
The Truth About Abortion

Three unprecedented events happened this week in Nashville.

If I included my first Uber ride I would say there were four unprecedented events that happened this week.

I’ll keep my thoughts upon the resolution to abolish abortion.

First, I’m not aware of a time in SBC life where the messengers told a committee, “We want our resolution that you declined back…” With a clear and resounding two-thirds vote the messengers put the rejected resolution to the table. One can respect that a committee has the right and privilege to not bring a resolution forward, amend a resolution, or even change a resolution completely. One can also respect that the messengers can overrule a committee. This is the beauty of “rules of order”. This is how we agree to govern ourselves.

Pastors from across the convention submitted a resolution to the Resolution Committee to urge Southern Baptists, with God’s help, to establish equal justice and protection for the preborn. It was to call for a prophetic voice to all children including those conceived in rape/incest. It was a voice missing in the national debate on abortion by calling for the immediate abolition of abortion without exception or compromise. It really was an amazing sight to see the messengers debate the issue within the agreed upon rules.

Second, after the resolution to abolish abortion was given to the messengers to debate and placed on the agenda for the second day a united effort on social media began to put the resolution into question to persuade messengers to not pass it because it would undue years of work by pro-life lobbyist and pro-life legislators. This is not necessarily “unprecedented” as much as it was shocking. One can expect for non-profit groups to scramble like that, one can expect Planned Parenthood to want to cast shade and shame upon the resolution. But for those God has established to be first a pillar and buttress of truth? For ethicists, seminary professors and religious liberty minded groups assisting the cause to advance the Gospel?

When one wants to silence the prophetic voice of the pulpit to the nation by suggesting this was reckless, out of order, or even undoing the 48 years of incremental regulation of a national sin is again what we would expect from the haters of God and those who want to keep telling us to sit down over there in the corner and keep your opinions to yourselves.

With or without pro-life lobbyist, with or without the Hyde amendment, with or without the Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention there is a global genicide with blood on the soil slain children. It would be the wrong motivation to do this because of the 112,000 preborn murdered every day around the world. It would be wrong to do so just because of the 3,000 murdered in our own homeland of America with permission of the complicit church. It would not be consistent of us, followers of God, for our motivation to even be for the 28 murdered in my home state of Idaho this week or even the 5 ripped from that most glorious human knitting factory in the universe, the womb in my hometown. We are to be motivated by the glory of God, alone.

It is right that the nation hears from a people like us. It is a loving act from a people who love God because we too have been rescued from the wrath of the Almighty God by the power of the blood of His only begotten son (the first part of that great commission.)

It is time for men of God to stand up and be heard.

Rise up o men of God. Don’t be shamed by this God hating culture because you don’t have a uterus. This nation must hear from a people who love God. Rise up today for the glory of God.

The final thought and observation I have on this may not be unprecedented but without a doubt a surprise. The secular media heard the messengers better than some professing believers. The headlines after the resolution passed reported that “Southern Baptists Pass Sweeping Measures Calling for Abolition of Abortion” (the Tennessean). The articles from social media and other prominent “evangelical” organizations began to speak out about how “foolish” the resolution was (Desiring God and others) and how reckless it was to do so.

It is my prayer that righteousness will begin to rain again upon the soil and that salvation will sprout across the land again. Not because academia has spoken, not because the lobbyist sent out another newsletter requesting money from the pew, but because lightning struck the pulpit in America again and the nation shook in the fear of God.

Dear Southern Baptists,

To my spiritual kinsmen, Southern Baptists,

I’m far removed in distance and unfamiliarity of the people and issues that are facing us as a denomination of Gospel advancers. May I attempt to articulate a few thoughts of caution to us from my vantage point in Twin Falls, Idaho?

First, today is a reminder to this gospel preacher to give as much attention to walk humbly before my God as I begin to look toward the finishing line of my own ministry days. (I’m not numbering my days, I’m just saying that that finish line is closer than it was 33 years ago when I first began the path down this ministry road.) From time to time there needs to be some attention given to re-calibrating that which has drifted off course, but our primary duty is to keep our gospel shoes on and enter the battle field with the aim of advancing the gospel banner.

Second, let’s be careful to not let the issues facing the Southern Baptist Convention today confuse us lest we get lost on the wide, fast lane toward liberal, unbiblical temptations.

As Bible students, it is easy to see God holds men and women equal in value, importance, and blessed and neither superior to the other and neither taking advantage of the day to belittle the other. If we are not careful, this re-calibrating to the plumb-line of Scripture could unknowingly over calibrate (ride the pendulum to the other side) and find ourselves on the path of many before us toward an unbiblical opinion rather than proclaimers of Biblical Truth. To be a proclaimer of Biblical Truth is not permission to be rude, arrogant, or a bully in behavior. It means we walk carefully and circumspectly. When we find ourselves in a dangerous day it is even more important to watch our steps and guard our tongues. (I have many scars to prove my own past foolishness.)

Finally… It’s a good day to be the church. Let’s take advantage of the day to turn the conversation to the Gospel. God has shown us what is good, now do that! “Act justly, Love mercy, and walk humbly before your God.” (Micha 6:8)

The greatest danger that is before us right now is that we don’t let the secular culture throw us off our “game.”

The abuse in the secular world of men over women is tragic. Men in our culture don’t have a right to behave as they want and say what ever they want just because they are men. Men who have abused their authority in Christianity, organizations, institutions, and churches ought to know better. Shame on any who have not behaved godly.

Church, let’s walk carefully in this day. Call out those who are clearly in the wrong for their own benefit because we love them and don’t want them to face the more strict judgment they deserve from God by taking advantage of their duty, but let’s not do it like the secularist who have no interest in a Gospel witness.

It is clear that those who have responsibilities to deal with those who have acted unbecomingly are doing their duty. Today, it appears some re-calibrating needs to take place, so we have to give attention to the issues. Let’s not labor long here in the winter barracks lest we grow unfit for the battle. Let’s get our gospel tools sharpened and prepped and get that gospel banner back on our shoulders and send it on the field with the vanguard.

Preacher, get to your post and preach. Church, guard these posts and don’t let foolishness rule the day. All of us have a responsibility to finish, and finishing well is done when we are found doing our God ordained duty faithfully.

I Agree with Dr. Allen

A resolution was published today for consideration for the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention to be held in Dallas, TX in June.

I recommend your reading it HERE https://jasonkallen.com/2018/05/on-the-dignity-of-women-and-the-holiness-of-ministers-a-resolution-submitted-to-the-2018-sbc-committee-on-resolutions/#respond

I agree with Dr. Allen.

The Southern Baptist Convention

I’m going to be brief in my thoughts but I think silence is akin to digging a hole in the ground and sticking my head in the ground pretending nothing is wrong.

Controversy is nothing new for any gathered group of previous wretched sinners who are currently redeemed by the blood of Christ, and Southern Baptists are made up of this kind of people.

  • In the event you didn’t know about anything going on, I’m not meaning to alert you to problems to increase you nervousness of organized religions.
  • In the event your only source of information is social media, I’m hoping you’ll be a disciplined reader and behave kindly and graciously – you know, the way that you would want to be treated.
  • In the event you are on the verge of giving up on organized religion because of the foolishness of “those people”, let me remind you that you don’t want any part of an “unorganized” religion.

Here are some ideas to help you as you read what is being reported.

  • Always read primary sources before deciding what is truth.
  • Read more than one source: read sources from within Southern Baptist life and read sources from outside.
  • Read trusted sources: I’ll offer a few of the ones I read at the end of this post.
  • Read, carefully, hostile sources:
  • Use discernment about what you post, if at all. Some of your unconverted friends (and some of your converted friends) don’t know how to show restraint in how and what they comment on. Don’t give them, or yourself, an opportunity to unintentionally speak against the Lord’s church, his bride. Think about it like this: if you are married, your spouse has likely done some dumb things before, the internet is no place to publish this because some people may join in in bashing the one you love. Be careful.
  • Pray: pray for truth to rule and for the gospel of the Lord Jesus the Christ to advance in the hearts of people everywhere.

Some articles worth reading:

  • Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary: https://swbts.edu/news/releases/statement-regarding-dr-paige-patterson/
  • the Briefing: https://albertmohler.com/2018/05/24/briefing-5-24-18/
  • Trevin Wax: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/trevin-wax/peace-progress-southern-baptist-convention/
  • Christianity Today International: https://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2018/may/my-statement-on-removal-of-paige-patterson.html
  • Tennessean: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/religion/2018/05/10/top-southern-baptist-leader-paige-patterson-apologies-women-rejects-any-form-abuse/600202002/
  • Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-faith/wp/2018/05/22/southern-baptist-leader-encouraged-a-woman-not-to-report-alleged-rape-to-police-and-told-her-to-forgive-assailant-she-says/?utm_term=.e46b6c562706
  • Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/paige-patterson-women-southern-baptist_us_5b053cb4e4b05f0fc8433cea

Finally, let me say what I’ve said many times before. If anyone is in an abusive situation call local authorities (the police) and report it. Report it the first time, report it every time it happens. If the one abusing you is your spouse, we (the church) will deal with the ministry to their soul while you are safe and they are in jail or rehabilitation where they belong. We will not abandon any sinner while in the process of restoration, but remaining in an abusive situation in hopes that the abuser will see the error of his way is unthinkable. Divorce in this situation is a much longer conversation but separation and safety are a must while all things get sorted out. To report abuse is not a lack of love or loyalty.


edited for ongoing grammar and spelling.

When Leadership Falls

My point in this post is not to be a “news breaker”. If you hear of this first here it is not because I’m a news source. My purpose is primarily to warn myself, my fellow pastors, and the faithful church I pastor to be on guard, always.

The news of Dr. Frank Page resigning/retiring from the CEO of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention yesterday caught me by surprise.

I first met Dr. Page in a private meeting with him and three others to discuss and address matters surrounding what happened on a mission trip that later became a month long jail time in Haiti. That meeting was unexpected and not requested by me. It was a meeting that likely was the start of healing from a deep seated pain I didn’t even know was present. The meeting with Dr. Page was humble, kind, and personal. I later would have moments of crossing paths with this brother, and all meetings and encounters were of the same kind as the first. I recall receiving word that Dr. Page took the time in a very busy meeting to stop and greet my parents, long term and faithful missionaries in North America for several decades in Colorado and Wyoming. The last correspondence I had with Dr. Page was at my father’s death. Dr. Page was kind to write a letter I later would read at my dad’s funeral service. This is the kindness of a leader that I found as a blessed thing in what otherwise lends itself to stoic arrogance of others in positions of this kind by some.

So, the news of his retirement was indeed sad.

Today, the sadness is still present and now with added sorrow. Baptist Press released news today that Dr. Page has been in a “recent past”, “inappropriate relationship.”  In a personal statement, Dr. Page said, “as a result of a personal failing, I have embarrassed my family, my Lord, myself, and the Kingdom. Out of a desire to protect my family and those I have hurt, I initially announced my retirement earlier today without a complete explanation. However, after further wrestling with my personal indiscretion, it became apparent to me that this situation must be acknowledged in a more forthright manner.

It is not clear at this point when this “inappropriate relationship” took place. It is a matter beyond my intent to investigate or know. It is a matter of interest in what now must be done and a personal reminder of why I must trust in the Lord always for all things.

The Executive Committee has released a statement that I’m satisfied is a responsible first statement and will require clarification for accountability and trust among Southern Baptists everywhere who faithfully give and support Southern Baptist mission causes and gospel advancing duties with trustworthy responsibility.

What now? I post this to remind myself to delay quick conclusions without full knowledge of the situation. It is clear that it is of serious weight for Dr. Page to step down. But I must be on the alert to not believe everything one can read about on the internet. And, this reminds me to faithfully pray for leading edge, vanguard, gospel banner advancers. May God be glorified in how this brother in Christ re-calibrates his life, how he addresses the watching world, and how the church at large will treat this news. May we be bold, firm, honest, kind, and full of grace.

Even now, Father, be glorified.

A Good Day to Be the Church

This week in Columbus, OH:

Bold resolutions proposed and accepted by messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention.  They are kind of lengthy at times but insightful and helpful. If you are looking for a church that is more interested in looking like the culture than submitting to the authority of God you may want to avoid a Southern Baptist Church. It’s a good day to be the church.

(Full text of all 9 resolutions at Baptist Press, HERE)




WHEREAS, God is a God of life, having given birth to all life throughout the universe in Creation, and having breathed the breath of life into the first man, Adam (Genesis 2:7); and

WHEREAS, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is referred to as the Son of God who “was in the beginning with God, [and] all things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being, [and] in Him was life, and the life was the Light of men” (John 1:2–4); and

WHEREAS, Regarding the Holy Spirit, the Apostle John quotes Jesus as saying, “It is the Spirit who gives life” (John 6:63); and the Apostle Paul affirms that “The mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6); and that the Old Covenant ends in death, but under the New Covenant the Spirit gives life to those who are born again (2 Corinthians 3:6); and

WHEREAS, The people of God in the Old Testament from time to time experienced periods of rebellion against God and His divine will for them, prompting Him to discipline them, sometimes severely, which often led to them turning to Him in repentance, prayer, and renewed obedience, at which time His glory would once again fill the house of God and His people would be endued and infused with fresh life from heaven; and

WHEREAS, The Church itself was birthed on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2) with the baptism of the Holy Spirit that filled the disciples with supernatural power, prompting their desire to share the Gospel boldly and three thousand new believers were ushered into God’s Kingdom by means of regeneration on that great day; and

WHEREAS, God has manifested Himself among His people in days gone by in seasons of refreshing, revival, and spiritual awakening, such as the days of The Evangelical Awakening in Britain (1735–1791), The First Great Awakening in America (1726–1770), The Second Great Awakening in America (1787–1843), The Layman’s Prayer Revival (1857–1859), The Global Awakening (1901–1910), and The Jesus Movement in America (late 1960s to early 1970s); and

WHEREAS, Though some parts of the body of Christ have experienced “waves” of spiritual awakening since the mid-1970s, the overall “tide of revival” in America has been “out” for four decades, while the Church and our culture have been drifting further and further into a moral and spiritual state of rebellion and corruption; and

WHEREAS, Our Southern Baptist Convention has been in a state of steady decline in baptisms for the past fifteen years (since 2000); and

WHEREAS, Our current Southern Baptist President, Ronnie Floyd, has made a comprehensive and clarion call “PLEADING WITH SOUTHERN BAPTISTS To Humbly Come Together Before God in Clear Agreement, Visible Union, and in Extraordinary Prayer for the Next Great Awakening and for the World to Be Reached for Christ”; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Columbus, Ohio, June 16–17, 2015, do commit to dedicate and consecrate ourselves afresh to seek the Lord God with our whole hearts, through repentance of our own sins, and also crying out to God regarding the sins of our nation; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we engage in faithful and fervent prayer for the spiritual healing of our churches, our Convention, and our nation; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we faithfully and fervently plead with our great God to open the windows of heaven and come down among His people with a fresh filling of His Spirit that His Name will be glorified throughout our nation and the nations, and that His people will be refreshed with an outpouring of His love and holiness, resulting in renewed zeal to share the Gospel of Jesus with lost people for the purpose of winning them to faith in Christ and discipling them in such a way that they will in turn win others to Christ.


WHEREAS, The Scriptures teach that God has created all men and women in His image (Genesis 1:27) and has made from one man and one woman all peoples to live on the earth (Genesis 3:20; Acts 17:26); and

WHEREAS, God loves the world (John 3:16), sending Jesus to die for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2), and, in Christ, is reconciling to Himself people from every tribe, tongue, and nation (Revelation 5:9); and

WHEREAS, Our justification before God is based on faith in Christ alone and not in our ethnicity (Galatians 3:27–28); and

WHEREAS, God has made believers one in Christ, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and uniquely qualified to stand together in faith (Ephesians 2:15–16); and

WHEREAS, The Lord has given His people the mission of making disciples from every nation (Matthew 28:19); and

WHEREAS, Racism is sin because it disregards the image of God in all people and denies the truth of the Gospel that believers are all one in Him; and

WHEREAS, In 1995, the Southern Baptist Convention publically repented of its own complicity in the sin of racism that has divided both the body of Christ and the broader culture; and

WHEREAS, We grieve over the continued presence of racism and the recent escalation of racial tension in our nation; and

WHEREAS, The Southern Baptist Convention has taken numerous steps to enlist qualified individuals of all races and ethnicities for leadership roles; and

WHEREAS, Southern Baptists, in both our congregations and entities, increasingly reflect the racial and ethnic diversity in our communities and nation; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Columbus, Ohio, June 16–17, 2015, rededicate ourselves to the holy responsibility and privilege of loving and discipling people of all races and ethnicities in our communities; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we urge churches to demonstrate their heart for racial reconciliation by seeking to increase racial and ethnic diversity in church staff roles, leadership positions, and church membership; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we urge Southern Baptist entities and Convention committees to make leadership appointments that reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the body of Christ and of the Southern Baptist Convention; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we continually prioritize and monitor our progress in adequately representing the increasing racial and ethnic diversity of our communities in our local congregations and our entities; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we call on Southern Baptists to be faithful ambassadors of reconciliation in their personal relationships and local communities as they demonstrate the power of the Gospel to reconcile all persons in Christ.


WHEREAS, God in His divine wisdom created marriage as the covenanted, conjugal union of one man and one woman (Genesis 2:18–24; Matthew 19:4–6; Hebrews 13:4); and

WHEREAS, The Baptist Faith & Message (2000) recognizes the biblical definition of marriage as “the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime,” stating further, “It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between Christ and His church and to provide for the man and the woman in marriage the framework for intimate companionship, the channel of sexual expression according to biblical standards, and the means for procreation of the human race”; and

WHEREAS, God ordains government to promote and honor the public good and recognize what is praiseworthy (Romans 13:3–4); and

WHEREAS, The public good requires defining and defending marriage as the covenanted, conjugal union of one man and one woman; and

WHEREAS, Marriage is by nature a public institution that unites man and woman in the common task of bringing forth children; and

WHEREAS, The Supreme Court of the United States will rule in 2015 on whether states shall be required to grant legal recognition as “marriages” to same-sex partnerships; and

WHEREAS, The redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples will continue to weaken the institution of the natural family unit and erode the religious liberty and rights of conscience of all who remain faithful to the idea of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife; and

WHEREAS, The Bible calls us to love our neighbors, including those who disagree with us about the definition of marriage and the public good; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Columbus, Ohio, June 16–17, 2015, prayerfully call on the Supreme Court of the United States to uphold the right of the citizens to define marriage as exclusively the union of one man and one woman; and be it further

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists recognize that no governing institution has the authority to negate or usurp God’s definition of marriage; and be it further

RESOLVED, No matter how the Supreme Court rules, the Southern Baptist Convention reaffirms its unwavering commitment to its doctrinal and public beliefs concerning marriage; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the religious liberty of individual citizens or institutions should not be infringed as a result of believing or living according to the biblical definition of marriage; and be it further

RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention calls on Southern Baptists and all Christians to stand firm on the Bible’s witness on the purposes of marriage, among which are to unite man and woman as one flesh and to secure the basis for the flourishing of human civilization; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists love our neighbors and extend respect in Christ’s name to all people, including those who may disagree with us about the definition of marriage and the public good.


WHEREAS, Biblical revelation clearly and consistently affirms that human life is formed by God in His image and is therefore worthy of honor and dignity (Genesis 1:27; 9:6); and

WHEREAS, God alone is the Author of life and He alone numbers our days, from the moment of conception until natural death (Job 14:5–7; Psalm 39:4); and

WHEREAS, The Bible commands us to honor our parents and the aged (Exodus 20:12; Leviticus 19:32; Ephesians 6:2); and

WHEREAS, The Baptist Faith & Message (2000) affirms that “children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord” and calls us to “speak on behalf of the unborn and contend for the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death”; and

WHEREAS, An estimated fifty-seven million unborn babies have been aborted since the legalization of abortion in 1973 (Roe v. Wade); and

WHEREAS, Legislation or court rulings have effectively legalized physician-assisted suicide in several states and additional states are considering similar action; and

WHEREAS, Recent federal directives seek to compel religious organizations to provide coverage for abortifacient technologies and services; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Columbus, Ohio, June 16–17, 2015, affirm the dignity and sanctity of human life at all stages of development, from conception to natural death; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our repudiation of the genocide of legalized abortion in the United States and call on civil authorities to enact laws that defend the lives of the unborn; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we welcome and commend legislation that ensures that all mothers will be fully informed by medical providers of the life development of their unborn children; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we call on our fellow citizens of good will to collaborate with us on behalf of justice, the protection of human life, and the cause of human flourishing; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we encourage Southern Baptists to continue and to expand their local ministries that care for and protect the unborn, the vulnerable, and the aged; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we call on Southern Baptist churches and entities to show the love of Christ through appropriate means to those women most vulnerable to the victimization of the abortion industry, and to show grace and mercy to those individuals who grieve with repentance over past abortions; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we call on our churches and all believers to care for the elderly among us, to show them honor and dignity, and to prayerfully support and counsel those who are providing end-of-life care for the aged, the terminally ill, and the chronically infirmed; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we commend the efforts of our denominational entities, especially The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, in the defense and protection of human life at every stage; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we pray and work for the repeal of unjust laws and inhumane practices that degrade human life, all the while looking toward the day when our Lord will make all things new and “Death will no longer exist; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the previous things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).


WHEREAS, God calls His people to holiness and Christ has specifically summoned His followers to sexual purity (Matthew 5:27–28; 1 Thessalonians 4:3–5); and

WHEREAS, Sexual sin robs us of our joy in God and is especially grievous to our souls (1 Corinthians 6:18); and

WHEREAS, Increasing numbers of men and women report their addiction and enslavement to pornography in multiple forms; and

WHEREAS, Pornography has devastated many of our families and churches, leaving countless divorces and broken homes in its wake; and

WHEREAS, The sex industry is exploitative in its very nature, often complicit in the blight of human trafficking, harming all its participants; and

WHEREAS, Increasing numbers of our children have been victimized by this insidious industry, not only through child pornography, but also by the active marketing of pornographic content to young men and women; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Columbus, Ohio, June 16–17, 2015, express our deep grief over the widespread devastation inflicted by the pornography industry in our churches and communities; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we commit ourselves as disciples of Christ to lives of purity in thought, word, and deed; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we call on Southern Baptist churches to continue and to expand efforts to teach the whole counsel of God regarding sexual purity, human dignity, biblical gender roles, and the dangers of pornography; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we call on government authorities to enact and enforce laws that restrict all forms of pornography, particularly those that include and exploit minors; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we encourage Christian families to exercise deliberate care and concern for instructing our children how to wisely use online resources for good and to show appropriate discernment in protecting our children from harmful influences; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we commend the good news that Christ is fully able to deliver and restore those who have fallen in sexual sin who look to Him in faith and repentance, and call our churches to foster a culture of grace, mercy, and restoration.


WHEREAS, Religious liberty is a principle rooted in Scripture and demonstrated in the Gospel (Daniel 3:16–18; Galatians 5:1); and

WHEREAS, The Baptist Faith & Message (2000) asserts, “The state has no right to impose penalties for religious opinion of any kind,” and “A free church in a free state is the Christian ideal, and this implies the right of free and unhindered access to God on the part of all men, and the right to form and propagate in the sphere of religion without interference by the civil power”; and

WHEREAS, All individuals are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and therefore deserve to be regarded with dignity and respect; and

WHEREAS, Vast numbers of Christians worldwide are experiencing religious persecution because of their confession of Christ as Lord (2 Timothy 3:12); and

WHEREAS, Multiple thousands of these believers are martyred each year, while countless others are imprisoned, tortured, or otherwise oppressed for activities including possessing a copy of the Scriptures, gathering to worship Jesus Christ, or sharing the Gospel; and

WHEREAS, Faithful followers of Christ worldwide are facing extreme and severe persecution in nations including, but not limited to, North Korea, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, Eritrea, Nigeria, Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Yemen, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Central African Republic, Qatar, Kenya, Turkmenistan, India, Ethiopia, Egypt, Djibouti, and Myanmar; and

WHEREAS, Governments that persecute Christians and abridge religious freedom invariably are guilty of other human rights abuses as well; and

WHEREAS, Followers of Jesus reflect the character and mission of our Lord by proclaiming liberty to captives and setting free those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18); and

WHEREAS, Baptists, owing much of our heritage first to the women and men of the Radical Reformation, have courageously stood for religious liberty and the exclusivity of salvation in Jesus Christ and were persecuted, many becoming martyrs; and

WHEREAS, Christians living in nations with religious liberty bear a responsibility not only to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters worldwide (2 Timothy 1:8) but also to employ every avenue to advocate justice on their behalf (Amos 5:24; Micah 6:8); now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Columbus, Ohio, June 16–17, 2015, give thanks to God that He has mercifully placed us in a nation that upholds religious liberty, and resolutely oppose and denounce all religious persecution anywhere in the world; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we urge Southern Baptists and all Americans to refrain from international trade, even at the risk of financial loss, with or in nations that practice religious persecution; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we encourage our governmental officials to elevate religious liberty concerns to the highest priority in foreign policy, invoking sanctions against those nations which advocate or tolerate persecution of those with differing religious beliefs; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we gratefully acknowledge and trust that what wicked people intend for evil, God is sovereignly using for good (Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28), affirming the message of the ancient theologian Tertullian to persecutors: “The oftener we are mowed down by you, the more in number we grow; the blood of Christians is seed”; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we call for all Southern Baptists to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters continually in our personal prayer times and regularly in our corporate worship services and prayer gatherings, asking that God grant them endurance, deliverance, justice, and souls won to Christ through their faithful and sacrificial witness.


WHEREAS, All individuals are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), and therefore deserve to have their physical, emotional, and spiritual integrity respected; and

WHEREAS, God’s people should be committed to break the chains of wickedness, untie the ropes of the yoke, set the oppressed free, tear off every yoke, and care for the prisoner and the mistreated (Isaiah 58:6; Matthew 25:36; Hebrews 13:3); and

WHEREAS, The human rights situation for millions of people in North Korea since the succession of the new leader Kim Jong Un on December 17, 2011, remains among the most severe in the world; and

WHEREAS, in 2014 the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on human rights in North Korea determined that crimes against humanity were taking place in that country, including “extermination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, forced abortions and other sexual violence, persecution on political, religious, racial and gender grounds, the forcible transfer of populations, the enforced disappearance of persons and the inhumane act of knowingly causing prolonged starvation”; and

WHEREAS, Followers of Jesus Christ and adherents to any faith other than the state-sanctioned cult of personality revolving around the Kim family face extreme persecution against themselves and their family members; and

WHEREAS, Despite the fact that an estimated 200,000 to 400,000 Christians in North Korea remain at grave risk of persecution, underground churches continue to minister to and help North Koreans escape to third country safe havens like the United States and South Korea; and

WHEREAS, The United States Congress passed the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004, reauthorized in 2008 and 2012, to alleviate the suffering of North Koreans in and outside of the country, provide information of the outside world into North Korea, and to promote human rights, democracy, and market economy in North Korea; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Columbus, Ohio, June 16–17, 2015, appeal to Kim Jong Un and the government of North Korea to respect and ensure human rights for all individuals as obligated both by biblical teaching and the international covenants to which it is a State Party, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we urge President Barack Obama and both houses of the US Congress to do all they can to pressure the government of North Korea to respect the dignity and religious freedom of all its citizens; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we renew our call to Southern Baptists and all our brothers and sisters in Christ to pray that God will turn the heart of Kim Jong Un to Himself and that President Kim might grant to all the people of North Korea the respect they deserve as God’s creation (Proverbs 21:1).

Mormonism is Not Evangelical

In two weeks Southern Baptists will gather in Houston, TX for our annual meeting. This resolution will be submitted for consideration. I think it is a helpful resolution. It brings clarity about how Southern Baptist view the evangelical and Mormon confusion that surfaced during this past political season that brought confusion. There are parts of the resolution I  would like to have seen speak with more clarity but it is helpful. I would have liked the resolution to identify Mormonism with the classification of cult, but the North American Mission Board makes this clear in the comparison examination of the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

Resolution: On the Mormon Church – Mormonism is Not Evangelical (by Dwight McKissic and Tim Rogers)

WHEREAS, Historically, Southern Baptists have embraced Christian brotherhood and cooperation with other evangelicals and

WHEREAS, We have witnessed in recent years the portrayal of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as Christian and termed an evangelical group and

WHEREAS, We have witnessed in recent years an increased call of denominations as barriers to be overcome on the road to unity and

WHEREAS, our convention along with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a long history of affirming the sanctity of life and

WHEREAS, The Word of God, the Bible, is the complete, trustworthy, and inerrant written record of God’s revelation of Himself to man (John 16:13; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21) and

WHEREAS, The Bible reveals God as the only true, eternal Creator and self-sufficient, self-existent Sovereign of the universe, one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:1; Isaiah 43:10-11; 44:6-8) and

WHEREAS, Jesus Christ is the unique and eternal Son of God, the incarnate Word, who was with God and was God, and was supernaturally conceived of the Holy Spirit, without sexual relations, born of the virgin Mary (John 1:1-18; Isaiah 7:14-16; 9:6-7; Matthew 1:18-21) and

WHEREAS, True Biblical unity can only be realized in the bond of truth, and never at the expense of Biblical truth; Now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED, That the Southern Baptist Convention meeting, June 11-13, 2013, in Houston, Texas, urges the Boards and Agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention to maintain the historic position of Southern Baptists as they cooperate with various other groups in appropriate evangelistic enterprises, and on issues of justice, morality, and religious liberty both at home and abroad; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That such efforts not commit Southern Baptists to any organizational or long-term relationship which would risk possible compromise of historic distinctives or the unique witness of Southern Baptists to the world; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists affirm the finality, sufficiency, and exclusivity of the Christian Gospel and of biblical revelation as the sole source of saving truth, “For there is no other name under heaven given among man by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; Any group that denies the sufficiency and exclusivity of the Christian Gospel and of biblical revelation as the sole source of saving truth, while cooperating with on issues of morality, social justice, and religious liberty, will not be a group Southern Baptists cooperate with on evangelistic endeavors, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; We call on all Southern Baptists to cooperate with all groups on issues of morality, social justice, and religious liberty while maintaining the understanding that the term “evangelical” is reserved only for those who affirm the exclusivity of salvation alone, by faith alone, through grace alone, in Christ alone, according to the scriptures alone;

AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED; Any group that adds to the exclusivity of Jesus Christ as the eternal son of God, or denies the work of the Holy Trinity, is not considered Christian, or part of an evangelical belief system.

(HT: www.sbcvoices.com; Dave Miller)


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