entertainment: Entertainment is enjoyed because it is something we desire. If your entertainment is driven by things the Bible warns for the believer to stay away from then the professing believer has to do one of two things; Change the things you are entertained with or stop reading your Bible. Sadly, most choose to stop reading their Bibles.
  • Your Friends: Friends are a kindness of God. If your friends are not influenced by a healthy hunger and thirst for righteousness then they will be feasting on the dung pile of filthiness. If you find your friends are hungry and thirsty for debauchery then the professing believer must do one of two things; Change your primary influencer (friends) or stop reading your Bible so you can start telling yourself how good it is that you have close friends who don’t follow God. Sadly, most choose to stop reading their Bibles.
  • Your Desires: The desires of our hearts are likely the best place to look closely at. We will do what our heart desires. This is why so often you hear people say to just “follow your heart”. According to the Bible, your heart can’t be trusted. You have to direct your heart or your heart will direct you. The professing follower of the Lord Jesus Christ must learn to discipline their heart to want what is holy and righteous or stop reading your Bible. Sadly, most choose to stop reading their Bibles.

The Bible instructs the follower of Christ to test themselves to see if they are in the faith. Let’s try this out.

On Wednesday, March 14, 2018 at the historic Orpheum Theatre in downtown Twin Falls, Idaho, a live talent show to seduce people away from virtue will take place. Debauchery is the seduction from Biblical virtue.

Magic Valley Repertory Theatre presents Ursula’s BATTLE ROYALE 2! Starring and hosted by the marvelously beautiful Magic Valley Drag Sensation Ursula. Ursula’s Battle Royale 2 is calling all queens and kings! Join us for a talent battle of epic proportions! Presented by Magic Valley Repertory Theatre at the Historic Orpheum Theatre in Downtown Twin Falls! The one and only “Ursula” hosts her very competitive Battle Royale on the stage! A group of competing Kings and Queens will compete for the top spot as the areas top drag performer!

Test yourself here Christian.

  • Will you attend for “entertainment” purposes? What does this say about your entertainment? Have you read your Bible on this matter?
  • Will your friends be attending or promote this as just silly fun? Will you say “the performers are really talented and you just enjoy good talent” to justify your hunger and thirst for unrighteousness? Have you read your Bible on this matter?
  • Will you spend your time and money to laugh at what God declares unholy activity and somehow not have the energy (really desire) to study your Bible this week, pray with other Christians, gather for worship of God as a set-apart people?

Apparently fewer professing Christians live in the fear of God


Lost in the Conversation

For more than a week the conversation of the local community is about some refugee children who have been charged with sexual assault. At this point, it is an open investigation and we must trust the law enforcement and prosecution process to do its duty.

In the mean time; there are many things lost in the conversation.

  • the depravity of humanity is active in the corrupt heart of all citizens. This is not a condition that is owned exclusively by men or women. Obviously it’s not something that U.S. Citizens are immune to.
  • any sexual assault acted out on a child is of serious weight in any community. This happens more in our neighborhoods than most know about and is not a new problem just because of the refugee center. Listen, you don’t even have to be an active church goer to be sickened by the sexual perversion.
  • this is first a sin issue – first and before it being a psychological issue, long before this being a refugee issue, or an Islam issue, this is a sin issue.
  • It’s even possible that your sons and daughters are exposed to sexually deviant behavior this summer at any given church camp.

Church, where are you in the conversation? Parents, Hopefully you’re not lost in the weeds of this being the kind of thing that other people’s children do.

Sin did not come to the city gates because of refugees. Press the law enforcement to do her duty, expect the city council to not be naive, but hold your church accountable to preach the word and your pastor to be the pillar and buttress of truth.

Sexual deviancy will not flee because you’ve signed a petition to shut a federally funded agency down (and I support the shutting down of federally funded agencies that don’t allow the citizens the privilege of accountability.) Sexual assault isn’t snuffed out because law enforcement and judicial prosecution exist (and I’m in favor of both.) But do not expect any change in the heart condition of humanity without the faithful proclamation of the gospel by biblically faithful preachers in God glorifying churches filled with forgiven sinners seeking the face of God.

Preacher, to your pulpit! Church, to your duty! Christian, be an ambassador of Christ’s reconciliation. All men, everywhere, repent!

Public Schools are…

I’m enjoying the reading of J.C. Ryle’s book “Holiness”. WOW.

“Of all the foolish things that parents say about their children there is none worse than the common saying, 

‘My son has a good heart at the bottom. He is not what he ought to be; but he has fallen into bad hands. Public schools are bad places. The tutors neglect the boys. Yet he has a good heart at the bottom.’

The truth, unhappily, is diametrically the other way. The first cause of all sin lies in the natural corruption of the boy’s own heart, and not in the school.”

There’s a lot in this short excerpt. And Ryle has a lot more to say.

But get this…

  • parents say foolish things to defend their children
  • this was published in 1877
  • to say our children have ‘good hearts’ is to disagree with Scripture
  • public schools never have been designed to teach holiness
  • public schools were neglecting our boys long before today
  • by ignoring our own child’s spiritual condition is to put him and others at risk
    • he’s at risk if we don’t understand he has a spiritual bent to evil
    • others are at risk of being influenced by his evil heart
  • humanity has abilities to do grand and noble things in the arts, sciences, literature, medical, etc, but the fact still remains that in spiritual things he is utterly dead.

“Your Comment Contains Profanity”


The childhood fear of having my mouth washed out with soap haunted me this evening as I was responding to some push back from my column this morning in the Times-News.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to write a regular column for the Times News. They are kind to publish my 500-700 word column in a rotation with 5 others in the Magic Valley. Today’s post generated a small amount of discussion via www.magicvalley.com (the online version of the Times-News).

In my attempt to dialog with some of those commenting, my original reply was rejected with this statement: “Your comment cannot be accepted due to the presence of profanity, please remove any objectionable content from your comment and try again”.

At first I thought, ‘wait! what?’ I looked at my comment again and again and could not figure it out. I thought the word “sin” or “sinner” was the problem so I substituted the phrase “offend” or “offend God”. It still got rejected. Then I began to fear that my mom might see this and the taste of soap in my mouth washed over me.

This is my original attempt, can you find the profanity?

[Reader], my column today was to the church at large. The reality of it all is that all have sinned and have fallen short of perfection. That reality leaves me humbled and thankful for a Redeemer. I’m happy to tell all who want to hear what it takes to redeem a sinner like me. You are not forced to listen or agree. I’ll hope you’ll look at that work of the cross again. See your sin? I saw mine. I owned it and its cost was death. Cry out to God for forgiveness. Rise up a new creature in Christ as you turn from your sin.

“O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,
To every believer the promise of God;
The vilest offender who truly believes,
That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.”
~ Fanny Crosby – circa 1872


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