
From the Circuit Rider’s Library

Today as I opened the treasure chest of sermons preached from the Circuit Rider (Clyde Thompson, my dad) this sermon titled “Threefold Temptation of the Church” based on 1 John 2:15-17 became an interest to me. It was a sweet moment to imagine him in his homemade suite jacket, his trademark facial hair of sideburns connected to the mustache, and glasses. It was August 30, 1981 in Rifle, Colorado.

It was 1981 in Rifle, Colorado, it was just before the massive oil shale bust of 1982 so the church house was probably full to capacity.  The Circuit Rider would preach with a few notes alongside of his Bible.

Here is the outline: (I think this could preach)




Three fold Temptation of the Church: 1 John 2:15-17

He was tempted in all point as we are.
We are tempted as he was.

I. The Bread Business

  • Jesus’ first temptation – turn stones into bread (Matthew 4:1-4 a physical appetite)
    • Satan wanted Jesus to go into the bread business
      • A church tempted to go into hunger programs – poverty projects may become very occupied and forget that: Man shall not live by bread alone.
    • Hunger is a matter for the church to concern herself with – seven men were chosen in Acts to serve tables (food)
    • The temptation in this the competition of feeding bodies vs. feeding souls
    • “I am the bread of life
  • Some churches make institutional members by trying to take care of food, entertainment, social life, sports, etc…
    • More in producing social relief rather than producing Christians that live life by Biblical principles.
  • Soap – Soup – Socializing – Salvation
    • Salvation become a low priority soap – soup – shows – socializing take over.
    • If the prodigal son had been given soup and a bed he might not have returned home.
    • Jesus said “Don’t labor for the meat that perishes but of the meat that endures.
  • Our business- Proclaim the Gospel! Jesus Saves!

II. The Show Business

  • Jesus’ second temptation – Jump! (Matthew 4:1-4)
  • If the town crier announced “Jesus of Nazareth will leap from the Temple at 10:00 a.m. there might be a great crowd but there would be few converts.
  • Many think that the end justifies the means. If this is so, Satan would have had Jesus in show business
  • The church is to run a lifeboat not a showboat
  • The gospel is not meant for entertainment. It is not a 3 ring circus.
  • The Devil suggested that angels would assist in the act, but God ordered them to minister to Jesus after the temptations.
  • Angels are to help us when we resist the devil not when we obey the devil.
    • Jesus…
      • walked on water
      • fed the multitude
      • raised the dead
      • healed the sick
      • made blind to see
      • made cripple to walk
      • cast out demons
      • healed the leper
      • turned water into wine
    • not for show… not because the Devil suggested it… To glorify the Father, to do the work of the Father.
    • Pentecost had no publicity… but had the power of God!
    • Jesus didn’t send the Demoniac to publicize… he told him to go home and witness.
    • At the Mount of Transfiguration Jesus asked the disciples to wait until the resurrection to tell what happened.
  • Christ was “low-key”

III. The political Business (Matthew 4:8-11)

  • All the kingdoms of the world. “It’s Yours”.
    • Was it his to give? (temporarily) God owned it – Satan possessed it.
  • Christianity should get into everything, including politics… but… politics should not get into the church.
  • The peace that passes all understanding… not the peace that passes legislation… through Jesus Christ!
  • John saw a vision of God on the throne with the scroll on which was written the “secret destiny and meaning of history.
    • He saw the lamb slain
    • We are redeemed by the blood.
  • The church does not survive by playing politics or by power plays… the church survives because of the blood of the slain lamb.
    • In the first days of the church, Christians got into trouble… but because they were praying, they would recall God’s words (Psalm 2).
      • BOLDNESS:
        • 3 times in Acts 4, boldness of these Christians was..
          1. seen by the world (Acts 4:13)
          2. Sought by the Churches (Acts 4:29)
          3. Supplied by the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:31)
      • Today, few are shaken by what Christians believe
      • Because many churches are on shaky ground

Church, Beware of the…

  • Bread Business
  • Show Business
  • Political Business

Jesus did not change the power structure of His day.

Pentecost did not convert Jerusalem.

The world needs to see what a church is like when it is a church.

Church, meet the devil the way Jesus did

  • “It is written…”


Vance Havner…

“If Jesus could defeat Satan with these 3 statements, we ought to be able to defeat him with the whole Bible.”

photo courtesy of Terrell O’Brian



The Centrality and Sufficiency of the Scriptures

From the Circuit Rider’s Library

Sufficiency of ScriptureSermon Title: The Centrality and Sufficiency of the Scriptures
The sermon was prepared on Tuesday August 20, 1974 and preached in Rifle, Colorado at the Rifle Southern Baptist Chapel. What is unclear at this moment is if this was intended as a mid-week bible study or sermon notes for the following Lord’s Day.

A little bit of background first: In 1974 Southern Baptists were in conversation with two growing problems in the denomination and the culture at large. First, the battle for life in the womb as a hot topic and Southern Baptists were active in the conversation. And by active I mean among the first to speak out against it. Second, a serious issue was surfacing in churches across America concerning the Bible. This sermon was preached while the Circuit Rider was preaching in New Castle, Colorado and Rifle Colorado. At that time he would preach an early sermon in Rifle and then drive back to New Castle and preach.

I notice that his sermon notes are not copious long-hand notes but rather more outline bullet points. There are no references to quoted statements, it is likely he knew who said it and was not writing a document for publication.

The Centrality and Sufficiency of the Scriptures – 1974

  • the Bible is central in Baptist theology; most use the Bible, but with Baptist it is central.
  • The Bible is our final authority.
  • Catholic’s have the Pope as their final authority.

Where you stand on the Scriptures determines where you stand on all doctrines.

There is enough guidance in the New Testament to direct the New Testament church.

there is no need for other books such as the…

  • Christian Science
  • Jehovah Witness
  • Mormon

Man doesn’t need a new revelation as much as he needs to act on the revelation God has already given.

God has used various ways to contact man in the past but now he has sent his final revelation – His Son (Hebrews 1:1-2)

The Bible is its own defense; like a roaring lion or a two edged sword “Let it loose” it speaks for itself!

When God’s people fail, God’s word is not to be on trial. His people are.

“Thus Saith the LORD” used 361 times in the Bible.

The Bible testifies to itself

  • “Lamp unto my feet” (Psalm 119:105)
  • “Thy Word have I hid…” (Psalm 119:11)
  • “Heaven and earth shall pass away but My Word shall not pass away (Matthew 74:35)
  • “The Word of the Lord endureth forever” (1 Peter 1:25)
  • “The Word is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12)

I was 8 years old when this sermon was preached by the Circuit Rider. I don’t pretend to remember the sermon but one thing is clear as I remember the Circuit Rider’s life, I had heard this truth and seen this truth lived out as a truth he lived by. The sufficiency of the Scripture is as critical an issue today as it was the day he preached it.



The Circuit Rider’s Library

It’s hard not to want to memorialize life unfairly.

So… I have a personal duty I’ve set before me to begin a journey through the sermons of my dad/pastor. For the first time after opening the box of my dad’s sermons last year after his death I have begun an unexpected journey of reading sermons from what I’ll call the “Circuit Rider’s Library.”

First, I’ll refer to my dad as the “Circuit Rider” because he really was one, sort of. He didn’t travel from church house to church house on a trusted horse – but the early years and last years of ministry he had regular paths he would travel to preach the gospel. He didn’t always travel with a rifle on his shoulder (however, he once lived in a town named Rifle.) But he always traveled with a bible and sermon notes.

Today I begin a series of posts over the coming years called “The Circuit Rider’s Library” where I’ll share sermons I wish I had paid closer attention to when I lived and traveled with the Circuit Rider. (This box is filled with hundreds of sermons dated from as early as 1973 and as old as 2004 – over 30 years of sermons)

Saddle up!



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