Dear Beloved Eastside,
I want to just assure you that your church has taken the Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) seriously. We have taken personal responsibility to adjust many things to mitigate community spread. Over the past several weeks, even though we did not suspend our weekly services, we have made intentional plans with you and our community in mind. Here is what you should expect when you return to Eastside Baptist Church
- First, expect Biblical preaching, God honoring singing, respectful consideration of each other, and a hope in Christ.
- You will notice that the doors are propped open when you arrive. This is to reduce contact of common surfaces where the virus could be.
- Offering plates will not be passed from person to person. You will find a box in the back of the room to place your offering in as you enter or at a designated time in the service.
- Chairs have been moved to increase the amount of space to accommodate suggested distances.
- Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter, bathroom sinks will have sufficient soap and paper towels, face masks are not required but are available if you want one.
- Lord’s supper for now is set up in the front of the auditorium and instructions will be given on coming to the front to receive the elements rather than passing them from person to person.
- We will no longer have a meet and greet time designated for shaking hands.
- For the time being, shared meals are still on hold.
- Check with Sunday Morning Bible Study teachers about when to expect classes to resume.
Where we cannot guarantee stopping of any virus in corporate gatherings we take the issue seriously and want to give general assurance that respectful and intelligent care is being made to obey our Lord when gathering while understanding the serious danger this virus is.
I have been in personal and ongoing conversations with the Governor’s office, city police office, and county sheriff’s office at every stage along the way explaining my intentions. I have great respect for governing authorities. I have been told at every level to exercise extreme care and caution. All decisions have also been made in concert with John and Mark.
I have suspended my preaching through the book of Isaiah for the next few weeks to address direct Biblical doctrines of immediate consideration. This week I anticipate addressing the doctrine of assembling together during the morning gathering at 10:30 a.m. and will give a reasonable explanation of why I did not suspend our gatherings during the evening gathering with the opportunity to ask clarifying questions.
For the Glory of God,

Paul Thompson
edited to correct grammar and one oddly worded phrase…
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