We could say that about a lot of things. Some will think that I’m meaning the end of temporal days, well it is clearly nearer than before. Some might think I’m meaning of my life, that too is nearer than before.
I’m meaning the end of preaching through Isaiah. Lord willing, is within two Sunday’s.
I began preaching through Isaiah on August 8, 2017. You read that correctly, August 8, 2017. Now there were several breaks along the way where we addressed things that would require a biblical lens upon a cultural issue. Here are a few statistics that are really only of interest to me.
In just looking at the pictures of the first sermon and the latest sermon there are a few visual differences.

Nearly three-and-a-half years through the book of Isaiah. The span of time is striking.
- I can no longer wear that jacket I wore on August 8, 2017.
- I ran a 1/2 marathon the week after I started preaching Isaiah, I don’t even want to think about that kind of distance now.
- I now need glasses to read just about anything closer than the pulpit.
- I’ve had two root-canals.
- I preached through the passing of kidney stone and lived. (not my best moment in the pulpit, I should never try that again, ever.)
- My facial hair is not as dark as it once was.
- I now have two grandchildren and a third one on the way.
- I buried two girls at New Horizon Home in Haiti.
- I preached through a global “pandemic”.
I would do it all again (well, maybe not the kidney stone.)
The time in the book of Isaiah has been rich for me. I would recommend every pastor I know to preach through Isaiah. My understanding of the church is better, I know more about God and realize I know less than I thought, my understanding of Heaven is better, my eschatology is better, my vocabulary is broader, joy is richer, sorrow is deeper, hope is fixed, I’m more evangelistic in my practice, prayer is more Biblical, anticipation for Christ return more urgent.
I would be pleased to preach Isaiah again.
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