
Update on New Horizon Home

By the grace of God and for the glory of His name I’m pleased to give you a short update of how God continues to turn ashes to beauty.  It happens like this multiple times every month. We pray, asking God to supply all that is needed for New Horizon Home in Port-au-Prince and within days, moments, or even before we are done praying, God sends a messenger (usually the mail man) with news of provision. Last month alone, the Lord spoke to His people from Kansas, Texas, Idaho, and Utah. They heard the Lord’s leading in their life and their response was born from the very nature and character of the Lord Himself, with generosity and compassion.

Since moving into the new home the girls continue to grow healthy and strong. We now have more girls than ever before and the need for food, clothing and care increases. Because God knows of our needs before we even know to ask, he makes the need known to people near and far.

The new home still has needs and God kindly provides. Until last month the girls have all been sharing the same bathroom, we now have three toilets for the girls. This is a blessing that could easily be overlooked unless you were next in line. Bless the Lord, bless the Lord!

It is hard to put into words the gratitude I have toward the Lord. He hears our prayer, He moves the hearts of people, and my only reaction is of splendid joy and praise to the Lord. His outstretched arm is never too short. His love endures forever.

Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free. (Psalms 118:5 ESV)

The girls at New Horizon Home

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