
This Makes That Hard to Believe

When the World Health Organization says; “Women’s choices and rights to sexual and reproductive health care (a.k.a. abortion) should be respected, irrespective of whether or not she has a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection…*” It makes it hard to believe them when they say; “Please wash your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based solution.”*

One of these statements is true, the other is a lie.

*Source: World Health Organization (ie. the United Nations)

Beware of the organizing of the One World: Together at Home event hosted by Lady Gaga. This is a collaboration of well-meaning, morally bankrupt, activists with agendas far from honoring God. This is a day for a faithfully preached word from God, not a day filled with confusion and misdirection.

This is a day for the follower of the Lord to act with discernment. Not every event is righteous. A call for global prayer and fasting sounds good, righteous and biblical even, but if a global call to prayer and fasting is for all faiths to come together it is actually not biblical, rather it is anti-biblical. When Elijah set up for the great challenge with the priest of Baal it was not a stage show of how much we are all alike. It was a challenge to expose the radical difference.

Young adult, don’t be lured in with emotion by a lack of discernment. Do not be sucked in by a sexually perverted stage performer who sounds compassionate. Your downtime right now is no time to let your guard down. It is rather, even greater reason to raise your guard.

Parents, pay close attention to who is influencing yourself and your children. Know what your children are reading and listening to on their device during all of these hours. Keep your place on the watchtower. This is not the day to step down from your God-ordained duty.

Personal holiness is always expected by the follower of Christ. That especially means days like today.

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