I’m always humbled to read that humble document of the preamble to the U.S. Constitution that states; “We the People…”
This year will mark the third year of petitioning the Twin Falls City Council to act favorable toward the preborn in our city. We are now on the agenda for Tuesday, January 19 at 5:00 p.m.
I have included the text to the Citizen Proclamation we will present that evening. You can download the document here: http://media.sermonaudio.com/articles/th-1421111845-1.PDF
For several years now we have been petitioning all levels of government concerning the ongoing plight of the at risk child in the womb of being intentionally destroyed before what would otherwise be a natural and healthy birth.
While most attention in 2020 was upon an introduction of a virus, 195 preborn children were murdered at 200 2nd Ave. North in Twin Falls, Idaho at the hands of an out-of-town, out-of-state doctor with protection of the law while our government looks the other way or deflects with fear of men.
I’m asking for your participation in appealing to our local government to declare the city of Twin Falls as a sanctuary city for the pre-born. When we show up in great numbers it helps communicate our desire. We will ask them for more than just a feel-good badge of honor, we will ask them to act favorably and fairly to every child in our city.
This will not be a public hearing. There will not be opportunity for others to speak. This is the first step toward a public hearing.
I have attached a copy of the “Citizen Proclamation” for your consideration and an invitation to participate in the appeal.
- If you are willing, please print and sign this proclamation and return to me by 5pm on Tuesday, January 19.
- If you are willing, print this proclamation and consider asking the God-fearing people in your church to do the same.
- Attend the Sanctity of Life Rally at the Downtown Commons in Twin Falls, ID 4pm-5pm on Tuesday, January 19.
- Attend the presentation to the City Council at 5pm on Tuesday, January 19.If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 208-410-2529 or reply to this email.
For the Glory of God Alone,

Citizen Proclamation: http://media.sermonaudio.com/articles/th-1421111845-1.PDF
Proclamation on the Sanctity of Life
and Our Mutual Desire to Abolish Abortion
In the City Twin Falls, Idaho
Presented on January 19, 2021
by the Undersigned Citizens
WHEREAS, Almighty God created life and commanded humanity to be fruitful and multiply and has commanded humanity to not murder; and
WHEREAS, the preamble of the Idaho Constitution acknowledges the authority of the Almighty God when it states “We, the people of the state of Idaho, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare do establish this Constitution”; and
WHEREAS, the 5th and 14th amendments to the United States Constitution declares that no person shall be deprived of life without due process of law; and
WHEREAS, Section 32-102, Idaho code, identifies the preborn child “conceived, but not yet born, is to be deemed an existing person so far as may be necessary for its interest”, and section 18-4001, Idaho Code, defines a human being as “including, but not limited to, a human embryo or fetus”; and
WHEREAS, the Idaho Constitution recognizes in Article I, Section 1 that “All men are by nature free and equal, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are enjoying and defending life…and securing safety”; and
WHEREAS, Article VI of the United States Constitution declares that the Constitution itself is the supreme law of the land; and
WHEREAS, the Idaho Health and Welfare defines “Induced Abortion” as an intentional action to stop a live birth; and
WHEREAS, there were 1,257 murders by abortion committed on innocent, preborn persons in the state of Idaho in 2018; and
WHEREAS, there were 196 murders by induced abortion committed on innocent, preborn persons in Twin Falls, Idaho in 2018; and
WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court’s decisions in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey asserting a constitutional right as a “right to privacy” is actually a perversion of the constitution’s 14th amendment; and
WHEREAS, since 1973, 61,000,000 (million) human children have been murdered by induced abortions in the United States of America; and
WHEREAS, children in the womb are unable to cry out for help; and
Let it therefore be
RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, are in agreement with the Almighty God that human life is sacred and worth defending; and
RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, mourn the decades of inaction by our elected Constitutional Republic government; and
RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, declare that every person, including but not limited to, any human embryo or fetus, be given protection against the tyranny of anyone or any organization who would intentionally cause harm or death to these, our neighbors; and
RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, appeal to you to act on behalf of the children in our city at risk of life with legal protection from those who wish to stop their otherwise natural birth; and
RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, appeal to you, our elected City Council, to hear our voice as we interpose for our human neighbors that have no opportunity to stand before you and appeal to your conscience to act without fear of threat of legal action from those wanting induced abortion with a just and fair ordinance; and
RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, mutually pledge to you that we will not abandon this cause when threatened by the tyranny of the practice of induced abortions, a practice performed by Planned Parenthood.
RESOLVED, that we, the undersigned people of this proclamation, stand with you to declare the City of Twin Falls a Sanctuary City for all preborn children with more than just words,
Finally RESOLVED, that we are not interested in any further capitulation to the courts and the regulation of the murdering of children in the City of Twin Falls, so help us God.