
Political Cesspool or Fresh Air?

“let us do evil that good may come?” (Romans 3:8)
What kind of logic is this? flawed logic! Learn more about Darrell Castle HERE.
This interview with Presidential candidate Darrell Castle is a fresh wind across the political cesspool.
  • Church family, please take the time to listen to this interview. Listen with conviction and concern for you, your family, our church and out nation. We may be in a day of distress of who to vote for but voting for the lesser of two evils is no way to respond to the serious day such as this.
  • Pastor friend, please listen to this. This is a candidate (Darrell Castle) I can vote for with good conscience even if the worst case scenario were to come true. We must not let the fear of the government sway our voice or even silence our voice of putting a godly option in front of the LORD’s people. it is really our duty, to be a pillar and buttress of truth and to do so in a day of distress where the nation is being rebuked by God. Obviously, It goes without saying, we don’t tell people who to vote for, but we have a duty to remind them why we vote and what to look for in voting. 
It is not too late. There is a better option for me. I plead with you to consider voting for Darrell Castle for president of the United States of America.
Listen to this interview HERE
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The Only Time Politicians Woo Evangelicals

We have moved into a political era where it appears the only time politicians (in general) woo evangelicals is when it comes time to get elected to public office.

(By the way: When is the last time the government actually looked to evangelicals for anything other than to be elected? This is both insulting and sobering.)

Note to Politicians: stop asking me to fund your campaign while you lie, cheat, and live your immoral lives to the office.

I look at your ways, I listen to your speeches, I observe how you run your campaign, I weigh all on the balance of biblical values and vote my values without exception. If you are only calling yourself a “Christian” to get the Christian vote let me encourage you to stop wasting your time and other peoples money on me.

Over the years of my voting days; I don’t always vote for the Republican (I have never voted the Democrat) and I don’t see my vote on a third party as a waste.

You should be who you are, I’ll be who I am, and we’ll live next door to each other making this the best nation in the world. Don’t tell me you’re a Christian to get me to vote for you, I don’t require you to be a Christian for me to vote for you. I’ll vote for the candidate who I believe will best protect all life, defend the constitution, and understands how church and state relate to each other.

Let’s re-learn what our national founding fathers wanted to establish. A government made up of citizens of and by the people.

That said; I listen to every debate that I can, of both parties. I observe how you behave on the campaign trail. It the general media begins to ‘promote’ you, I grow skeptical of you. If the general media begins to ridicule you or not give much attention to you, I start getting interested.

That doesn’t mean I’m not interested, it doesn’t make me un-American, it doesn’t make me less Christian; It means I’m listening and weighing all against my biblical values as you war it out on the campaign trail.

Because I’m not holding to any political party I can’t complain if you don’t make it out of the primaries. This is both a blessing and a curse I suppose.

Where I’m no party man (in more ways than one) I don’t get any say in what the party does.

Some argue that guys like me are part of the problem…

I say; “stop wooing evangelicals to support you and then take your office and continue funding Planned Parenthood, not standing up for traditional marriage and living your godless lives while using the name of my savior as your ringer for election.”

1777 Thanksgiving Proclamation

The nation was still in her infancy, she had not forgotten where her strength, provision, and forgiveness came from. Long before Thanksgiving became a national holiday, it was the practice of congress to call on the people of the United States to reflect upon the blessings from God and thank Him for his providential hand in the life of the nation.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving Proclamation 1777
By the Continental Congress
The First National Thanksgiving Proclamation

“It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive powers of these UNITED STATES to set apart Thursday, the eighteenth Day of December next for the SOLEMN THANKSGIVING and PRAISE: That at one time and with one voice, the good people may express grateful feelings of their hearts, and consecrate themselves to the service of their Divine Benefactor; and that, together with their sincere acknowledgments and offerings, they may join the penitent confession of their manifold sins, whereby they had forfeited every favor; and their humble and earnest supplication that it may please GOD through the merits of JESUS CHRIST, mercifully to forgive and blot them out of remembrance; That it may please Him graciously to afford His blessing on the Governments of these States respectively, and prosper the public council of the whole: To inspire our commanders, both by land and sea and all under them, with that wisdom and fortitude which may render them fit instruments, under the Providence of Almighty GOD, to secure for these United States, the greatest of all human blessings, independence and peace: That it may please Him, to prosper the trade and manufactures of the people, and the labor of the husbandmen, that our land may yield its increase: To take schools and seminaries of education, so necessary for cultivating the principles of true liberty, virtue and piety, under His nurturing hand; and to prosper the means of religion, for the promotion and enlargement of that Kingdom, which consisteth “in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.”

And it is further recommended, that service labor, and such recreation, as, though at other times innocent, may be unbecoming the purpose of this appointment, be omitted on so solemn and occasion.


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