Imagine yourself a tour guide showing a group of first-time visitors to Yellowstone National Park ready to soak in every majestic view, a sighting of a grizzly bear, and the timely display of Old Faithful. Now imagine yourself munching on a bag of chips, working a crossword, and yawning your way through a traffic jam of a herd of bison with their young calves leaping in the pasture. Your lackluster demeanor will soon rub off on the first-time visitors or they will soon grow frustrated.
In this helpful book by Scott Brown you will see why it is important that you treat the gathering of the church for what it is, the most spectacular gathering the family will participate in all week. The reader will be shown, through Scripture, how to faithfully prepare the household for a lifestyle of anticipated expectations of the majestic, Almighty God.
The born-again saints of God are essentially tour guides to the children. Give careful attention to how you present the glories of God to your children and the children in our church.
This past Sunday, every household received a copy of “the Family at Church”. Before the day was up, I had given every copy I ordered away. This morning I ordered 20 more. I look forward to getting this book into every household and for families to be encouraged, strengthened, and instructed.
“The Family at Church” is authored by Scott Brown, pastor at Hope Baptist Church in North Carolina and director of Church and Family Life.
To my pastor friends, get a copy of this book into the hands of every family you know.

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